
When I See His SMILE

He never nags on me anymore. He never point out my necktie anymore. He never call me every hour just for the sake of commitment. He no longer kiss my cheek in every hello and 'see you soon'. But, he hugs me tenderly and warmly. He says 'I Love You' and 'Good Bye' now. And he gives me his most beautiful smile, as if tomorrow will never comes.

IbongMalaya1 · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: When Morning Comes

It's hot...

... a suffocating hot...

... I can't breath and I can't open my eyes.

I attempt to wake up once again and feel my surrounding. I reach for whatever my hands may reach. Then, my hands bump on something warm.

And I open my eyes abruply, as if a danger comes on me. In a couple of minutes, I find myself staring at ceiling.

Impossible. I touch once again the warm that I felt. Certainly. It's real. That warm is the person I need to see again. He's real. With his unruly black hair shines because of sunlight coming from our window and long black eyelashes which compliment with his unblemished cheeks. Oh my! He seems like exhausted from work. His jaw makes a well-defined sturdy shape and the eye areas is currently unlively. What day is today? I attempt to figure it out but the clues are unsufficient. Maybe I wait him to wake up too.

Am I still alive?

Until a drop of tears flow on my cheek over our bed that we spend our times together. The only time that we can meet and talk about our plans. Bacause he spent most of his time in office, he's not the type of person who leave his work unfinished. Well, maybe a work that can be done in half hour. I remember that there are certain season which their company was totally occupied. Is it anniversary?

Work will always separate us.

But now, since I am still alive, I will make sure that work will never bring me down. This second chance will make things right.

".... Lulu.."

"Hmmm... " as the man beside me respond on my calling. He turn his back onto me and pull the blanket over his body.

Gee... He's cruel. Am I a bother? But, now I know his tired and want to sleep more. However, morning start is come and he need to wake up. I called for his once again.

"Lulu.... " Finally, my husband turn again and face me with blank face. ".... I love you." With watery eyes and hoarse voice, I face him and hold his hand. "It's a good thing that I said it, isn't it?"

Lulu, or Luis Contez, reply with another question. "And for what is this about?"

I shift my body to face him and now, we are staring to each other. I smile while wiping the tear stain in my cheeks. "... Nothing. Good morning."

He stare at me blankly.

Until we raise on our bed and continue our working days, Lulu never respond on my unanswered question.

But, when I send him to the door after a series of reminder, he look at me with his dark brown eyes. "Matt, I aware that there is something bothering you. Speak it up because I can not read minds. Is it clear?"

I frozed on his direct confrontation, but I respond it with a peck on his upturned pale lips. "Yes, dear." I smile and push him going outside the door.

Lastly, we bid our farewell and see you soon.