

On the day, Natalia won the Nobel Prize for Mathematics, she realized that her life had became meaningless because of her stupidity. Only then had she realized she had married the wrong person! But it was too late... The person who was waiting for her in his entire life has passed away. She had missed the chance to say a final good bye... After the night she received the award, Natalia Nicholas, the Math genius of the century has disappeared without a trace!!! ..... But God has given her a chance to correct herself... Again a return to be one soul with him. When time reversed the mystery of his death and her disappearance in the previous life has unfolded. Seems like, and him knew each other long before than they thought...

Jirina · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 5

Natalia stayed at Evan's room for a long time. She don't

know how much time had passed. After hours of crying,

the veins in her eyes became red and swollen. She was

hugging Evan's portrait to her chest and kept silent as she

could stay there forever, like the time and life outside

wasn't matter to her.

The sky outside was slowly getting darker. The street lights

turned on along with the night shops and surrounding

buildings. In the dark when everyone enjoyed colors and

lights making their life bright and lively, only one person

had swallowed by the darkness…

The light in her life has set forever. To a world where there

is no pain, no hardships, no worries…

Natalia thought about her life. She let down everyone who

loved her… Like a fool, she pushed away her eternal

happiness which was just beside her. But she failed to

realize it…

**ding… ding…**

Natalia looked at her phone which was continuously

ringing for an hour. She has been staring at it from the

moment it started ringing. But her sensory nerves failed to

transmit the impulses to her brain. She couldn't react to

pick up the phone. After a long time of daze, Natalia came

to her senses and answered the phone call.

"Ms. Natalia, the award ceremony is about to start! Where

are you? It's almost time!" A tensed male voice anxiously

reminded Natalia about the importance of tonight. The

caller was one of the juniors studying under her guidelines.

It was only now Natalia remembered thought about the

award ceremony. She gazed at her watch and realized that

it was almost past seven in the evening. Only one more

hour to present the awards…

"I am on my way…" Natalia said. Her voice was slightly

hoarse from crying. Before the other party could continue

she hung up. With a deep breath her gaze moved around

the lifeless room once again… She looked calm but her

eyes betrayed her…

Natalia left the villa while holding Evan's portrait tightly in

her arms. Only this will be there for her to the rest of her

life… Her eyes and heart lost its life as she drove far and

far away from the villa. While driving, a light memory

from years ago flashed in her mind.


{Brother Bright, One day I will win the Nobel Prize for

Mathematics!} – *Little Nat*

{Work hard.} - *Bright*

{Brother Bright, would you like to accompany me when I

win the prize?

*winking emoji* *Finger heart.jpg*} - *Little Nat*

{...Okay} - *Bright*

{I will wait for the day… *smiling emoji*} - *Bright*

{*happy emoji 15+, heart emoji 40+} - *Little Nat*

8:30 p.m.

Central Plaza.

The main hall in the plaza now was crowded with the

geniuses of the century. The well-known researchers and

professors from each scientific branches were seated in

their reserved seats. Among all the awards to night, Nobel

Prize for mathematics was the main attraction.

Because it was after decades, a woman winning this award

and is the youngest among all the other female

mathematicians. The contributions Natalia gave to the

world in the field of mathematics wasn't simple at all. She

had invented more than four equations for solving the

hardest problems in mathematics. Using her formulas the

problem can be solved by comprehending it carefully and

the steps can be minimized too, giving an accurate answer

for the problem.

Time passed quickly.

Now, it's time to present the Nobel Prize for mathematics.

"... Let's welcome Ms. Natalia Nicholas to receive the


When her name was called, Natalia raised from her seat

and walked towards the center of the stage with loud

applause from the audience.

The lights on the stage dimmed and only highlighted

Natalia who was holding a crystal trophy and medal in her

hands. Now, it's time for Natalia to give a speech. The

audience below waited patiently to listen to her.

Natalia was silent for a few seconds, she gazed at the prize

in a daze and the audience who were locked their all focus

on her. Her eyes searched for a familiar figure among

them. Even though she knew it is impossible for him to be

here… But still…

Thinking of him, her eyes immediately welled up. But in

the eyes of others, it was the tears of joy. Only she knew

the pain, slicing her heart…

"Good evening everyone…" She started with a faint smile.

"Winning this prize is what I dreamed when I am only ten

year old. As an orphan I always doubted myself whether

this dream will be true one day. Now, I am standing here

after two decades of hard work and multiple failures.

When I was eighteen, I promised myself that on the day I

receive this award, the person I love will be here with me.

Holding this together with him. In terms of intelligence I

am inferior to him. He would have been here to share the

prize together with me…"

When she said this the audience were shocked to realize

the existence of another genius…

"If only I wasn't a fool in the past, my wish would have

been a beautiful reality by now… Today is the day I should

be the happiest person in the world. But… unfortunately I

can't feel the sweetness of this moment at all. Because, I

lost myself today. The person who should have been here

with me today has left this world… It was only after he

gone I had realized… all these years I was in the dark. I

myself pushed away all my happiness… I owe him too


Today I confessed this before you all because I couldn't say

it to him before he left…

In math a wrong symbol or step can change the whole

result. Maybe it would be a wrong answer or there would

never ever be an end too. Life is also like solving a math

problem. A single mistake or a moment of anger would

change the entire fate… But it was too late when I realized

this…" Natalia smiled when she said it, mocking herself

for her stupidity. Realizing that she is going too far with

her words she quickly concluded.

"Thank you everyone for hearing me… Thanks a lot…'

Natalia bowed in gratitude and left there. She didn't return

to her seat but directly went out the building, not minding

the crowd or the repeated questioning of the reporters.

With the help of the guards and her junior Natalia left

there in her car alone. He didn't even replied to her juniors

who were asking her countless questions. To be exact, she

didn't even hear what they said…

That night, the math genius, Natalia Nicholas, the pride of

the country, disappeared without a trace. No one knew

where she gone whether she is dead or alive.

Seasons had passed. But still Natalia never returned… She

had become someone who lived in books and other's

memory. Discoveries happened in the world as always.

But, till now, no one could discover the mystery behind

Natalia's disappearance.