
When Faith Kills

In a world where strength and power often define conquest, it's the captivating allure of a woman that truly conquers a man's heart

Abdullah_Adil_5331 · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 8: A Pleasant Death

"God willing, it will be like this, we will bring Leila back home before morning," said Mr. Faiz quickly.

"No, Dad, I will go alone to pick up Leila. You stay at home," Daniyal said.

"No, son, I will not listen to you, I will go with you and believe me, I will be your helper," said Mr. Faiz in an intal tone.

Daniel could tell by his tone that he was going to do what he was saying.

Soon they were sitting in their car on a long road. Daniyal had given necessary instructions to Rosie before leaving the house. He took control and turned the car onto the road leading out of the city. Daniyal's car was talking to the wind, he wanted to reach the designated place as soon as possible.

Even a bird has been seen fighting a boss for the sake of children, but still Mr. Faiz was a fearless police inspector of his time.

As the navigation signaled getting closer to the destination, the noise was getting louder.

Now they were at the end of the city road. Quick navigation indicated a dirt road. Daniyal turned the car onto a dirt road. After 10 minutes of driving, he saw a dark building in the dark.

Daniyal said to Mr. Faiz, "The destination is now near" said Mr. Faiz

"Turn off the engine of the car, now we have to move forward on foot" Daniyal parked the car in a place covered with trees.

Now both of them were moving like a leopard and moving towards the same quiet house. When they reached the house, Daniyal said, "You tie the front part of the house, I will give it to the inside of the building from the back side."

Wait, there were pieces of bread in the house. I put my sleeping pill in a little water and then dipped this bread in the water well. Put this bread in your jacket. Throw this bread in before jumping in. If there is a dog on guard, he will faint after eating this bread and will not bark at you, otherwise dogs are kept in such buildings and they start barking at him as soon as they smell a stranger and the people inside. "Get smart" Mr. Faiz's wisdom and intelligence were at work here. By the time Daniyal locked the surveillance man in the store room, Mr. Faiz had all the strategies ready.

Daniyal took the piece of bread from their hand and put it in his jacket and went to the back of the building.

The wall of the building from behind was very straight and very high, about 15 to 18 feet high. Daniyal looked at the wall and started thinking about the possibilities of going inside. Soon he saw a tall tree near the building.

The branches of this tree were going up to the roof of the building. Daniyal kept climbing the tree with the same movement of the monkey. Finally, he was the uncrowned king of the circus world.

Soon he was so high up the tree that he could reach the roof. The branches were becoming light and fragile. As soon as Daniyal tried to move forward, a branch broke with the sound of a crack.

But Daniyal skillfully fixed his hands on the other branch. If Daniyal had fallen from such a height, death was certain.

Daniyal used to take care while jumping on the roof so that the noise was minimal. He jumped like a cat with the help of his hands and feet, which reduced the noise a lot. Now he turned towards the stairs of the roof. It was a one-storied building on the roof of which a high temple was built.

Daniyal stepped on the stairs and tried to look down into the building. Inside was a huge courtyard and after that there was a man sitting in the manor smoking a cigarette. The building was completely dark. There was someone smoking a cigarette, and Daniyal saw two bright shining eyes. They must have been the eyes of a watchdog. He took it out of his jacket and threw it in the yard. Now his eyes were used to the darkness and anyway it was a full moon night, so he began to see Daniyal a little in the yard.

The farmer saw the watch dog approach the bread and eat the bread. After a while he lay there. Perhaps the overdose of medicine had worked too quickly and the dog had gone into a drowsy state, or perhaps died. "

Daniyal thanked God in his heart and started walking down the stairs. The man in the baramde was so busy watching something on his mobile phone that he didn't know about the death of the dog and neither did Daniyal. I could estimate it to be close to.

As Daniyal approached this person, he wore a woolen cap on his head, which was long and covered the mouth and nose, and in this cap there was an empty space in the place of the eyes.

Dressed the man who was busy watching some videos on his mobile and then shook his neck with such force that his neck broke with the sound of crackling.

Dani didn't want to kill the person but it happened due to a mistake in estimation and lack of experience. He just wanted to knock him unconscious but he didn't even have time to regret his action. There were two rooms on the front side of the baramde, there was a lite light in both the rooms, there was no strong surveillance system.

Perhaps those people had become carefree by trusting their high-breed guard dog.

Daniyal likewise walked two steps to the back of the two rooms, there were wooden windows which were closed. They were also talking in soft voices. Their guns were also present near these boys. After a thorough inspection, Daniel stepped towards the window of the other room and put pressure on the window, but it could not open. Daniyal looked around. Looking around, there was a light above the window which was half open, the light was quite big.

In order to reach this window, Daniel climbed a shed built on the window with the support of the window. Using all the strength of his arms, he lifted himself up high, now his eyes could peer inside the room with a bright lens, Daniyal's heart was filled with joy at the sight inside, his unconscious step had reached the right place. Because his destination was only a few steps away, Daniyal lifted his body high and then wrapped his body around and jumped into the room from window. The sound should not be too loud, but still the sound of a slight thump must have emerged.

Hearing the noise, Lily sat up like a frightened tigress and took out a long piece of glass from under her pillow and held it in her hand.

"Don't come near me or I will cut my neck," Leila said firmly

Laila it's me Daniyal" said Daniyal immediately.

Recognizing Daniyal's voice, Leyla threw down the piece of glass with her hand and ran and hugged Daniyal, her whole being was shaking. "Don't worry, I'm awake." Leela was very encouraged to see Daniyal, who had dreamed of using his glass to protect herself.

On the other hand, the people on duty in the other room had heard the slight sound of Daniyal jumping and they were also shocked. Now they sent one of their colleagues to Leila's room to comfort them.

On the other hand, Daniyal looked at the door after explaining a little to Nila, the door was locked from the outside. It was also a big problem for him to open the door silently now that he did not want to make any noise by knocking on the door.

At the same time, Daniyal heard footsteps outside the door and then it seemed that someone was trying to open the door.

Daniyal heard the voices and guessed that maybe they had a suspicion and they were coming for consolation. And the young man of medium body came in. Daniyal pulled him to his chest and put his strong hand on his mouth so that he could not make a sound. The young man swung into Daniyal's arms.

Daniyal laid her down on the ground with aram. He didn't want to make any noise by using the weapon. Now Daniyal held Laila's hand and ran towards the main gate.

The people on surveillance were also worried about the boy they had sent earlier. They wanted to go out and see that they saw two people running towards the main gate. One of them was the same girl whom they kidnapped. and there was another boy who was running towards the main gate holding her hand.

The security guards had understood the situation to some extent and could not let Daniyal take Leila so easily, they shouted and directed Daniyal and Leila to stop.

"Stop or you will be killed," shouted one of them

By that time, Daniyal had opened the door and as soon as the door opened, he saw the figure of Mr. Faiz who was probably standing very close to the door for any help. Daniyal pushed Leela towards Mr. Faiz and took out a pistol from his jacket He got ready to stop the evacuees.

"Catch them! They're running, run, hurry, don't let them escape" were heard from behind.

Daniyal hurried out and wanted to close the gate again to stop the intruders, but the door was too tight and the men had reached Daniyal's head. There was no other way but to fight. Mr. Faiz, who had already run away from the door with Laila, stopped after hearing the sound of fire, asking Laila to go towards the car and pointing her in the direction of the car. And himself came back to help Daniyal and made a file with his pistol that hit one of the men in the leg causing him to scream.

Daniyal looked at Mr. Faiz and said, "You go to the car and take Leila home. I will also reach there."

I can't leave you, we will go together" Mr. Faiz also replied to Daniyal

They were hiding behind the big trees by taking the support of the surrounding trees and were also changing their position frequently by firing back.

On the other hand, the people doing the lingraming also realized that they were not dealing with a normal person, so they were also firing from trees because they had lost one of their men and the other one was injured. Now they were two and Daniyal and Mr. Faiz were also two.

Daniyal pushed Mr. Faiz and said "Go and take Leela and leave, otherwise all our hard work will be wasted, I will cover you, leave, otherwise they will never let us leave alive."

Go Mr. Faiz please leave" Daniyal was responding to the firing and was prompting Mr. Faiz to leave as he knew that there were highly trained people in front of him and they would not give up easily.

Mr. Faiz was firing bullets and maybe the bullets in his pistol had also run out, Mr. Faiz was forced to turn to the car after Daniyal's repeated requests.

While Daniyal was trying to convince Mr. Faiz to leave, his attention was diverted from the men and this carelessness cost him a bullet, which lodged in his ribs just above his stomach.

But the good thing was that Mr. Faiz understood his words and went away from that place to the car. They felt themselves divided into two parts as soon as they reached, Leila was in the driving seat and the engine of the car was awake. "Drive Laila we have to get away from this place as soon as possible don't worry about Daniyal he will go" said Mr. Faiz to Leylan.

"We should wait for Daniyal," Leila said to Mr. Faiz

Hurry up, drive, we have to get out of here, Mr. Faiz said to Leila, his tone deliberately harsh.

Laila saw Mr. Faiz in surprise, tears came to her eyes, but she could not obey her father's order.

Daniyal thanked God as soon as he heard the sound of the car starting and moving forward and stood like a wall protecting his benefactor, he was firing very carefully but maybe his enemies had trapped him. Because he heard footsteps behind him, as soon as he turned around, a bullet pierced his chest

Now Daniyal could not stand on his feet and fell down. He saw that a man was holding a gun in his hand and there was darkness in his eyes. Aimed at the standing boy and fired, that boy also fell there while his other companion fired two shots at Daniyal's stomach.

Now Daniyal could not maintain his senses, it was probably the last breath of his life that he was taking very hard, but he was at peace in his heart that he had not left his beloved alone.