
When Darkness Calls

Can you really hope for a horror story with a happy ending.. But even the darkest of stories are full of fantasy and happiness, as well as sorrow and despair.. The painful sting of betrayal may turn the purest of hearts to poison.. A tale, I shall tell... What lengths are people willing to go to, especially with ties that bind enough to kill.. Don't get stuck in the ways of believing that darkness can only be evil and wicked and light can only be all that is good in the world..

KiaYanna · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter 5: When Death Calls

Lucifer sheathed his poisoned blade, picking up his sister's flesh. Vinci's demon tingled with excitement, but he knew his bond wouldn't feel the same. Not all of her anyway.

He spread it gently, laying it over top of Vinci's body. "A befiting look."He smiled,"For the Dark Queen."

Thoughts filled Vinci's head, images flashed and replayed in her mind. She had done this to the skin of her enemies. She used to take great pleasure from it, she wore it as a trophy. Suddenly, an image of a young boy, with blonde hair and eyes the color of stainless steel stared up at her.

Vinci was out of it. "Octav-" before she had even spoke his name, she had killed him. She yelped a scream, her heart aches with pain. Another image flashed, she had skinned him and worn his skin.

"No!"she screamed. "Stop!"she kept her eyes open trying to stop seeing images.

Another image of a kid, this time with blonde hair and pool blue eyes. It was Octavion. But she killed this version too.

"Nooo!"she screamed, "I don't wanna see this anymore!"

So many times she and Octavion had been brought together by fate. So many of his lives being cut short by Vinci. So many times she had killed him. Everytime he was brought back to her. Tears falling down her cheeks so violently, then the water became bloody. Vinci fought harder against her evil natured side.

"I..I want..I need to be good."she began coughing blood. Watered tears becoming increasingly bloody. "You've had to many...life times..."she paused trying to get a hold of herself.

Lucifer gladly watch her struggle to keep herself this version.

"It... it's.. my.."with each word the struggle became greater,"It's..my...turn..."her tears had become fully blood.

"Why must you fight me Vinci.."she sighed to herself, smiling at how futile she was being. "And yet you still fight..It truly is cute."

"My Queen."Lucifer quickly fell to one knee.

Vinci looked up, seeing him.

"No don't kill him.." Her good sided nature pleaded.

"Don't kill him?"she mocked with a smile.

"Don't!"she fought.

Images began flashing once again, of Octavion's past lives. All cut short. Even though she was evil, even though evil isn't supposed to be able to love. Her heart and whole being loved him. That was one of the very few things the two shared. Their unending and unconditional love for Octavion. She had tried to purge it by killing him over and over. But it only made their heart yearn for him greater. She bit her lip, he was able the only thing she had ever shed tears for.

"Dammit.."she muttered. "We can agree...We need to see him.."she let her heart speak.

"I won't let you kill him again."

"I can't kill him anymore..I just want to hold him and be with him.."her words were full of honesty, but she hated how good it felt to admit it.

Lucifer's face took in one of great disgust at her words. "You truly have grown soft."he stood up.

Vinci turned her attention to Lucifer.

"How could you have fallen for a thing such as him?"he pondered, trying to understand her uncharacteristic love for Octavion.

"Vinci breathe.. Like we practiced." Her angel spoke calmly.

"He insulted him."Vinci hissed, both sides held great passion for Octavion, and both were enraged by Lucifer's disrespect for him.

Vinci's angel was proud of her for finally letting her love for him into her heart.

Vinci's demon was proud for her finally feeling a hatred that enraged her.

"He insulted Octavion."

"Vinci, do not purge him."He pleaded.

"Maybe when I find him, I'll bring him back here and let you watch him die."Lucifer

Even the angel and demon had become attached to Octavion.

In a flash, everything went dark. Vinci blacked out. Seeing flashes of what she was doing, before returning to the dark. The jingle of her chains echoed. She was now on top of Lucifer, choking him. Then suddenly she was hovering over his lifeless body, which still held a crazed smile and excited eyes even in death. She pulled Lillith's flesh from her own body, placig it over Lucifer as if it were a blanket.

Guards surrounded her, weapons held tightly in hand. They had their fear behind silver helmets as they trembled in their armor. Knees weak. Every single one of them knew they would die. Vinci blacked out again. Blood covered her body. She hadn't realized how cold and damp the dungeon was, until she felt the warmth of the blood. It was the closing thing to loving contact she had received. Her ears began ringing. Vinci didn't bother looking at the bodies, she stepped over them as if they were nothing more than ants. A quality of Satan's Blood within her. The dungeon became deathly still. With each step up, her bare feet began feeling more and more of the Earth's calls. Every movement flowed through her. Every part of Earth being harmed pained her. She began feeling everything. Earth called out to her, as she called out to it. She had forgotten what it felt like. They had her so far down into the Earth, surrounded by a magic to seal her off from Earth. And that would never a good thing. The Earth and her were connected. But just because she couldn't feel the Earth didn't mean Earth couldn't feel her. Ever wound, ever pain, physical and mental. Spiritual and emotional. The Earth felt it. They had suffered together.

She blacked out again. Then she was outside. And covered in more blood. She hadn't been expecting anything good. But it was worse than she had imagined. The ground scorched. No grass, no flowers, not even animals.

Vinci fell to her knees. Bloody tears rushing down her cheeks. "No.."she cried out. A part of her felt dead. The Angel and Demon remained silent.

"No!" Blood began turning watered. "NO!"she screamed, watered blood spilled onto the dry Earth.

It all rushed her at once, a chill of Death from the Earth was the closest she would ever come. It was so cold and numbing...She felt nothing.. Earth had died and it was all her fault. And that meant that Octavion truly was dead. Everyone was..And no one was ever coming back..