
When a new upper rank joins then gets left with the slayers

When Muzan brings a new upper rank to the castle to meet everyone, when she meets everyone, the only Demon with a problem is Akaijin, upper moon four also; it's a modern day. They can stay at the castle, but each of them has houses or apartments and cell phones and such. When she put with the slayers her relationship with Tengen grows along with Giyu who slowly starts to fall in love with her. It's a modern take so yes they have cell phones and tv's and such. They take in a little girl who trains in flame breathing and joins Jujustu Kaisen and meets Geto and Gojo.

GhostWriter1996 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

The past

Muzan was checking on everyone when he saw her in bed with Akaijin. He walked over and grabbed her by the hair, and shoved his hand into her lower stomach. She cried out in pain. "Lord Muzan," she coughs. "I will make sure you can't have any more children, you whore" he said. He removed his hand and looked at Akaijin. "You disappoint she was mine. I changed her for one reason for children for me from me," he said as he dropped Ananta. Muzan left, and Akaijin rushed over to her. Her lower organs were torn to pieces. Akaijin slowly picked her up and stood outside Shinobu's house. He knocks, covered in her blood. "Ananta, please," he said. Tengen opens the door. "Please take her and heal her. Make sure she doesn't come looking for me Muzan wants her. She isn't safe," he said, laying her down and leaving. Tengen picked her up and took her inside. Shinobu was working on her. "Muzan just tore out all her reproductive organs," She said. Tengen stopped Sanemi. "She hasn't harmed anyone, man. Chill out," he said. Sanemi stood there watching. He saw her body. "What happened," he asked, putting his sword away. Tengen shrugs. "Dude knocked and said she was in danger from Muzan and left her guessing they were lovers and Muzan wasn't a fan, so," Tengen said and yawned. "I mean, she is hot," he said. Shinobi threw something at Tengen. "She is half dead, you freak," she said. Tengen shrugs. "She is naked," he says and jumps, seeing two giant green pythons come in and curl up around the bed. Shinobu finished and stitched her up and everything. "You are going to stay and be creepy, Sanemi," she asks him. He rolled his eyes and sat outside her door. Shinobu puts some bottles of blood next to him. "For when she wakes," she said and spoke with the master. Ananta woke up and winched in pain. "Akaijin," she mumbles. Sanemi stood and walked in. "The man you called isn't here. He left you with us," he said. She nods and swallows. Sanemi hands her the blood. She drank. "Thank you," she said. Sanemi nods. "Listen, the master said it was okay for you to be here, but you are a demon," he said. She looks. "Then kill me," she said, eyes watering, arms wrapped around her waist. Sanemi left, slamming the door. "Ass hole," she mumbles and lays down. Sanemi broke the other blood bottles and left the house. Tengen saw the mess and shook his head, and walked in. "Wind boy said hi, I guess," he said. "You here to tell me what kind of monster I am," she said. Tengen held his hands up. "Nah, just wanted to check on you before the others got here," he said. "there are more of you," she said. Tengen laughs. "There are nine of us. I am Tengen the ass that left is Sanemi, and the young woman who fixed you up is Shinobu," he said. There was a knock. "Tengen, everyone is downstairs. Please gently pick up Ananta and take her," Shinobu said and left. Ananta put her arms around Tengens neck as he slowly lifted her and took her downstairs. She saw Giyu and blushed. He glances at her and notices her bright green eyes and light brown skin. He looks away. Tengen gently set her down. "Okay, Ananta, that is Giyu, the one all alone, and then there is Tanjiro over there. Gyomei to the right and Mitsuri, oh right, you have snakes too, so where is emo boy Obanai is over there next to Mitsuri and mist boy Tokito" he said. She waves softly. "Hello, everyone," she said.