
Whatever The System Wants.

A unique system that randomly gives out a quest. It doesn't have an exchange points system, nor a lottery. It often gives out side quest that the host won't refuse, due to it's limited functions like exchange points system and lottery. But hey! It has the time and date.

Count_Dogo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

One year timeline

{The next day, September 7,1012}

Xioabi, relocate the creepers, climbers and herbs. He asked the villagers to help him build a wooden five feet fence for the climbers and creepers to be placed near the trees for shading from the direct exposure of sunlight.

For the whole day, they focus on planting seeded trees, infant herbs, infant climbers,infant creepers and seeded shrubs. Once done, they water the plants, and they take their rest, as the Sun goes down.

Xiaobi happens to tell the villagers to throw the seeds outside the fence of the village after they're done eating the fruits. If not, they can plant it anywhere outside.

{September 8, 1012}

He bought 10 *sack of fertilizers, 20 pieces of trowel, 20 watering can, 8 faucets and 10 pieces of wheelbarrow.

(*25 kg each sack.)

The wheelbarrow is used to transport the fertilizer, and the trowel is for scooping. With the help of the wheelbarrow, the transportation and distribution of fertilizer for the seeds and saplings were at ease.

{September 9, 1012}

Xiaobi have to wait for them to grow, reproduce and multiply until they reach 20,000 units.

He gave the villagers an option, whether they continue to harvest Sweet Devil Cactus, and the villagers responded. They chose to raise the plants outside the fence, and be their main source of food.

{September 10, 1012}

Xiaobi stayed in Baiju Village beyond 2 years, he can't stand his irresistible craving for meat anymore. Instead of buying meat in the store, he went to hunt a 2nd level beast to craft ten pieces of level 12 weapon, called [Bone Spear].

The rest of those nine [Bone Spear] were given to those who volunteer hunting fish with him in the death river.

Nine brave men at the same age as him step forward. 5 at the middle, 3 at the late and 1 at the peak stage of body refining.

Xiaobi can't feed the whole village, and it would be unfair if he eats alone. So he decided to teach them how to fish, instead of giving them a fish.

On their arrival in the Death river, the system told Xiaobi to form a party,he obliged. With a team party, the experience points are solo by Xiaobi. He gained massive experience points, and automatically converted into Qi. His teammates didn't ask what the party system is all about, but somehow they were gradually overjoyed when they caught 20 pieces of 100 kg Purple Fin fish. They went home successfully with a big catch.

Xiaobi bought a [knife],[Chopping board],[Spices],[butter],[seasoning powder] and etc. He made two kinds of dishes, [Buttered Lemon Fish], and [Stewed Fish].

The Whole Village began a night festival, after which they built a campfire. At the campfire, Xiaobi shared his story about his secret. When he collapsed from the extreme heat two years ago, he met an immortal cultivator in his dream, to make the story short. The immortal in his dream gives him a power only vested in him. He doesn't know why, probably because he's the chosen one, and one day he would take me away, make me his disciple and travel the whole wide world. The Villagers bought Xioabi's fake storytelling, and didn't further inquire.

{September 11, 1012}

Xioabi bought a [Mirror], to see what his face looks like clearly, since the reflection of the water is a little bit hazy. His hair is long black, red pupils, tanned skin, muscular build, and 7 feet tall.

Xioabi asked Baili, if ever merchant comes even once in a while, 5 years or some sort, Baili answered, "merchants never come once in a while, not even once, due to the geography and the harsh weather condition of Baiju village located at the southern corner of the Infernal Plateau.

Xioabi decided to teach Haynes, a village girl in Baiju village basic mathematics and Merchantry, she was a fast learner and easy to teach.

{6 months later, March 10, 1013}

Hayne mastered basic mathematics and Merchantry, Xioabi asked Hayne to teach the villagers basic mathematics, as for Merchantry it's up to the villagers if they have the goal to become a merchant in the future. He told Hayne that he is planning to open a route for merchants to buy and sell in Baiju village. In order to do that, the villagers must not be ignorant as not to be cheated by the sly greedy merchants. Hayne accepted Xiaobi's request. But for now, the villagers must be equipped with basic knowledge to make it happen.

{4 months later, July 10, 1013}

Within 4 months, Xioabi and his 9 teammates become professional hunters. In those 4 months Xiaobi crafts [Boots] and distributes them to his nine teammates, including him. He can't stay in the Baiju village for the rest of his life, so he didn't spoil his teammates and heavily rely on him. He only crafts [Weapon]and [Boots] for his teammates, as for villagers [Armor] as a means of survival.

No one in their village have a blacksmiths profession, he was thinking that once he start executing the Main quest, he is planning to buy a slave who has a blacksmith profession in the city, to work as a blacksmith in Baiju Village.

{July 11, 1013}

Xioabi sell the [Materials] that he hunt in the past 4 months in his storage bag. He bought [Lumber],[Iron], [leather] and asked a craftsman in the village to create a carriage that would transport materials after hunting. And by then, he asks Booble search if he can tame the beast as a horse to pull the carriage. Xiaobi received a positive answer.

{July 12, 1013}

Early in the morning, Xiaobi went somewhere to capture a beast. He decided to hunt a *2nd level desert wolf as a mount, and use the rest to pull the carriage. He beat a pack of desert wolves into pulp, then forced them to drink a healing potion. He repeats the process several times, until they submit and turn docile. The means of transportation in the Infernal Plateau became easy, thanks to the docile desert wolf that Xiaobi tamed.

(*Early Condensation stage)