
What you dont know.

what you dont know cant hurt you... or can it? keeping secrets is hard but finding them out might be harder. Valorie is keeping secrets from her kids Ian(9) and Kaylee(14). She hopes her husband is alright, she was forced to leave the day she became a werewolf and hasn't went back for 9 years. She asks one of her old friends marabell for updates every so often but marabell hasn't seen her friends husband ever since she left. Meanwhile, the kingdom of Astronia has a king, a queen, and twin princess missing.. so the whole royal family is well... gone. Astronia is in total chaos without a leader so much so that it is now as empty as a ghost town. See how the story of Valorie and her kids plays out. AUTHOR'S NOTE: this one is now dead in a way. There is another with an exclamation mark in the title that is still being updated. It isnt being updated as often due to school and lack of ideas of how to get it going. I'd you have any tips of how to progress it please do share I only have the main idea (which is for later like suprised and whatnot.

Victoria_Valentine · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Halloween Part 2

After hocus pocus and the nightmare before christmas kaylee was in her costume, Wednesday Adams. "alright seems good enough to go now." she says walking to the door. someone knocks on the door. "must be trick or treaters" I say walking to the door with the bowl of candy. I had put on a black and purple witch costume a while ago. Ian smiles excited to go trick or treating. He grabbed his pumpkin basket. Ian and Kaylee walk out to go trick or treating.

Ian's point of veiw: we left mom seemed a bit distracted.. she did say she had extra work though. I spot marabell across the street handing out candy. "can we go to that house?" kaylee looks over there. "come on." we go over "hi mary." we say together it was our nickname for her. "oh hi." she was dressed as a fairy. "isn't that.. too childish?" kaylee asks looking at Mary's costume. "no" she replies a stone cold stern look on her face. "mom said you were busy" I state wondering what she's doing. "yeah helping with this haunted house. I hand out the candy, guide, greet, and send them on their way." she seemed a bit tense.. (marabell's thoughts yeah keeping an eye on you if I'm honest.. I hate lying especially to kids) "something wrong?" kaylee says getting the same idea as me. "no everything's fine. how about you two join the next group. After we have 4 more people." she looks to the sky. (marabell's thoughts: almost here.. Val I sure hope that this isnt going to go south) "yeah why not" she leads us through the haunted house after we have 4 more people.

Valorie's (mom's) point of veiw: the full moons coming.. please let me not hurt anyone. I put out the candy leaving a camera out with a sign it read "take one or two no more" i send a text to marabell, "can you put a spell on the candy so each person can only take two at most" after a minute she sent "done 😁" "thanks💖🧚‍♀️" "no worries😉" I go in my room and lock myself in. the full moon was almost up.. I felt it. The moon was up now. It hurt.. thanks mar for making this outfit able to withstand the transformation. The wolf part has the control now.

Ian's point of veiw: we got through the haunted house it was really good kaylee screamed a few times. We go to other houses until 9. I was getting tired. "can we go back?" "come on just 45 more minutes mom never let's us out later than 9." "alright how about 20?" "good enough for me"