
Fate Or Just Crossing Each Other's Path?

Kabir saw his phone and said

"You both carry on. I am going to meet someone. Will be back with him after few minutes".

"OOOOKKK" both girls replied him .

After 5-10 minutes Kabir entered with Varun.

" Their you see both the girls" , Kabir said while laughing.

After watching at the direction where Kabir had pointed he saw Veronica dancing crazily.

There was a smile on his face and while sitting on the chair he was watching her.

Kabir watched him surprisingly and said "Duudee..!! Whom are you watching!?"

Varun didn't tried to explain anything instead his gaze were on Veronica.

After a while both the girls were tired and came to Kabir.

Without watching anywhere else Veronica sat down with a tired face on her palm. Little bit she knew that for the 3rd time she was going to meet Varun.

When she lifted her face up she saw Varun. She didn't had any idea what was going on. Later, both of them told the couple the whole story without talking about the idea of contract paper.

Alexa was highly drunk and Kabir was going to drop her.

"If both you don't have a problem , can I drop Alexa alone?? Since she is drunk. Veronica!! if you want you can come with us", he said since the environment was becoming awkward.

Analysing the situation, Varun persuaded Kabir that he would drop Veronica as he wanted to talk to her. Veronica also didn't denied the idea and followed Varun.