
What would you do for love?

Spent almost two years in this marriage with a hope that one day he will recognise my love for him. It all went to vain and now he is handing me over the divorce documents because he wants to marry the only he woman he ever loved. "I don't need the alimony, keep it as a wedding gift from my side" Six month later, Sae-ju Yu is standing in the wrong department for attending her class. Crashes into the wrong professor and embarrassing herself in front of the whole class. "Can life let me settle at least for once?"

Hey_Impresent16 · Urbano
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5 Chs

5. An Unusual day

11:45 pm

Gallon Apartments

I unlocked the door of my apartment just to find my messed up as I left it.

"Ah, let's clean this up, I don't have time in the morning"

12:30 am

"Finally the whole house is cleaned, well done Sae-ju you did a great job"

"I should arrange the notes of my project"

3:45 am

It was early morning and I was not half done with my project. I took my phone out and there was a message from my friend Ella Gonela.

"Damn, it's her birthday!!!"

I dialled her number and she picked it up.

"Why are you calling me now?humphhhhhh"

I could hear her expressions, Ella's in Italy for pursuing her fashion designing course.

She works with celebrity designers as their assistant and will soon launch her own line.

I'm so excited for her, she said she'll invite me over her first cosmetic line launch party.

"I'm so sorry el, I was doing my assignment project and it was a hectic day"

"It's okay babygirl, I know you're doing your best and by the way where's Brian? I haven't heard it from him", she asked because my friend Ella wasn't aware about our divorce and now is the time she'll get to know about it.

I explained everything to her although it was difficult to say everything but i told her almost all.

"Girl, you've been going through a lot and you haven't even called me once, are you okay? Are you homeless or something should I book an apartment for you? Did you eat? Did you brush your teeth? You're not getting more skinny right?"

"You know Su you should just move on here with me, you want to pursue journalism and here you can actually take pictures of all the celebrities", she still haven't given up to convince me.

It was a tempting offer but I don't want to leave the country where once my parents were.

"Ella, what gift do you want?",I swapped the topic because it won't be happening.

"Um, I wish to see you soon and kill Brian with my own hands",her words were filled with concern and love for me and it was happy to see someone being concerned for me.

"Haha, I'll be waiting for you!", I replied

4:30 am

It was already late and i decided to go to sleep since my classes were in afternoon.

I fell asleep and didn't dream as always. It was weird I had no dreams since my childhood.

11:20 am

Ting tong

Someone rang my doorbell and I went to check it. It was a parcel but strange i didn't order anything. I signed the paper and took the parcel. I adjusted the parcel to check it's label and suddenly my face went dull.

It was from Brian & karina.

The invitation to their wedding and i was invited there at Saint Louis church in A city.

"I can't believe this but afterall my parents were friends with the Patridges",I left the invitation on the table only and went inside to get ready for my classes.

As always i dressed casual and not attracting too much attention with a no makeup but lip balm look. Tucking my hair in a braid and with the normal sport shoes.

"I still dress up less and unlike others I'm kinda old and fat"

I was already upset due to the invitation and the venue was where my mom and dad got married.How ironic their former son in law is getting married in it.

"Hah, let's go to class old lady"

I bucked up the courage and pasted a fake smile on my face because that's what I've been doing since I was born.

2:30 pm

I was there to attend my extended lecture in the seminar hall but Mrs. Kidman was absent due to her illness and the extended lecture was merged with the other teacher which was taken by professor Artron.

I was already late by almost half an hour. The seminar hall was already brimmed with students and some of them were standing outside too. Prof Artron was also late.

He asked everyone about the settlement but couldn't get the exact situation. He then divided the students to take another extended lecture. It will be just after the previous lecture.

His eyes fell upon me, I was trying to be invisible but the old lady outshined every other lady there. Even though his eyes were constantly on me and were making me uncomfortable, he couldn't question about my existence.

I was seperated in the first batch, luckily I don't have to get pointed out everytime by his gaze in the second lecture.

"That was some sort of my luck which saved me from his questions"

The lecture went smoothly and I wasn't impressed about how he smoothly gave the lecture in the most simplest form.

We were about to disperse and it stood up packing my stuff. I didn't notice he was there and looking at me.

He announced his presence with a cough and I was still lost in looking for my lost pen. I finally found it and went outside.

"MS. YU, I've to discuss something with you"

A note to myself since I'm the one reading it- The story is sad af

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