
What We Are

A struggling woman escaping her life for a new start finds that kindness and a good heart has it’s rewards when a stranger needs her help. Can we be anything other than what we are?

CarrieFree · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

Chapter 56

"Hey man. Do I know you?" Sean asked, looking at the man standing before him.

"I don't think so." The man said, obviously agitated already, just by Sean's presence. "But I know you." The man said.

He had a beanie pulled down tightly and a pair of sunglasses on. His face was hard to see in the darkness.

"What is this about then?" Sean asked.

"You know what it's about. It's about Billie." The man said, taking a step closer.

"If it's about the divorce papers, I have them in my car. Signed. You can have them. Let me get them." Sean said, hoping it was at least a way to stall whomever it was. "That's why I'm here. In town. To give them to her." Sean said. The signed papers were always a back up plan in case he needed a reason for his closeness to her. Sean reached for the door handle and opened the passenger side door, keeping his eyes on the stranger the entire time. The man moved closer to see what Sean was up to.

"You better not be pulling out a gun. Or any other weapon for that matter." The man said. Sean had a gun but it was under the driver's seat. He was hoping to get rid of this man as quickly as possible so that he could get back to the real task at hand. Ending Billie for good.

"Here." Sean handed the man the papers. He looked them over and placed them in his jacket pocket.

"Good." The man said. Sean assumed now he was in the clear.

"Alright. So, you got what you came for. I'm going inside now." Sean went to close his car door when the man spotted what was in the back seat.

"What the fuck is that?" He asked.

"What?" Sean asked, trying play dumb. The man opened the back passenger door to get a better look.

"Hey. This is MY car. You can't just open it up and look at my personal belongings." Sean protested. The man held up a ski mask and tape, rope, tore iron, trash bags. Sean pretty much had an entire car full of tools to carry out his plan.

"You fucking piece of shit." The man said.

"You're here to kill her. I can't believe it."

Sean stumbled on his words.

"You got the papers. Leave me alone before I call the cops." Sean said.

"Call them. I'd love to see what they think of all this in your car." The man came closer to Sean. Reacting quickly, Sean threw himself into the car and grabbed the gun from under his seat. But the stranger acted quickly as well, grabbing the tire iron Sean had in the boxed items on the back seat. He pointed the gun at the stranger but it was too late. The man had pulled Sean by the legs and moved him close enough to hit him with the tire iron directly in the face. He pulled Sean out even further and laid him on the ground. Sean was in and out of consciousness when he heard the man saying something about vengeance and justice right before he brought the tire iron down again and everything went black.


"Gabriel!" Ezra shouted, running to him. "Gabriel. Please. Stop."

He watched as Gabe brought the tire iron down onto Sean's head one last time, screaming about only seeing his mother's face. And Billie's. Andrew grabbed his arms as Ezra pulled the weapon from his hands and threw it on the ground. Gabe began to shiver and break down into wailing sobs.

"It's ok. It's ok." Ezra said calmly. Paul arrived into the darkened, empty parking lot as well.

"My god. Get him out of here." Paul said. Andrew walked Gabe to Ezra's car and sat him in the back seat. Paul looked around. "Thank god this is a complete shit hole. No cameras. It's right off the old highway where little travel occurs. If you're going to do a thing like this, this is the place to do it." Paul got on his phone. "Yeah. I need Max ASAP. I have some trash that needs taken out." And he proceeded to give the address of the motel. He picked Sean's bludgeoned and lifeless body up off the ground and placed him in the passenger seat of his car.

"Get out of here. I have it under control. Get the kid somewhere safe. Calm him down. Act like nothing happened. Go about your normal routine." Paul said. Ezra nodded.

"I wasn't expecting to see the kid here." Ezra said, still in shock.

"These things are usually unexpected anyway." Paul said. Ezra nodded and got into the car.