
What lies in the void

Do you hear them... The beasts in the void, the demons that lie. Waiting oh so patiently. They hunger for change, for slaughter, for the silent screams of the soul. These cultivators step into the void not knowing what lies. Weep for them or not it really won't change a thing. May they prosper...

atata · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

We all Anticipate

Sopitas was no stranger to the absurd and the unexpected, as a former member of the Antiquorum strike force, the absurd and unexpected were old friends, bedmates if you will. They had been with him for the vast majority of his life, they were companions he could always expect by his side.

This, however, was something that baffled him despite it having been here for months. The second soul within him was something he couldn't quite wrap his head around. Though it was less due to the fault of the soul and more due to the circumstances of its arrival and its current area of residence.

The soul itself was spherical in shape and at its highest point would reach up to his ankles, it's width and depth were much the same as its height. The light blue sheen of the transparent glass-like material that it seemed to be composed of reminded him Tetson Steel, a far cry from his dark green poisonous soul. A multitude of vine-like wires were attached to the soul and held it steadily within his prana ocean.

Despite it having been months it still struggled though much less than it had upon its initial arrival. It had been weakened over those months by the toxicity of his pranic ocean and he expected that by the end of this month he would have fully dissolved its defenses and then he would have access to its knowledge and Prana. Just in time for his Divine evaluation.

He contemplated once more the possibility of letting it live and placing it within another body but that thought was quickly ignored and shoved aside. Even though it was the reason that he was still alive the only reason he wasn't in its position was because of how pathetically weak it was. Fascinatingly enough it's prana while abundant had still been at the first rank, completely untouched like that of a newborn baby yet containing the weight of someone older. How such a soul existed was beyond him, but he had no interest in knowing it hadn't been a threat after all. He almost felt pity for its fate.

"The heavens have truly forsaken you, little soul, your death will be much more final than that of most. However, I hope you can find peace in the logic that you now will live on as a part of me."

He lightly snorted at his own words, he would not find peace in such a fate it was hypocritical to expect another to be satisfied with such a fate.

Shaking his head, he exited his pranic ocean and returned his awareness back to his body. Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the familiar sight of his cultivation hall. It's vast grey walls welcoming him back. A dull purple light shone from the outside and illuminated the grey walls through the archways which led to his training mountain. He removed himself from his meditative trance before jumping down from his position on the ceiling to the floor below.

"Valery please make sure my supper is ready by the time I am done with my bath." He said as he walked through the gigantic Steel doors of the Hall. Sometimes he wondered why they were even there if he was never going to use them, but of course, they weren't there for him.

"Of course, my lord "The voice which replied seemed to come from the walls themselves. It sounded rather androgynous neither male nor female, but it contained a rather raspy and artificial quality to it. He nodded towards the two guards stationed by the door before heading toward his bath. He had to prepare after all today he would be hiring the rest of the servants and workers that would aid him in managing his home, his territories, and perhaps even with the research. As well as those who would join him in the assignment that would soon be announced by the Heavenly King, long may he live.

He wasn't particularly fond of the process but it had to be done, he would've hired more of his former allies but he had already hired all who were willing and those who weren't willing would not be swayed by this assignment, that left him without enough trusted allies aiding him. Even the ones with him weren't interested in it, they were warriors after all not explorers or innovators if that innovation was not a new method of crushing their foes or strengthening themselves.

"Valery, please remind me who will be coming for the position of Manager of the Feltor mountains and its resources," he asked as he exited the training building and walked towards the main building. "The heirs of the Tenuy, Valkor, Birtus, and Valmor clans are here for the position, so is the son of general Eide." This time the voice came from the statues that lined the path to the main building.

"Remove general Eide's son as soon as he arrives," Sopitas said immediately, his voice filled with contempt and amusement. "That bastard still has the balls to send his son for this position even though it was him who made it so difficult to obtain this piece of land."

"Sir should we not give the general some face. Even though it was he who opposed you it's only because he also wanted to acquire this territory. It does not seem to be worthwhile to start animosity from competition." Valery replied as he reached the gates of the destination before he promptly went through them.

"Please the general is not so foolish as to start a grudge over something this minor. He knows that his son getting this position is nearly impossible, its merely a cheeky move form an old bastard with too much time on his hands. Plus, in the event I do accept his heir then he benefits regardless." Sopitas stopped before the doors of the bath and turned to address the servant who had started following him since his entrance into the building.

"Tenso please prepare the main hall for our guests"

"It will be done my lord" Was the curt response uttered by the servant before he quickly left.

"I think Tenso needs a raise, he's been with me so long," he muttered as he watched the servant move down the hall.

"That would truly please him, my lord"

Once more phasing through the door before him he said "Remind me tonight to do that. But for now, you are no longer needed, some privacy please."

"As you wish"

Sopitas stood within the Bathing room his back towards the Golden doors. His eyes took in the familiar sight before him. In the center of the room was the bathing pool which could fit in 50 people and would still have enough space so that they wouldn't be crowded. The Tiles on the floor were embroiled with carvings depicting battles, beast, and men of legends.

He wasted no more time as he undressed before submerging himself in the healing waters of the bath.

--Butresi Tenuy--

Within the sky, a Massive battleship could be seen flying high above the lands of the Toxic Flame Territory. From end to end it measured an impressive one kilometer long. Its silver coloring gave it a rather chilling aura and the battles runes which covered the entire ship would make many warriors gulp at the implications of so many runes on one battleship.

Butresi Tenuy, heir to the ancient and noble Tenuy clan stood against the railing on the deck of the Giga class battleship looking out to the Alpecan mountains some 200 meters below the ship. These mountains which stood below stretched for hundreds of kilometers from their base to their top and marked the ship's entrance into the High Lord's personal domain.

Butresi prided himself on being someone not easily unnerved but the thought of meeting Sopitas the Unending sent shivers down his spine. The man was a great warrior within the Empire, his legend rivaling those of old. He was beyond honored when his father had granted him the responsibility of being his representative to the Legend. He could barely hold his face from breaking into a childish grin even now in his unease.

He sighed, at the speed, the battleship was going they wouldn't be there until early night. Something that was probably done on purpose, but it irritated him no less. He pushed himself off the railings before turning towards the Veritable Fortress that was a part of the deck. Calling it a fortress was like calling a 12-inch lizard a dragon. It's not, yet there was no other word to describe it and that was technically what everyone called it. The fortress took up eight-tenths of the kilometer-long deck and in there he would find the rest of the candidates.

He took a step forwards and the space bent, another and he was within the fortress, in the main hall to be specific. Once again calling it a hall was an understatement, but this was the empire's style big and imposing, though rather drab in their aesthetics.

The Walls of the hall were aligned with guards while his spatial senses told him that they also adorned the ceiling even though he couldn't see them. The hall itself was sparsely populated by well-dressed individuals in rather extravagant and expensive attire quietly talking to each other. At the end of the hall was a stairway that led to what could only be called an inside balcony. There were many such balconies but this one stood high above the others.

As he looked up at the balcony his eyes met those of the Elixa Valkor, heir to the Valkor clan and accompanying him on the balcony were the heirs to Birtus and Valmor clans as well as Aleksander Steelflo son of Eide Steelflo. Another step and he was amongst them on the balcony.

"Greetings Sir Aleksander," he said as he turned to face the rather handsome looking youth who was currently staring at him with eyes filled tinged with surprise though his face gave little away.

Aleksander himself was currently seated on a rather plain chair overlooking the hall below. Butresi laughed in his heart, he always loved to see the surprise of strangers as he casually spacewalked without the waste of exorbitant amounts of prana as they expected of such a feat.

"Aaah, so you must be the heir of the Tenuy clan, the clan of spacewalkers" he responded as he quickly composed himself before flashing a rather welcoming smile.

"Your knowledge of my clan is music to my ears…"

"Please enough with that formal bullshit" He abruptly interrupted while lightly rolling his eyes. We in the military don't care for such falsities. Those words were actual music to the young heir's ears, he himself was not fond of this particular tradition that the clans still insisted upon. He looked over Aleksander once more but this time with more critical eyes.

He was adorned in a flowing Black and white robe which had golden patterns across it, on the sleeves of the robe the golden dove, the symbol of the empire could be seen. In his hand, he held his sheathed sword which stretched out behind him. His dark hair was tied in a bun, his equally dark eyes adorned his surprisingly delicate-looking face.

Before Butresi could reply he was again cut off. "Really Resi are you going to completely ignore us". The one who said this was Elixa who was seated further away with the other heirs. If I didn't know better, I would think you weren't happy to see me." A grin adorned his face, his pure white-hair was left to flow freely and was rather unkempt giving him the aura of a wild free man.

"It seems that you don't know better Elixa" he responded as a grin of his own escaped on to his face." It's good to see you again, how long has it been? "he asked.

"Too long my boy, too long you hear me. Now come here and give your father a hug."

"Ooh father how can you have the balls to show yourself despite having a lower prana rank than your own son" he replied sarcasm dripping in his response. Elixa broke into laughter at that.

"Excuse me sir," he said as he turned back towards Aleksander.

"No problem go talk to your 'father'. I your uncle will wait here" was the good-natured response of the General's son. Butresi could not help but roll his eyes at that "Oh great there's two of them" was the only reply that came out his mouth before he then went to his friend. Elixa was still laughing his guts out, he was easy to amuse like that.

He exchanged greetings with other heirs who were both trying and failing to hide their laughter. He was close with Melkor and Akuja but nowhere near the level that he was close with Alixa. His clan was an ally to the Velkor clan who were rivals of the Valmor clan who were allied to the Birtus. Though all the heirs cared little for their clan's rivalry.

"Hey Res, how much longer until we get to the damned place already." Alixa who had finally composed himself grabbed a chair with a pranic arm and dragged it over for him to sit.

Taking the seat offered to him he replied, "We'll most likely be there by nighttime."

"Nighttime? I thought these ships were supposed to be fast?"

"Well they are but they don't tend to go fast unless there's an emergency" This time it was Akuja the heir of the Valmor who replied.

"Ugh I don't think I can wait that long, there's nothing to do. We're not even allowed to fight on this forsaken ship" Alixa complained. Knowing him Butresi didn't doubt that this was torture for his friend.

Akuja snorted lightly. "Aren't you satisfied with your son's presence Alixa."

"I would be if he wasn't such a spoiled brat" Once again the balcony erupted into laughter even Butresi himself could not stop himself from grinning lightly.


Immediately a terrifying aura covered the entire ship. The air itself had grown several times heavier and seemed as if it carried the will of a vicious beast. He had to push out his prana to allow himself to breathe properly.

Instantaneously Butresi wrapped space but before he could leave, he felt a palm on his shoulder and in the next instant he was outside on the deck. He shuddered as he emerged, the spacewalk had drained so much more out of him than it should've. This pressure was truly tyrannical to be able to affect space in such a way. In the corner of his eyes he spotted several blurs rushing out the hall and arriving on the deck, glancing back quickly he saw that it was Alixa who had grabbed him.

However, his friend was not paying attention to him, his expression was grim, and he stared at something above.

"May the Divine Lords help us "were the words that slid from his mouth before a rather ferocious grin emerged onto his face.

Looking up Butresi could not help but groan as he stared into the eyes above them.


I've just started writing so updates might be a little slow.

I hope you can be patient, I hope to focus on quality rather than speed. My speed will likely get faster as I get used to writing.

atatacreators' thoughts