

Her eyes....

If I tried to describe them then....

I once saw a star explode. In a dream, in another life, in a forgotten universe where i was God, it doesn't matter anyways... Some memories are branded on your very soul, every moment vivid with colours and hues beyond any known spectrum. As I watched , it turned into a million and one specks of light, ripples reaching as far as i could see, in a silent dance so beautiful and heavenly only angels could compare.

Now in the middle row seat of this empty theater, I remember that magnificent sight. Thrill and emotion flooding my mind as I loose myself in those blue orbs. The heat of this moment evaporating the moisture in my body, leaving me with a desire for the coolness of her mouth on mine.

I want her.

I need her.

I love her.

I want to watch her sleep, staying up all night keeping her hair from her face.

I want to see her come home with a smile on her face, itching with a need to tell me how wonderful her day was.

I need to see her face reflected on my children's.

I need to be able to hide in her arms when the world crumbles around us.

I love the way her mind works, her quirks, that awkward chuckle she lets out when she's embarrassed.

I love everything I see and feel when I'm with her.

My sweet Evangeline.

And so I sat there, planning our entire lives together, the movie sounds in the background long forgotten.

And as she looked at me and tasted her lips, I could tell she was doing the same.