
What Is Going On

Wolf_Rain_5301 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

What Happened

for the first few seconds after opening her dark blue eyes she was lost and confused. she did not recognise the area around her, as she was laying ankle deep in snow on her left side. her body was stiff and cold, but her mind kept running making her feel like she was spinning in a circle. after a few minutes she slowly pushed herself onto her back. only to groan as something on her back made it difficult to lay flat. with a soft growl she sat up only to gasp as she stared at what she thought was her feet. she was staring at reindeer like hoofs, covered in a thick layer of black fur. she slowly followed the reindeer legs up only to gasp as she realised that they belonged to her. the last thing she could remember was laying on her old wear out couch, watching a ad for the newest Viral Reality gaming pod. how she wished to own one but she knew she could never afford one, during the day she was a collage student studying to become a game designer. well working part time as a waitress at a local bar, the hours where good, the pay okay, but it was thanks to the tips that she could afford food and rent. she wasn't like the other waiters and waitresses that flirted with customers. hell she was the complete opposite, she had punched a guy for grabbing her ass. when the manager called her into her office she swore she was going to get fired, but to her shock the manager only complained her for standing up for herself. a few day's later the same guy was back and thanking her for punching him, as she was shocked when he told her that was just what he needed to wake up. since then her manager had placed up a sign "dangerous animal" at first as a joke but a lot of men and women seemed to enjoy the thought of having a attractive girl punch or slap them. as some of them even asked her personality not to hold back. after a week she slowly started paying extra attention to her regular customers, getting to know them better as sometimes they got touchy feely just got get a slap or punch. her manager didn't say anything about it, as she could only shake her head. trying to get back to the problems at hand.

where was she.

how did she end up here.

but most importantly why was there a pair of wine red eyes staring at her.

please let me know what you think.

I'm still very new to writing.

please also inform me if you find any errors in my spelling, as English isn't my strongest language.

thank you in advance for your help and time.

Wolf_Rain_5301creators' thoughts