
What Is Fate? Doesn’t Matter.

My fate, in a new world Cover art and characters belong to there respective creators

Armoti_Nelson · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 5: They Do No Seek The Grail

Sick mother "ahhh please don't!" Stumbling backwards, her face covered in blood, looking at her sons head in her hands.

Maria "awe what's wrong, don't you like being treated this way" leaning down to the women's face, her eyes glowing in the dimly lit room.

Sick mother "please let me go!, I don't want to die please" peeing on herself, looking at the large figure behind the cheerful girl, the steam coming from its nose.

Maria "no, we can't have that, a lady shouldn't piss themselves, what will they think of you" as her sons dead friends started too stand, there bodies bent in unnatural ways.

Sick mother "uhhhh....please what is it you want I'll give you anything please..ahh" crying and throwing up on herself, the dead bodies ripping her clothes off.

Maria "there is nothing you can give that I haven't planned on taking away, I hope you enjoy, maybe you'll like it, hika Is rather rough" looking at the women who screamed as the creatures, had there with her, while she screamed too loud from pain, one tore her jaw off.

"You did well little demon, come there is much more too be done" a deep voice hit her ears.

Maria "yes there is" tilting her head with a smile, the creatures burning up along with the house.

Two figures could be seen, leaving the house that was ablaze, in the next minute they disappeared.

[Meanwhile in Homurahara high]

A orange haired boy could be seen, running for his life, through the halls of his school at night, fortunately running into two servants fighting. Making his way through the floors, almost getting his heart hit by a spear until.


Lancer "what the hell?" Getting his spear knocked away.

The figure that had appeared moved forward too lancer, who tried back stepping, spinning his spear around his midsection too create distance, but it was dodged effortlessly, spinning it until it reach his neck grabbing it with one hand, thrusting it forward, the spear moving a blinding speed. The beings blade moved over its head the spear being deflected sparks flying, lancer try's too move back but a fist with a tremendous amount of strength hit his stomach. He flew smashing in too walls breaking through them, coughing up blood.

Lancer "this isn't right, it's a servant but it doesn't match this...." looking as the figure tossed its sword up, kicking it at the hilt. Flying too him knowing he could not follow it he disappeared too see his master.

Lancer "we will settle this later, rouge servant" leaving behind these words.

The being held out his hand the sword came back too his hand, before it could level is building, looking at the boy who backed away, getting stabbed in the chest as something was implanted in his heart, before disappearing.

Soon a girl came, trying too save him, unknown to her about what was done too the boy.

Rin "please" trying to save his life, a red light flashed as the figure who had done it sat on the roof with a girl leaning on him before they disappeared.

Shirou ran home, thinking of things that happened that night, knowing the beings he saw fight were not human, before he could even relax the man in blue who had tried to kill him came for him again.

Lancer "too think he didn't kill you, looks like I'll have too deal with it" thinking of the rouge servant, looking around cautiously.

Shirou who was confused tried too fight back too no avail, as he pushing into a corner.

Lancer "you surprised me, your hopeless at mage craft, but your Quick witted, you could qualifie to be a master but that doesn't matter now" holding his spear out too the side with one hand prepare to have his life.

Shirou "my life was spared, and so I'm not going too let myself be killed before I fulfill my obligations. So I'm not going to be killed here by a bastard like you!!" Yelling out, a mage craft formation shined a blue color as the spear was coming.

Lancer "what the seventh servant is here why?!" Feeling the magical power, blocking as he was pushed away.

A flash of dazzling blue light shined. And before him sat a blonde haired women.

Artoria "I ask you this.....are you worthy too be my master?" Turning her body to look at Shirou.

He looked at her in confusion from her blue and gold dress, the sliver plate armor on her chest, her gauntlets to cover her arm, and the object she seem to be holding in my hand it was invisible.

Shirou "your master?" Struggling to understand.

Artoria "I'm your Servant saber, I have come in response too your summons, your orders master" looking at him, while he was in pain.

Artoria "your fate is now my fate, our pact Is now sealed" moving out too face lancer.

Shirou "what do you mean our pact" rushing after her.

Soon the sparks flew as the blade became more fierce, blow after blow until lancer changed his stance, moving his spear that glowed red too take her life.

Lancer "I will end your life here, now gae blog" sending out a red and black spear strike that moved like lightning, saber ready herself, the strike freezing time then reversing it, but they both heard.

Ken "Nothingness" a blade cut the strike before it could lift her.

Lancer "tch, not good" looking too a building too see the being from before as well as a black haired girl.

Artoria "who?!" Looking where lancer was looking, her heart beating hard as she remembered the single word he said, her shoulder sparked with electricity, but soon healed, getting up into a stance, looking back at shirou who was frozen looking up.

Ken "Sorry to interrupt, I'd thought I might intervene" disappearing and appearing infront of them.

Lancer "while I would love too continue too fight with you saber, we have a bigger problem" pointing his spear.

Artoria "a 8th servant how?" Pointing her sword.

Maria "was he the one you encountered at the school" the girl spoke.

Ken nodded his head, pointing his sword.

Ken "come" as spiritual pressure was released, making them feel heavy.

Artoria "lancer we most deal with our matter later, deal with his master I will hold him here" pointing her sword at him.

Lancer "it will not be that easy, trust me" circling around.

In the next moment ken disappeared, artoria tried desperately to block as she was kicked In the stomach flying back into a building destroying it.

Lancer "tch, I told you" before turning his spear to block just to have it grabbed and spun around getting launch, while flying trying to throw the spear at Maria.

Ken "never" appearing to catch it, spinning around and throwing it at tremendous speed, hitting him in the shoulder pinning him to a wall before he could unsummon it.

Lancer "ahhh!" Falling from the wall.

Turing his sword to stop artoria, as she moved her blade faster looking for a opening yet he did not move, soon getting a blade sliding a long the length of hers as she ducked her head back getting a large cut on her eye.

Shirou "stop this!" Running up too below the building.

Maria "just be a good boy and let them fight" appearing next too him kicking him away.

Artoria "master" trying to move as a hand grabbed her face slamming her into the roof, they both broke through it, artoria stands and hears the words again.

Ken "nothingness" blood flew as artoria arm was cut on both sides of the joint, Dropping her sword.

Artoria "where did you hear those words servant, answer me!" Looking up.

Ken "there is only 4 others then me who know this, isn't that right my light in the dark" a deep voice that brought back memories hit her.

Artoria "why would you be here" crying out as he Arms healed pushing her body backwards breaking through the building, looking at Shirou and lancer who fought Maria.

Lancer "well Im sorry but I must say you are out matched" pointing his spear to Maria who laughed, lancer and Shirou being grabbed by artoria who saved them as the ground they stood on turned into a crater, looking back into the smoke the girl walked out along with the tall man following.

Throwing lancer too the side, they both rushed forward.

Lancer "why are we running, taking his master..." getting interrupted.

Artoria "he is not something we can deal with trust me, not us alone" trying too get away.

Shirou "he was the one who tired too kill me" looking back.

Lancer "wait, you know him saber?, then his name what is it, we could..." getting interrupted again.

Artoria "listen it will not matter now go, they do not give chase, our cooperation is done lancer" moving her sword too block his spear.

Lancer "very well I will report too my master, one way or another you will tell me" disappearing.

Shirou "what is wrong saber" feeling her shaking.

Artoria "I have no idea why he is here, but I do not think he seeks the grail" dashing away.