
What is ‘GOOD’ and ‘EVIL’?

Have you ever wondered about the goodness and the evilness of the world? If everything is balanced, doesn’t that mean that there’s goodness in evil and evilness in good? Then, how do we actually separate these two categories, which coexist and swirled up to an entity? The story of two people, maybe more, suffering through the prejudices of this classification. What if evil is good and good is evil? Does the good always receives the best while the evil receives the worst? Maybe both of them are trampled down instead, and this is a journey of a hero who struggles to stay as good and a villain who refused to be evil. (Cover designed by Freepik)

OneWhoGlitched · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Hair incident

"Fruits! Fresh from the orchard!"

"Limited offer! Newly baked pastries! Free smell for all!"

"Handmade accessories! Miss, this will suit you well!"

"Fortune reading! See your love life!"

The high spirited sellers trying to lure people to their shop, even some shady businesses around present. Kids running, mother and child shopping hand-in-hand. What a peaceful place.


The bell rung as I pushed a door to a magic armoury store. Shiny, meticulously made swords by the famous swordsmiths on display, a section of armour embedded with mana stones, magic shields that are mass produced by the orcs tribe.

"Welcome, young lady. What is it that you seek?"

A buff, brunette merchant greeted me with a friendly smile. He looks strong enough to be on par with a bear but gives off a rather warm air.

"…I only wanted to take a look around."

"I see. Perhaps you came from another place?"


Not wanting to continue the small talk, I browsed around the store, walking through the magic item section. At the corner of it all, a brooch made out of onyx gemstone was placed.

"What is that brooch for?"

"Oh? Are you interested with this brooch, my lady?"

He took the brooch and hesitated before handing it over to me.

"It's not a very popular item, to be honest. It could turn the colour of your features into black for barely ten minutes a day. Since dark colours are often linked with the villains, people don't usually want it."

"….it could?"

"It does."

I wrapped my fingers around the brooch, feeling it in my hands before looking up again at the man.

"I'll take it."

"You would? I am happy to sell it to you then!"

The merchant's eyes filled with joy. Maybe he didn't expect for such an item to be sold, perhaps even considered throwing it away. With a soft humming, he brought the brooch over to the counter and packed it carefully.

"I'll sell it half-price for you, kind lady. One silver it is."

After handing over the coin, I took the brooch and walked towards the exit.

"Come by again!" The bear-like man shouted.

With a 'ring', the door closed and I went to get my horse, just to see it munching on someone's hair. The horse looks rather mischievous at the moment, making me feel quite dumbfounded.

*What a sight,* I thought.

"Hey! Let go already, you weird horse!" The victim yelled out, pulling me back to reality.

The white horse snorted and continued to munch on his long hair. The man struggled to pull his locks away and wrestled with the horse's jaw. Seeing how his hair was soaking wet, I believe it's been a while. Without further ado, I rushed and grabbed Felix's rein.


After some struggle, the white horse finally let go of the locks, though I could see a few strands of hair got pulled off during the process.

"I'm sorry, young sir. My horse doesn't usually act like this." I said apologetically.

The man straightened his hair before looking up at me. Upon sight, his mouth turned up to an unexpectedly large smile, as if delighted somehow. Is he alright?

"Don't sweat it. I guess my hair is attractive to horses too, haha!"

The man in front of me looks familiar, very familiar. The almond-shaped eyes, high bridged nose, not too distinct cheekbones, the gentle features and the smile that caused a few wrinkles next to the eyes, it reminds me of….


The man was still smiling, although it faded slightly at the sudden utterance. His brows raised before asking, "Emma of Arlos?"


"Haha! Close but not quite. I'm her younger brother. We're twins!"

That took me by surprise. I never knew that Emma had a sibling, a twin at that. No wonder they look so much alike. The only difference is….the colour of their features.

His….is dark.

"…..Excuse me for a bit."

Grabbing his left hand, I lifted the sleeve up.

"H-hey wait-"

I stared down on his wrist quietly. After a while, I released it back and looked up at him, feeling ashamed of what I just did.

"...I'm sorry for the suddenness."

His expression changed from a shocked one into a laughter in no time.

"You are quite the bold one aren't you, my lady? You made my heart skipped a bit there."

"….my apologie-"

"But I don't hate it, do you want to hold my hand again?"

He said it with a teasing smirk, right brow arching up as he put his hand out, making me slightly embarrassed but mostly dumbfounded.

"…let's just…wash your hair first." I looked away and tried to change the topic.

"Will you wash it for me then?"


The man chuckled happily before walking ahead, saying something about a river he found close by. Perhaps his hair is naturally dark, there was no mark on his wrist. He doesn't seem evil either. Chattering away about the interesting shops he found, the smile never failed to decorate his face. With the horse in tow, I quietly followed him, subconsciously enjoying his stories.

"I tried the fortune telling for my love life. The answer was so vague, maybe it was a scam. My pitiful five silver coins…." he sighed.

"…..What did it say?"

"She said, 'Oh, young man…mhm I could feel it. THIS...Oh wait, your love life…I see eternal and endless space at the end of a cliff. The light and darkness colliding, and one life.' So does that mean it's good or bad? She left, saying it's her break time without finishing her job."

He told the tale with lots of expressions and gestures, making it even more interesting to listen to. At the time, he was complaining with a frowning face. I caught myself finding him quite the charming one. The walk felt really short because of him.


"Oh, and we're here! You're keeping your promises, yeah?"

"…I will."

After hitching Felix under a tree, I rolled up my sleeves and approached the man, who was eagerly waiting.

"Please sit down by the banks." I gestured him next to the river.

"Alright!" He exclaimed before sitting immediately.

I also kneeled behid him and took his long, black locks in my hand. It doesn't smell so pleasant, after being slurped by a horse, it's unavoidable. Scooping the clear water by the river, I rinsed his hair bit by bit.

"Should I just lay down?"

"….that would stain your clothes instead. Just tilt you head slightly to the back."

Running the water through his hair, I admired the jet-black colour. It looks wonderful.

"I never dreamed of having a hero washing my hair," he chuckled.

Hearing that, I got alarmed and retracted my hands. I felt my pupils shook, fist clenched. He is still facing away from me, as if expecting that reaction of me.

"…you knew?"

"Your wrist showing."

My gaze immediately fell on my rolled up sleeves. I involuntarily did it to avoid getting the sleeves wet. My hand quickly undo the rolls. That's when he turned around.

"Hey, why are you covering it?"

"I don't want-"

"Even without it I could guess your identity. Not many people went to Arlos, you know? It's not shocking that you're a hero."


Clenching my fist, I kept my head down. I really…..don't want to be known as a hero right now.

As if noticing my change of expression, he raised his pinky before saying,"I won't tell anyone, I promise,"

"….what are you doing?"

"You don't seem too comfortable about me finding it out, so I thought you want to keep it as your little secret?"


"Not accepting the pinky?"

Hearing that, I slowly lifted my hand and completed the pinky promise. We're both grown ups, why did he suggest such a childish way? What an odd one.

"Had my hair been cleaned?"

"…just a bit more, please lean back again, young sir-"



"My name is Andras."

He looked directly into my eyes, causing me to be taken aback slightly. After a nod, gesturing that I got his name, I continued to wash his hair, replying him with mine.

"…I'm Alara."


With the short but impactful reply, Andras smiled cheerfully, his pearly white teeth showing. I even noticed how his canines are very distinct from the others. Indeed, what an odd one.