
What is ‘GOOD’ and ‘EVIL’?

Have you ever wondered about the goodness and the evilness of the world? If everything is balanced, doesn’t that mean that there’s goodness in evil and evilness in good? Then, how do we actually separate these two categories, which coexist and swirled up to an entity? The story of two people, maybe more, suffering through the prejudices of this classification. What if evil is good and good is evil? Does the good always receives the best while the evil receives the worst? Maybe both of them are trampled down instead, and this is a journey of a hero who struggles to stay as good and a villain who refused to be evil. (Cover designed by Freepik)

OneWhoGlitched · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Greater Good

After wringing Andras's hair dry, Alara gently tapped on his shoulder, signing him that she is done with the cleaning.

"I apologise again for the incident," she said apologetically.

Andras turned his head slightly and stared at her face for a good while. Despite everything that had happened, Alara noticed how delighted he looks, as if there are sparkles in his eyes.

Showing his trademark grin, Andras finally replied, "…not at all. Rather, I'm happy that the encounter happened. Exactly because of that, you talked with me!"

Feeling slightly surprised with such a response, Alara took awhile before answering, "…I suppose so."

Andras pulled forward his black locks, still wet but smells better than before. Small smile formed on his lips, as if he is happy about it.

However, the expression changed when he continued the conversation, "…..Though it will be hard if I had to sacrifice my hair every time we met," Andras added, exaggerating a shudder.

Looking at his reaction, Alara can't help but chuckled softly.

"I'll make sure that it won't happen again," she said, raising a hand up to shoulder-level.

"…" Andras didn't reply anything. His black, round eyes bore right into Alara unmovingly.

Raising her eyebrows slightly, Alara asked in a rather awkward tone, "…what's the matter?"

Immediately, Andras replied with a surprised yet amused expression, "You laughed."


For the first time, Alara doesn't know what to reply. In her usual charade, the smiling face had always been plastered like a mask covering her real emotions. She realised how this time, she never faked it, but genuinely felt joy.

"…I guess?"

She continued to smile, but Andras frowned at the sight.

"Not this one."


"If you don't feel like smiling, then don't. A humorous man as I am might even be offended, you know?" Andras explained in a playful tone before continuing in a more serious one, "So don't force it."

"…alright," Alara replied, moving her gaze away. Her arching lips turned back into a straight line.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, Alara took out her pocket watch, inquiring the current time.

" I need to go now."



Andras's disappointment was apparent in his eyes. He used the remaining time to gaze at her intently before asking another question.

"Do you think I'll see you again?"

He gazed at her hopefully, making her slightly pressured. Alara noticed him fiddling his fingers, as if anxious with her response.

Reluctantly, Alara nodded. "We might."

"And will you remember me?"

Alara stared at him, taking in all his features. The man whom she met by chance, very short while but a very enjoyable encounter.

"It'll be hard to forget you."



"Sister, I'm back!"

Andras entered the kitchen and greeted Emma, who is currently boiling something.

"Welcome back, how did it go?"

"Great! Thanks to the mana suppressing cream you made, the mark got covered well!"

"I'm glad then."

Emma paused a bit, looking up at her little brother. Andras quickly understood the meaning of his sister's gaze.

"So….did you found anything at the Clock of Fate?"

Pressing his lips together, Andras shook his head slowly."…..not quite." He took a pause before adding in an optimistic demeanor, "….but oh well, maybe next time!"


"Don't worry too much, sister. Some people even thought of my ability to be a salvation, you know? There's even maniacs who tried to make potions for longevity!"

Emma was noticibly struggling to form a reply after seeing Andras's smile. Looking down, Andras could see her clenching onto the hem of her dress before muttering under her breath,"….it might be great for normal people, but you…"


Andras, a villain cursed with immortality. Having the inability to die, he would eventually be left alone, carrying the burden as a villain for who knows how long? The role of a villain isn't a very easy one, either. To top it off, being a subject of hatred forever is the same as living an unwanted life in the eyes of the others, making it better to not exist in the first place.

Hence, they had been trying to find the weakness of this so called 'ability'.

"Even the periodical duties had been hard on you….I know how it exhausted you mentally, how could you bear doing it for eternity?"

"…please don't worry too much…"

"….oh, Andras, how I hope you had never been suffering like this."

"…..Sister, I'm fine, really."

Emma held her brother's hand with a pair of anxious eyes. Knowing how his sister is, Andras always tried to calm her worried heart. This is how the twin had been living.

"You got a duty today too, didn't you?"



Orders that was transmitted to their head, coming from the Clock of Fate. It may be the rage of the dead wizard who died a century ago but refusing it isn't a choice. A villain who failed to do their duties will lose their control, acting like a bloodthirsty madman, killing everyone in sight.

A total blood bath.

The duties mostly consisted of the things considered as 'evil' such as murder, arson, thievery, kidnapping, public assault and destruction of public property.

"What is it this time?"

"….another life will be taken today."

Emma looked down at her brother's hand, his fist clenched, very tightly. Emma knew, he doesn't want to do it either.

"…be careful, Andras."

This is the life of a villain. There might be some of them that does enjoy the ability given, but indeed, there are also a few who find the mark as something heavy on themselves. Whether you abide to the orders, or cause an even bigger massacre.

After all, even villains fought for a 'greater good'.