
What is ‘GOOD’ and ‘EVIL’?

Have you ever wondered about the goodness and the evilness of the world? If everything is balanced, doesn’t that mean that there’s goodness in evil and evilness in good? Then, how do we actually separate these two categories, which coexist and swirled up to an entity? The story of two people, maybe more, suffering through the prejudices of this classification. What if evil is good and good is evil? Does the good always receives the best while the evil receives the worst? Maybe both of them are trampled down instead, and this is a journey of a hero who struggles to stay as good and a villain who refused to be evil. (Cover designed by Freepik)

OneWhoGlitched · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

A Hero and a Villain

*Perfection is shit*

There's nothing perfect in this world, neither are those who kept on judging others, leaving critiques, bad-mouthing around. Then what about themselves? Assholes.

"What? That hero managed to take down another villain? As expected."

"Of course, they can't just be living lavishly for nothing, right?"

"Hey, but I heard that neither of them had yet to catch that one villain from the South."

"Nah, don't even dream on them catching that. They never even caught sight of that one."

"Maybe the heroes aren't so capable, after all?"

The group of mercenaries sat by the bar, chugging down a whole barrel of beer. How nice if they would just choke to death. Those filthy mouth deserves to be stuffed with mud, fitting of their shit-like manners. Even heroes are humans, they can't be as perfect as they are portrayed. In the first place, all those perfect heroes are only born out of people's expectations, not how they really are. The responsibility, forced on a mere teen, under the cover of a grand title called 'hero'.

*How fake.*

Alara sat by the corner of the counter, quietly listening to all the lively conversations taking place in that small space of a pub. The pub is located in the land of Arlos, one of the least visited place as it is crowded with mythical beings and villains. The only groups that will gather to such a place are only the heroes, mercenaries and guild members.

"Another berry punch, I assume?"

The bartender smiled. She had been working here for almost a decade. Besides the few groups mentioned before, there are a few odd people like this who lives in Arlos.

"Less sugar?"

"Yes, thank you as always, Emma."

The blonde woman in her early thirties smiled and went away to prepare the drinks before coming back with a few extra snacks.

"Don't mind much about what they said."

"…..what do you mean?"

"You're a hero, aren't you, Alara?"

Alara's eyes shot open, her hands quickly pulled on the black hood covering her face.


"Don't be too on guard, lets just say that its an instinct of someone who lives in the cursed land of Arlos." Emma chuckled.


"Good job on beating the villain last time too."

"….you know about that too?"

"Nope, just shooting my shot."

Again, she let out a soft laugh, seeming pleased with the correct guess.

"…I'll get going first."

Alara stood up, swiftly making her ways to the door. Eventhough Emma called out for her, she kept on walking, not turning her head behind.

"…ah, she left."

Emma looked down on the counter, a silver coin was left there as the payment.

"Seriously, Andras. I told you we shouldn't talk on such a topic to her."

"Haha, why not? We had a celebrity over so often, of course we should try and hit a conversation!"

"Ha…I won't do as you wish again later on."

"Aww, sister. Don't be so uptight!"

Andras clung to his sister, making Emma flicked his forehead.

"Ouch!" He flinched before letting out a chuckle, holding his forehead.

"Oh, Andras, just when will you stop acting like this."

"Rather than asking when, think of ways to accept it!"

Emma looked up to her cheerfully smiling little brother. Her brother had grown up well. Same blonde hair as hers, bright blue eyes, or so is how it used to be before.

"Why are you staring like that, sister? Had I grown more handsome these days?"

Standing in front of her now is someone with dark features. Black hair, black eyes. A dark crescent moon tattooed on his wrist, the symbol of 'villain'.

"Andras, have you did your duty today?"

That simple question caused Andras's smile to fade. Slowly letting go of Emma, he stood there calmly and said,"…I'll do it later, don't worry, sister!"


This is the world where heroes and villains are chosen by fate, whether they wanted it or not and once they had been chosen, the duties must be carried out without fail. And failure, results to death.

This will be a slow series since I didn’t prepare the whole script (1 chap/week). You can read my other book while waiting. See you next Thursday!

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