
What If We Fall In Love

Rose Graham is an ordinary reader who dreamed of finding true love and spending the rest of her life with him. But unfortunately, her dreams are shattered after her father's death and is now married to one of the coldest man in New York. Ryan Hartford is one of the youngest billionaire of New York and refuses to get trapped in a game of love but after having to marry the daughter of his most admired friend, he feels protective of her than anyone else. After spending 10 months in the same house and barely talking to each other, things start to change. Feelings are Confessed. Secrets are Revealed. Hearts are Broken. (I do not own the pictures. Credits goes to the real owner.)

AriaShah · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


5 Years Later


I come home from work and find Rose in the kitchen, cooking.

She doesn't notice me when I walk in. I'm careful not to make a sound when I approach behind her.

I lean in to her ear as I say "hi, sweetheart."

She lets out a gasp before turning to face me. She puts her hands on her chest as her face relaxes "you scared me."

I chuckle before leaning in and kissing her cheeks, she smiles. "Welcome home."

"Thank you." I say with a smile.

Rose turns and turns off the stove before turning back to me.

"Bree and Finn will come over around 7. Will you pick up the cake?" Rose asks

"Yes, don't worry."

Rose opens her mouth to say something but gets interrupted when we hear our son running downstairs, yelling "dad"

I walk out of the kitchen just when he reaches me, I pick him up in my arms earning a giggle from him.

"Hi there, buddy." I say before I kiss his cheeks "how are you?"

"I'm good. Mom made pancakes for my birthday breakfast." Jack grins.

We named our son after my brother and Rose's best friend. It was Rose's suggestion, I was in complete awe when she suggested it.

Rose found out she was pregnant after we moved in together again, turns out she was a couple weeks pregnant but because of everything going around, she didn't notice or cared to go to the doctor.

Jack has my brother's spirit somehow- I think it's Finn's spirit, I've always seen a part of Jack in Finn in a way how he's bright, caring and protective of Bree.

Finn and Jack easily became very close, Finn is great with kids- probably because he is a kid. So, kids feel comfortable around him.

"Did you bring my cake?" Jack asks, looking behind me as if I'm hiding it from it "where's the cake, dad?"

"Dad will bring the cake before the party starts, honey." Rose kisses Jack's cheeks "don't worry."

Jack pouts "I want to eat cake right now."

"You have to wait buddy."

Jack whines then rests his head on my shoulder. "That's boring."

I laugh.

"Alright, honey. Dad needs to go change." Rose says, patting Jack's back.

I put him down and turn to kiss Rose.

I pull away when Jack gasps "you're eating mom's lips!"


Rose laughs.

"Don't eat my mom's lips!" Jack says as he stands in front of Rose, spreading his arms to protect her with a pout on his face.

"I'm not eating your mother's lips." I say

"You just did! I saw you!- I've seen it before but I chose to ignore it but not anymore!"

I look at Rose who's trying her best not to laugh "will you explain it to him?"

"Why should I? You're the one who did it." Rose says, confusing whether who's side she's on.

I sigh and look at Jack "I am not eating your mother's lips. I kiss her lips. Likes she kisses your cheeks."

Jack tilts his head, lowering his arms as confusion takes over his facial expression "but she doesn't do that to me." He turns to his mother "why don't you kiss my lips?"

Rose parts her lips to answer but I answer instead "her lips are for me, not for you, buddy."

Jack looks at me and frowns, scrunching his nose "that's not fair."

"It is."

"It's not." Jack hugs her mother's legs "if you can kiss her lips so can I."

"You won't."

"I will."

I open my mouth to argue but Rose stops us "alright, that's enough. Ryan, go and fresh up. And sweetie, how about you go and play? I'll call you when lunch is ready."


Jack tries to glare at me by squinting his eyes as he walks away from us then takes a run to his room.

I turn to Rose "he won't kiss your lips, will he?"

"Would it be so bad if he did?"

"I- your lips are for me. He can kiss other parts of your face."

Rose laughs as she steps forward and kisses me, I kiss back, pulling her closer by the waist.

I part her lips, deepening the kiss, she clutches to my shirt.

She pulls away and looks up "as much as I enjoy this, you should go change." I part my lips to protest but she shuts me up by saying "later tonight, Hun."

The smile she gives me before she walks away in the kitchen does weird things to my body. Her smile is teasing.

I make my way upstairs to change as I go through the plans we've planned for Jack's birthday.

My boy is turning 5.

My boy is growing up too fast.



As soon as Jack hears Finn's voice, he's running towards the door to hug him.

Finn sees him and picks him up, throwing him in the air before he catches him making him giggle. Jack wraps his arms around his uncle's neck, hugging him tightly.

"Happy birthday, kiddo!" Finn says as he walks in the house, carrying Jack.

"Thank you!"

Finn puts down Jack and messes his hair, he groans.

"Hello, Aunt Bree! Hi, Sarah." Jack greets Bree and Sarah.

"Hi birthday boy." Bree says with a smile

"Happy birthday!" Sarah says holding out his gift.

Jack gasps and takes it saying "thank you so much!"

Sarah smiles.

Sarah and Jack had gotten close very quickly after he was born. Whenever they're in the same room, they're inseparable. Same is with Jack and Finn. Their bond is amazing- Ryan says it's easy for kids to be comfortable with Finn because Finn is a child.

I couldn't agree more.

When Finn and Jack team up, Sarah teams up with Ryan.

Yes, Sarah and Ryan's bond have also gotten very strong over the years.

When Jack was born, Sarah asked Ryan multiple questions about him like why he's so tiny, why he's a boy and not a girl. Even when she saw him sleeping, she'd ask him why he's always sleeping.

Watching the kids with Finn is fun but watching the kids talk to Ryan is another thing.

The kids are energetic and full of thousands of questions whereas Ryan is quiet and has an answer for every one of their question.

They go to Finn for fun and games, they come to Ryan for clearance and advice.

Either way, Ryan is a great father as well as a great husband. He was so patient with me when I was pregnant. I went through so many mood swings and was such a emotional wreck. I was so annoying but Ryan stayed calm even when I went into labor.

He soothed my hair and told me it was going to be over soon and that we'll become parents- he reassured and calmed me as I cried in pain but I was able to do it and Jack was born healthy.

Ryan comes home with the cake just when everyone settles into the living room.

Jack stands up with a grin "cake!" He runs to Ryan trying to reach the box "I want it!"

"You can have it later." Ryan says and messes his hair, Jack pouts.

"Don't worry, buddy. I'll help you sneak a taste."

Jack turns to Finn, he winks at him.

"What are you trying to turn my son into?" Ryan asks, his eye brow raised.

"I'm not trying to turn him into anything. I just want my nephew to be happy." Finn says, grinning.

"No need to sneak a taste. We'll cut the cake right now." I say

"Yay!" Jack says in excitement

"Sit with your Aunt and Uncle, I'll bring out the cake."

"Okay!" Jack runs back to the couch and sits with Finn.

Ryan brings the cake in the kitchen and puts it aside before pulling me closer by my waist and kissing me.

I smile through the kiss before pulling away "if Jack sees-"

"He's busy tackling Finn."

I turn my head and find Jack strangling Finn while he acts to choke and Sarah films them, giggling. Bree sees me and shakes her head in disbelief. I smile at her.

I look back at Ryan "still. We're suppose to bring out the cake."

"Another kiss won't hurt, sweetheart." He says before he kisses me.

I give in, I put my arms around his neck and kiss back. My lips part easily.

I play with the hairs on the back of his neck as he deepens the kiss.

After a nice and long kiss, I pull away, breathless.

We stare at each other. My cheeks are probably red.

I smile, "that was fun." I turn away from him to take out the cake. He kisses my cheeks, softly making me smile wider.


Jack starts jumping in excitement as we bring out his cake. Finn puts a birthday cap on his and Sarah's head while also wearing a birthday head.

I put the cake on the center table, right in front of Jack.

Me and Ryan kiss each side of his cheeks.

"Make a wish, buddy." Ryan says

Jack squeezes his eyes for a second before he blows out the candles, everyone cheers while I hand him a knife "be careful."

Ryan holds his hand as he helps him cut the cake, we all sing the birthday song as the knife cuts the cake in half.

When he puts down the knife, I hug him tightly, covering his face with kisses "happy birthday, sweetie."

Jack turns his head to me, looking serious, I frown.

"Mom, will you do anything I ask?" Jack asks

"Of course, honey."

"I want you to kiss my lips like you kissed dad's"

"What." Ryan is the only one who says anything.

Bree laughs, Finn pats Ryan's shoulder.

I blink at Jack before chuckling "you want mommy to kiss you?"

He nods, innocently.

I smile.

I lean in and peck his lips.

"There. happy?"

Jack grins then hops to turn to Ryan "ha! She kissed me!"

"You brat." Ryan says before he tackles Jack on the ground, tickling him, he screams for him to stop.

We laugh at the way Ryan jokingly gives innocent threats to Jack like not giving him chocolates and taking away his toys but Jack continues to laugh.

My smile grows wider.


Jack got tired and fell asleep in Ryan's arms after the party was almost over.

Bree, Finn and Sarah left right after we noticed Jack was sleeping.

Ryan hasn't moved from his place on the couch. Jack is curled up on his side and Ryan is smiling at him.

I'm looking at the boys from the counter. Ryan hasn't noticed I'm looking at him so I keep quiet not to make my presence known.

I watch him as he moves Jack's hair away from his forehead then leans in to kiss it.

The memory of Jack's birth comes into my mind.

I will never forget Ryan's face when the doctor gave Jack to him. His eyes shined with unshed tears as he made Jack hold his finger. He couldn't believed he was a father, he kept turning to me and saying "he's our son. Can you believe it? We're parents."

The smile on Ryan's face was the kind I've never seen and I loved more in that moment.

Just like how I'm falling in love with him all over again as he rests his head on Jack's tiny head and closes his eyes.

My boys are so precious and I love them more than anything in this world.

And I always will.