
What if? Severus Snape.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] A resounding boom filled the night air as thunder reverberated through the sky, revealing the face of the once-feared wizard who had terrorized the entire magical population of Britain for the past years. Now, his lifeless form lay still, Voldemort, once hailed as the greatest dark wizard of all time, was reduced to an unrecognizable, charred husk. The man who killed closed his eyes, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. But among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the day of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to find his destiny. And on the day that woke up another part of him, one that he always feared. It was the day he killed his father. From that day, he must learn to adapt, rise, and conquer within a world teeming with gods, monsters, and Superheroes. The day that started his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? Follow Severus's journey to redefine the boundaries of magic unfurling in this new cosmology, a merge of the mythos of Marvel and the wizarding world of Harry Potter. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Author's Note: This is the old version of the book Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince. I will continue to post the chapters here as well but you won't find the changes I have made to the story. While it might seem idiotic to keep two versions here, this version was loved by many and they wanted the unchanged version to not be deleted so I left it here. Even with the changes the story remained mostly the same, the core, so I hope you all love it. _*_*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · Anime e quadrinhos
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59 Chs

9. Testing out all the powers.

# Prince Manor #

I found an empty room on the ground floor and decided to use it to explore my powers, I locked the room behind me once I entered the room.

I sat down and summoned some parchments to first write down my powers.

I took a quill and ink and started writing my new powers and my old expertise.

My new powers,

1) Shadows

2) Something related to death.

3) Something related to physical change.

4) Something related to Magic.

Older expertise.

1) Dark arts.

2) Defense Against Dark Arts,

3) potions

4) Spell creation

5) Charms

6) Herbology

7) Transfiguration (not the best, but soon I will be)

8) Arithmancy (soon I will be the best one. I promise)

9) Ancient Runes (I'm quite good at it)

10) Alchemy (self-taught, just began to study)

11) Martial magic (needs some practice.)

12) Occlumency (One year into practice, quite good)

13) Legilimency (trying to do without the help of a wand)

14) Non-Verbal spells.

15) Proficiency in multiple languages.

After listing all of my powers and expertise, I have to say I am quite a knowledge but that isn't enough, I should be able to put them into use.

I decided to check these powers one after another.

First power – Shadows

It is a tricky power; I have no idea how to test this power.

Luckily, I stumbled on the starting point when I entered my shadow.

I closed my eyes and started to think about the two brushes in my shadow.

I can feel those two brushes right now, I opened my eyes and observed the lamp that was enchanted to glow, I switched it off and cast a Lumos spell at such a position that no shadow is formed.

After the room is bright and no shadow is formed including mine, I closed my eyes again.

I still felt those brushes even though no shadow was formed.

I concluded a point, Wrote it down on the paper.

1) I don't need the shadows to feel the presence of the items I threw in the shadows.

While still keeping the light as it was, I tried to summon the brush from my shadows even though there was no shadow present.

At first, the shadow didn't come but when I concentrated on the brush, it appeared in the palm of my hand.

2) A shadow isn't required to summon the things which were stored in it.

I changed the direction of light and positioned myself in a corner, I grabbed a large table and placed it such that light can cast a large shadow from that angel.

Once I finished positioning the table, I looked toward the massive shadow formed by the table.

I stepped towards the shadow slowly, I thought about entering the shadow as I stepped towards the large shadow of the table.

One of my feet touches the shadow and felt like entering into the water, I felt the cold sensation on my foot again, it was chilling.

I slowly put another foot into the shadow and let myself drown in it, I closed my eyes and let myself get drowned into the realm of shadows.

I opened my eyes as I felt the coldness on my cheeks.

I opened my eyes but I was blinded, it was completely dark.

I clutched my wand and cast a Lumos spell, then I only saw myself and the brush that remained in the shadows and nothing.

I didn't know how big this realm of nothing was. I didn't know how to move forward, I was not standing on anything, I was just floating.

I swung my hands forwards as if I was swimming, I didn't have any effect, then I tried to will myself to move forward, then it happened.

I started to float forward, I kept on moving forward for at least 10 minutes.

3) The realm of the shadows is extremely big, extremely cold, and silent.

It is unpleasant to be in.

I closed my eyes and I concentrated on getting out of the shadow, I floated up and emerged from the shadows.

In the next step, I created two different shadows in the room, I entered the realm of the shadows through one shadow and existed it through the other.

4) It can act as a doorway, but it depends on me for the time it takes to exit once I entered the realm of shadows.

I need to practice more so that as soon as I enter through one shadow, I should be able to leave from the other.

I went to the kitchen and took some fruits and returned to the room, I threw some fruits into the shadows.

I waited for an hour to check the apple, after that, I summoned the apple, it was neither rotten nor frosty, it was completely the same as it was before I threw it into the shadow.

Since it was just one hour, I thought to write down the changes later after leaving edible items along with a few potions to see the reaction for a few days.


I summoned Dobby.

"Yes, master. What can Dobby do for master?"

"Just stand where you are,"

I ordered him. He was standing on the shadow cast by the table.

I tried to swallow Dobby using the same method I did but it wasn't working.

My power doesn't seem to have an effect on living except for me.

"What is the wrong master? Did Dobby do anything wrong?" Dobby asked me in a bit less frightened tone than the last time.

"No, Dobby. I wanted to ask you. What are your favorite colors since tomorrow I am going to buy some clothes for myself and I thought I should buy for you as well"

I just shifted the topic, though I can transfigure some clothes, I wasn't in tune with the fashion that goes around outside and I wanted to spend money leisurely for the first time in my life.

I won't waste money normally but living in poverty, I always wanted to at least spend some money on things that I wanted not that I needed to survive and the clothes I wore before were always second-hand.

"Did Dobby do anything wrong, sir? Why is master freeing Dobby? Dobby will try harder; Dobby will become a great elf. Master need not free Dobby"

Dobby was on the verge of crying.

Sh*t, I forgot giving clothes to them is a symbol of freeing them of their service.

"No, Dobby I am not freeing you, I told you I will transform you into the star of the elven race, didn't I? so step 1 is to look presentable, tell do you want to be in that dirty white cloth"

"So, tell me what colors do you like? prince family elf should be different from other elves"

At the mention of being the Prince family's elf, dobby finally gave in and said "Dobby like blue and white"

"That was simple wasn't it, now leave me to my study and only disturb me once it is dinner time" I ordered him.

Dobby nodded and disapparated.

I tried some more tests and found out that I can extend my shadows as well.

I theorized that I will be able to control shadows more efficiently as I practice more

Onto my next power- Death

I don't a single clue how to even check on this power, I don't even know if it is a real power or not, it was just a feeling that I felt when I was in the graveyard.

I don't know how to even test it; I mean I can go and sit in a graveyard and think about what to do with the feeling I felt after I killed my father and, in the graveyard when I buried my mother, but there isn't much to work with, I can't start my experiments to get an understanding of this power with meager knowledge on death.

No one knows what happens after death or the exact concept of death, but I didn't know how to test it.

I will do what I always did; test everything that comes to my mind except going on a killing spree, I may have killed my father but I don't want to turn into another Dark Lord.

I left the mansion after leaving some instructions to Dobby, instead of apparating I walked to the nearby town

The mansion was enchanted to look invisible to any muggle and also divert their attention when they keep moving towards the mansion.

On the outskirts of the town, a graveyard was located. The graveyard was properly maintained and empty.

Since it was already evening, no one was present at the graveyard.

I felt the same feeling when I summoned things from my shadows and when I entered the shadows.

I looked around the whole graveyard, walking from grave to grave, the sensation from a few graves was heavier than the other graves, the graves that gave a heavier feeling were the graves of the people who died recently.

As I was walking through the graveyard, I felt the heaviest sensation that I only felt right after I killed my father.

I moved towards the direction from where the sensation was coming from, I found a recently a body of a dead dog, it seems it died recently, someone must have just left the body of the Dog there.

'Poor dog'

I decided to bury it later, I walked towards the body.

I was assaulted by intense feelings than before, I haven't moved that much from before, I only moved an inch closer to it.

I looked around myself to see what was wrong, then finally my eyes fell on the body of the dog, the difference was that my shadow fell on the body.

I had the craziest idea, I thought about necromancy, I might not have started studying it but I knew what it does and how an inferi is created, it acquires skill and a lot of dark spells enchanting.

"Wake up" No moment from the dog.

"Back to the living"

"To the land of the living"

"It was lame," I thought about the phrases I used.

I concentrated on the Dog again, I felt two different sensations from the body of the dog, one from my shadow and another from the dog.

I felt some kind of resistance from the dog in my consciousness, I closed my eyes and felt the presence of the dog.

I occlumended and concentrated on the presence of the dog I felt.

I opened my eyes, looked at the body of the dog, and ordered "ARISE!"

I saw my shadow slowly swallow the body of the dog.

After a few seconds, my shadow slowly dissipated from the body of the dog, leaving the body unharmed.

From the body of the dog, rose a dark figure in the shape of the dog.

It slowly crawled out of the body of the dead dog and slowly walked towards me.

It didn't behave mindless aggressive or was ugly like inferi, it had a completely black body and blue glowing eyes.

It made its way towards me while wiggling its tail.

I was still in shock at what I had just done to notice the dog rubbing its head on my legs.

I crouched down and touched the dark figure of the dog hesitantly.

I was able to touch it, yet it was different from touching a real body of a dog.

It lacked the fur, and warmth of a living being. Its body felt soft and hollow, almost like touching air.

It was wiggling its tail while trying to lick my hand.

Breaking from my shock state, I shouted "I fu*king resurrected a dead dog" in excitement.

Though the excitement died down soon after realizing that it was not resurrection in the true sense.

After some time, I started to feel a strain on my body since I resurrected the dog.

I decided to check if I can store the shadow dog in the shadows.

I closed my eyes and left the dog's presence now registered along with the brush.

I willed for the dog to enter my shadow.

The next thing I knew it was gone.

I dug a grave for the body of the dead dog.

I placed the dog's body in the grave and covered it up.

"Thank you. Due to you, I can at least understand my powers."

After paying respect to the dead, I apparated back to my manor.

It was already night by the time I returned.

I saw Dobby was about finish cooking the dinner, so I sat down at the dining table.

"Dinner is ready, sir."

I was still distracted due to the implications of my powers.

My second power is like necromancy yet it didn't need the body of the creature that is being resurrected.

It was also not resurrecting the creature either as it was different.

I can feel the control I have over the resurrected dog.

It may have the intelligence but it lacks both the control and warmth of an alive creature.

It was the reason why I didn't go directly to my mother's grave after I found out what my power can do.

I didn't want my mother to be like a robot that followed my orders.

This was a frightening power.

The implications of this power would bring many problems to me if anyone finds out about this power.

I should experiment more with these powers but I set a code, so as not to lose my sanity.

The code is simple, should not start killing people just for the sake of creating undead shadows that are completely under my control.

I will use this power for sure but I didn't want to lose myself to the powers.

Death is peace at last for a lot of people, I don't want to be the one to take that from them.

I don't know how I will behave or change in the future but I know I will use it.

I closed my eyes and thought about the dog, feeling its presence inside my shadow realm.

The dog appeared out of the shadow and made its way toward me.

"jump" I command, it did as it was told.




I commanded a few other orders, and it followed without hesitation, behaving just like a living dog.

I gave it some food but it denied.

On further observation, I noted it doesn't need food but another source of power to exist in its shadow form that is growing inside me.

I burned all the papers on which I wrote about my powers. Only one more power was left, so I decided to test it tomorrow.

"Dobby, find yourself a room to stay in. I don't want any argument" I ordered him.

"Dobby will do as master tells," Dobby replied without trying to argue and left the dining hall, levitating the plates along with him to the kitchen to wash them.

I got up from the dining table and returned to my room.

I sat down at a table and started writing letters to two individuals, one to Tor and another to Alchemist Nicolas Flamel.

I had already rewritten the potion book into a new book with Half-blood prince as the author.

I gave Tor a strict warning to never expose my identity to anyone, no matter how important that person is.

I also gave him a bunch of instructions on what to do.

I wrote a letter to Nicolas Flamel.

I added a few lines about the changes I made in potions and my skills in transfiguration along with my knowledge of basic chemistry.

I can learn alchemy by myself but it will be good to have someone accomplished as Nicolas Flamel's guidance.

I sent the letter under the name of Half-blood prince.

I sent these two letters to Tor with the attachments.

I instructed Tor to send the second letter to Nicolas Flamel.

After sending Hermes away to deliver the letters, I went back to my room and slept.

I woke up the next morning with a new objective in mind.

After freshening up, I made my way down to have my breakfast.

I saw that dobby was already awake and started cooking.

It seems dobby is an early riser.

He floats the plates down to my table and sits along with me, nice he is learning.

"Food was good."

I complimented him and left to check my other powers.

The third power, -Physical change-

I took out the Martial magic book I bought and started to read through it.

It had many exercises in it, along with some techniques to perform in certain scenarios.

The first one was to go on a run; since I have to check my powers.

I ran around the manor until I passed out.

"Master, are you ok?" Dobby woke me up.

"Yes, I am ok. Thank you"

I sent him away after thanking him.

"Ok, what's next?"

I saw the other exercises, such as push-ups, pullups, and planks.

After this exercise, I was left breathless.

'Why does a wizard even need to exercise anyway? This must have been written by some dunderhead' I cursed, feeling the pain all over my body due to the exercising.

Despite the pain, I continued to do them as I wanted to check my powers and how they worked.

I completed all those exercises and had sore muscles all over my body.

I was feeling soreness all over my body.

I went to my room and checked my body for any changes, but I didn't have any changes but I knew it needs time to fully explore this power.

The next test I did would surely get me labeled as Crazy, I took a knife and made a cut on my hand.


I cursed as the blood dripped from the cut, I waited for the wound to heal but the wound didn't heal at an accelerated rate, which means no healing powers.

"I must have been sorted into Slytherin too soon. Who makes a cut on his hand just to check to his powers? I am behaving like those reckless Gryffindors".

I cast a healing spell on the cut so that the bleeding stops.

I noted that I do have some kind of physical power but it isn't instantaneous.

I need to note my daily progress to check my physical powers.

After checking all these powers.

I came to realize I don't know sh*t about how I have these powers.

Wizards and witches use magic by focusing energy from around them to cast spells.

These powers were different from magic, these powers are present inside my body.

That bald scientist whose name I forgot, said something about mutant genes on the internet.

The information that read from the post about the bald guy didn't provide much information on mutant genes.

No research at large was being performed on these mutant genes either, at least publicly.

There was no way for me to learn about these mutant genes.

Fine, I will do it myself.

I will learn muggle subjects to study & Research how I got these powers, it's not like I never read muggle subjects before.

Mr. Evans made me attend summer tuitions along with Lily till the last year.

Due to the fight between me and lily, I avoided going to their house.

They were some of the kindest people I have ever met.

I don't know how petunia was even born to them

They dragged me every day saying muggle subjects are also important.

It makes me feel guiltier for snapping at lily and calling her mudblood.

They must be disappointed in me after finding out what I thought of them like that.

I don't and never have thought of lesser than me.

They were the sweetest people I have ever met.

They even paid for my muggle studies tuition.

They always pushed me toward learning muggle studies, even though I didn't want to, by insisting that I had a bright mind.

'You have a bright mind, Sev. You shouldn't limit yourself just to magic. Science is interesting as well and you won't go broke if aren't able to find a job in the wizarding world.'

Mr. Evan always praised and pampered me around, even though I hated being treated as a child, I felt a bit happy whenever he praised me and thought me something new.

He was the father I wished I had. His warmth would even bypass my anti-social aura.

He was the only person I would patiently listen to blabber nonsense.

'If you join lily on her tuitions, I will make you your favorite pie.' Mrs. Evan used to bribe me into attending.

I had felt myself tear up on those fond memories.

They were muggles yet they were so kind, warm, and accepting.

They always had faith in me and never had any ill intentions toward me.

I always questioned myself on my hate towards muggles.

There were muggles like Tobias, who hated anything that has powers, magic, or just born better than them yet there was the Evans couple, who partially raised a boy who was not even theirs, contradicting and making me question my hate.

They always welcomed me with a warm smile and open heart.

I never expressed my thanks or returned their love, fearing the happiness that they gave me might be snatched away from me.

I decided to visit them after these holidays and ask them for forgiveness.

Wiping my tears away, I left my room with the determination to correct the mistakes I committed and to check the last & final power.

Last power that intrigued me the most, Magic.

All of my other powers were not related to magic but my last power was similar to magical energy.

My last power had the same properties as magic yet it was different.

The magic I used to perform was by focusing magical energy from my surrounding before into a spell or intent but this new magical source exist inside my body, flowing through my veins.

Now, I was a source of magical energy, not just a medium that can focus the magical energy to perform magic.

Wizards/witches are magical beings. Magic flows through them but it does not originate from inside them, they hold a minimum amount of magical energy differentiating us from muggles.

This new magical energy flowing through me was a bit similar to magical energy flowing in the ambient nature, yet it has differences when compared to the ambient magical energy.

It was less potent compared to the ambient magic but I theorized that its potency will grow in the future.

I could cast some spells using the magical energy source inside me but they were less effective compared to ambient magic.

It was a miracle that I had my own magical source.

Along with a new source of magic, I gained something that I would call Magical senses.

With the magical sense, I can feel the flow of magic and different magical energies present in nature.

I can sense the fundamental difference between each spell that is cast.

Magical sense is a versatile ability. It would help me increase my understanding and in expanding my knowledge of the fundamental working of magic at the initial phase of spell creation & casting.

Due to the magical sense, I was able to distinguish between my usual magic and a magical source inside.

It will also be very helpful in duels as well.

I decided to call the magical energy source flowing through me, MANA.

Mana had similarities with my other powers but it was a bit different from them.

At the end of my experimentation and observations, I concluded that my present powers are still growing and I might discover many other abilities of these powers in the future.