
The Beginning

I barely remember how I met you for the first time. I couldn't recall how we can be friends - is it because our parents were colleagues or maybe because we knew that we'll clicked to each other until I proudly called you my childhood boyfriend. I wasn't sure too.

But one thing for sure is I know that you've caught my eyes on the first day I enter kindergarten. I couldn't call you by your first name 'cause it sounds awkward to us. Calling you by your last name sounds cute for me as if I've known you for your entire life.

There were only number of memories of us that I can recall and I personally think that those were the cutest memories that I want to keep till my hair turns grey. The moment when we played together in the office, the moment when you looked at me and smiled, the moment when you showed me your pet (the cutest so far) and the moment when I knew that you're going to move to somewhere and we need to be apart from each other.

Each day after you leave me, I can only remember your name and the memories that we've created.

As I grow older, I could only think, what if we never met each other again? What if he only meant to be part of childhood days?

I wrote this to be kept and shared with you about my childhood days or more specific, about a boy whom I proudly call my childhood boyfriend.


If you have some idea about my story or maybe you want to share about someone that you fond during your childhood days, just let me know. Comment it and let me know.

mspoppy_creators' thoughts