

We continue our training until it's time for dinner, I think I'm getting a little better at fighting, at least a little better, despite the fact that Jade still beats me so easily.

"That's enough for today, LIlith, I'll take you back to the castle so you can rest."

To tell you the truth, I was a bit exhausted from the training. I was tired, and to think that all my training would be like this now, but I was going to be able to spend more time with Jade and that was the main thing.

Jade took me back to my castle, but I still have a question that has been bothering me since this morning.

" Jade?" I say a little shyly then Jade stops.

"What is it, did we forget something in the forest?" We were only a few yards from the castle, it would be silly to forget anything.

"No, I wanted to ask you why you don't sleep at the castle or even why you never come and eat with the others?"

Maybe she just doesn't like people's company, but at this point living somewhere else, I don't think it's her own choice. Who'd want to be that lonely?

" To be honest. It was the Queen who asked me not to show my face and to stay away from you all, but as you've already seen my face I thought it was stupid to keep a mask on when I had to protect you."

Mum lied to me this morning, she told me that it was Jade who wanted to stay away, and I understand better why last night, Jade arrived late. It must really take her a long time every day to walk from the forest to the castle. I have to do something about what's happening to Jade.

"Why are you asking me this question anyway?" She asked.

"I'm worried about you, you know, this morning when I went for breakfast and you were the only one who wasn't with us . Then my mum told me you lived in the forest. " I looked her straight in the eye and for the first time I felt like I could see gratitude in her eyes.

"You shouldn't worry so much about me and I don't need to be with other people, I've been used to being alone since I was a child, I've never really enjoyed the company of others. "

How could she say that to me, it made me really sad to know that, and then she said she would never talk to me about her private life, but it looked like it had changed now, or maybe she just didn't realize it.

We went on until we reached the castle, and all the way there I couldn't really talk to her about what I was going to talk about. Once we got there it was time for dinner and I was thinking about something on the way. I didn't take the time to take a shower, I went straight to the others who were eating.

"Mum, I've got something to tell you," All eyes were on me, but I haven't said anything yet.

" Yes, what do you want to talk to me about, Lilith?" her tone was quiet, but it will change when I will say what I have to say.

"From tonight on I would like to stay at Jade's." I look around at everyone, they all look shocked, and I even see the commander almost choke.

"You must have made this decision on the spur of the moment, are you sure you know what you're saying?" replied Mum, still shocked by what I had just said. What would it be like if I told them I wanted to marry Jade, she would probably have a heart attack. This thought made me laugh.

"Princess, you can't just stay with her all the time anyway," said the commander.

"Of course I can, and then I know I'll be safe all the time and nothing will happen to me." What are you going to say to that?

"I'll protect you all the time, I might even let you come and live in my flat," said the commander and that seemed to reassure Mum.

"Yes, the Commander is quite right, Lilith, you could move in with him. "

Why did Mum have to take it this way, I really feel like she wants to set me up with the Commander?

"No thanks, Mum, and the commander is a man and I am a woman. I'd rather be with a woman than a man," she said. How did I get into this situation?

"Don't worry princess, I can control my impulses, it won't happen to you unless you want it to."

I'm dreaming, or he's just openly admitted that he's interested in me and that I'm going to fall for his charms, frankly men are all the same he just wants to sleep with me.

"No thanks," I say disgustedly, "Nothing will stop me from going to Jade's house."

It's not because Mum asked me for something that I had to accept it and then whatever he thinks about it, I don't care.

"I'll admit the fact that Jade is protecting you, Lilith, but she's still a demon, and maybe she could attack you for no reason.

How could Mother think such a thing about Jade, thank God she's not here.

"We often associate light with good and darkness with evil. Yet when the sun burns we hide in the shade." I said.

"What do you mean by that Lilith?" Mom asked as she came up to me.

"Mum, just because she looks like a villain doesn't mean she has to be. It could be that among the people you trust the most there is someone who could betray you so don't ever say that again" I was angry with mother for thinking that.

I left the table without eating, no one could stop me, and now I was going to head for Jade's house in the forest. The only problem was that I didn't know where it was exactly and in 10 minutes I had managed to get lost.

I was walking in the dark, and I was lost, I'm really stupid and if I got attacked I couldn't do anything. I could hear noises and what would happen if I died because of my stupidity. Someone was close by, and I could see a fire in the distance.

I decided to make myself invisible and stay back until that person left. It was the commander, and he had followed me here.

"Lilith I came to help you, don't be afraid." I made myself visible again and approached him.

"What are you doing here, Commander? He moved a little closer to me and then put his hand on my cheek, his hand was unnaturally cold, and it made me shiver.

"You left without me even telling you where Jade's house was." I found the commander very strange with me, he was much too close, and he kept lowering the distance between us.

"Yes, I know that, but I thought I'd find out for myself, I don't need your help.

The commander pinned me against a tree in an instant. I didn't understand why he was doing this.

"Princess," he sighed, "What do you see in Jade that I don't, I've always loved you." He put his lips on my neck, and then he kissed me all over, it was sickening to me.

"That's enough, Commander, I don't want to have this kind of relationship with you," I push him and slap him. He holds his cheek where I slapped him.

"Princess, you can't understand the extent of my feelings for you. "

He charged at me again and this time he blocked me, I couldn't do anything more, I was at his mercy, he tried to kiss me, but someone gave him a punch.

"How dare you touch the princess like that!" again it was Jade, she always comes to my rescue at the right moment.

The commander was down, one punch was enough to put him out of action.

"I admit my defeat to you Jade, but know that I will have a word with the queen about your attack on me." I think he's making fun of us, he's the one who tried to rape me first.

"It won't change your case, you tried to assault me and I assure you that the queen will listen to me rather than you." I said. The commander was smiling.

"We'll see what the queen thinks of this another day, but I always win in the end," He said before he left.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.