
What If A Thief Gets Reincarnated.

I was the greatest thief ever. I did crazy stuff. I was a super skillful and successful person. The police did not catch me not even once and one day I got myself caught for thrills and now I'm dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I got reincarnated for my sins Can I survive? Can a thief survive in this new world? They tell me I should be a good boy but what is the meaning of good. I don't think that a king and a crazy person is a great combination. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for something crazy and weird. Well, here's one for you. Enjoy going into this world of fantasy and weirdness.

Gifty_Kelvina · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Invited By Trouble (Pt - 2)

Blade said 'the one who chose to rebel is your aunt, her name is Belladonna Reya'

I was confused upon hearing this.

Why would my aunt choose to rebel? I asked.

He said 'Well, your aunt is next in line for the throne

I asked 'How ?'

He said 'your grandpa had two children, one your father, another your aunt. Your Father was the younger one your aunt was the oldest but when your grandpa died the throne went to your father as he was a man, as for your aunt she married the richest and most powerful man in this nation Duke Zirlon Jaud his house supervised all the trading and all transactions of the kingdom, so if someone is wanting to use a trade route they have to pay commission to his house. The house of thorns made a lot of income. Now you are implying taxes so they will lose a lot of money. and your aunt was already furious for not getting the throne and now her source of income is being cut thus she chose to rebel'

Whoa, that's a long story of why my aunt hates me. This is another problem with monarchy.

If I die my aunt takes over the kingdom.

And if she does not do what I say people will be like 'hey the kings family is not paying taxes why should I do pay taxes let's kill the king'

Then I will die and my throne goes to my aunt and they live happily ever after.

So to fix this issue I have to talk to my aunt and I am not very great at family conversations.

Oh no what am I going to do.

I have very bad social skills and I know nothing about my aunt, which is not normal.

Well I never thought about the throne and its heirs.

Now that it has come to this I should be careful.

I should set some traps and gather some information about some stuff.

And most importantly set some things right.

I started to prepare my hero speech to defeat my evil aunt.

It all sounded super cool in my head but I don't trust reality.

After a few minutes of thinking I ordered Blade to book a cab for me. I mean lizard carriage(they look so gross).

A few moments later.


I have been waiting here for taty idiot to get ready for almost an hour.

He still hasn't shown up.

Speak of the devil.

(Shows up in a black suit, Magnificent)

(Blade :brain blown out)

'When did you have time to buy a suit'

He said 'you mean when did I have time to be handsome. I got all the time in the world for it'

How is he such a weirdo even with all that knowledge?

We boarded the carriage.


When I was travelling in the carriage I went through a serious problem

How should I cally aunt is it like

Aunt Bella

Aunty Bella

Aunt Belle




Aunty trash can

Aunty Donna

Aunty BeDo

It's hard to decide on a name for her.

Maybe I should ask Blade.

' hm Blade how does a normal person call his or her aunt'

He said 'A normal person mostly calls their aunt 'aunt' but you are not a normal person so you should call her Dutchess Belladonna and your tone of speech should be overflowing with respect.'

Well now I regret asking Blade.

Maybe I should have just gone with something else now that I have consulted him. I have to follow what he said. If I don't, he is going to kill me with his glares.

I have always enjoyed travelling on earth but here I hate travelling.

It takes a long time to reach a place.

Maybe after this I should make a law that says all lizards will now be changed to taxis.

Which will definitely make travelling easier,faster and fun.

Well finally after a thousand years we arrived at our destination.

My aunt's house.

The moment I got out of the carriage I was welcomed by gaurds and Blade's wonderful don't do anything stupid look.

I was escorted inside.

The gate of the mansion was gigantic.

But not bigger than the palace walls.

It had a wonderful decoration on it which was mostly roses with thorns.

The moment the doors opened I was swayed away by the wonderful rose garden which my aunt had.

It was like seeing splattered blood on a white sheet.

It was just marvellous and perfectly evil.

Then soon I arrived at the door of the lion's den.

To Be Continued…

Fun Facts.

Stan's favourite colour is actually the colour of blood.

He often sneaks into crime scenes under the name of John Cowkins just to enjoy the splatter of blood.

Blade's favourite colour is … he refuses to tell us because he thinks having favorite colours are just a waste of time.

Psst actually it's black.