
What If A Thief Gets Reincarnated.

I was the greatest thief ever. I did crazy stuff. I was a super skillful and successful person. The police did not catch me not even once and one day I got myself caught for thrills and now I'm dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I got reincarnated for my sins Can I survive? Can a thief survive in this new world? They tell me I should be a good boy but what is the meaning of good. I don't think that a king and a crazy person is a great combination. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking for something crazy and weird. Well, here's one for you. Enjoy going into this world of fantasy and weirdness.

Gifty_Kelvina · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Finally, I am going to Party Town.

I was thinking of what offering I should give the all-watching God; I had a lot of choices like poisoned flowers, rotten fruits, and knives.

What happens if I give him knives, will he stab himself with them because it is the only thing a knife can do, I wish he does.

I called out Luna, I said 'could you make a quest called 'finding an offering' time limit none and rewards as level up and 10 unused stats points and everything on the shop for free and maybe a hamburger'

Luna said 'well I could make a quest called die it will have three seconds as time limit the aim is to die and if your reward is death and if you are not accepting it death and if you are not completing it, you are dead'

I asked, 'you can't make a quest like that, can you?'

Luna said, 'I can't, but I wish I can'

Oh, thank Goodness that she can't create a quest like that, if she can, I would be in heaven by now.

I said, 'do you have any ideas to make a quest'

Luna said 'well in fact I have a lot of ideas for quests and all of them are good for now, I will give you one suitable to your situation'

(ping) a quest window popped up



Traveling to Patrinia.

Objective: Reach Patrinia.

Time limit: None

Rewards:50 experience points,20 gold, and one unused stats point.


Ah, it's cool, I think it's fair.

I already have ten unused stats let us see what to do with them

I said, open the stats window. (Ping)


Name: Steven Ade

Job: King {Thief}

Title: {Swindler}, {The Greatest Thief}, {One who knows pain}, {Swift hands}

Level:1 (0/100)

Gold: 100









Status: Normal

Skills: Swift Hands (level 1)




Ah, there you are, 10 unused stats points and I see one point has been increased in endurance.

Let's see what to do with you.

I said 'six points in endurance and the rest in strength'

The points flickered and changed; it was amusing.


Name: Steven Ade

Job: King {Thief}

Title: {Swindler}, {The Greatest Thief}, {One who knows pain}, {Swift hands}

Level:1 (0/100)

Gold: 100









Status: Normal

Skills: Swift Hands (level 1)




Good, now everything is in double digits.

I asked Luna a very important question 'Luna I have heard that we can make magical contracts with people, I know I can make one but what happens when I do, does it hurt, does it have any side effects'

Luna said, 'it will drain some of your stamina'

I asked, 'why does it drain my stamina'

Luna said, 'let's say that a magic bond is a contract in which party A can control party B to an extent, when a magic bond is made mana/stamina will be taken from party A and party B and will be sealed in a form of a tattoo in their bodies, so you will lose your mana/stamina'

I said, 'so I and blade will get magic tattoos'

She said, 'the tattoos will be hidden and can only be viewed using magic or something'

Hmm, seems like I am going to get an invisible tattoo, actually I have planned to learn how to use magic after this visit to party town.

I asked Luna if I could just magically get to learn cool spells like fireball, she said something just like this 'you cannot learn magic like a fireball in seconds you have to work hard, some people spend their whole life to learn to control magic while you sit here and do nothing and say that I want to learn spells, but I will just sit here and sleep and eat'

It seems like I have to do very hard work.

Speaking of eating, the food here is the worst, in the morning I eat soup and bread and for lunch soup and bread and for dinner soup and bread and for snacks eat healthy fruits, yuck the worst.

I told them to change they say we don't have money while the townspeople eat good food, I eat food from the gutter for their sake.

A few minutes later,

I finally found an offering to give to the temple, I got grapes, pomegranates, apples, and other stuff like that I think they are collectively called fruits.

I never eat fruits; I am a junk food guy.

Well, I went to the carriage which I'm going to travel in, last lime I traveled I was in a carriage pulled by magnificent white horses, but now I'm traveling in a carriage which is pulled by giant lizards.

I went in and saw my advisor sitting inside chained; I held out the offerings which I had in my hand and said 'could you keep these near you'.

He said, 'can't you see I'm chained'

I said, 'are you really chained? I think you already picked the lock'

Blade casually removed the chain from his hands and took the offering and kept it near him,

he said 'I got bored sitting here with nothing to do, so I picked the lock and acted like I was chained because I didn't want the guards to find out, they would probably try to kill me '

I said 'when I get bored, I also pick locks, but those locks have doors and its fun'

He said, 'I don't steal for fun; I steal for survival'

I said 'you have been stealing for the past few days right'

He looked at me strangely, making the how- did -you- know- face.

I said, 'I found empty wallets in your room'

He said, 'the food at the ration shop tastes like dirt, so I prefer to eat outside, but my salary paid by a specific someone is not enough, so I steal to eat'

I said, 'huh, stealing for survival doesn't sound fun, you are very boring, I hope people who live in party towns not that boring'

I told the carriage driver to start the journey to party town.

And there began my journey to party town.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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