

KpopSpriteAndLimes · Fantasia
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Yoongi walks to Namjoon's room and knocks on the door. Before he knocks on the door, he starts hearing soft snuffles and sobs from the room. He straightens himself and knocks on the door carefully to not startle Joon, but makes noise to at least be heard.

"Namjoon?" Yoongi speaks.

Namjoon hurried to wipe his tears when he heard Yoongi's voice. He gets up and pretends to be tired as he opens the door.

"Yes, Hyung..?"

"..." Yoongi looks worried, but keeps up with a straight face.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi questions.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired from the combat. My arm is taking time to heal, but it's doing well. That's all, there's nothing to be bothered about." Namjoon shortly replies and holds onto his arm.

"I'm not talking about your arm, I'm talking about you," Yoongi speaks while darting his eyes onto Joon's.

Namjoon gets a little surprised by the cold stare but opens a soft smile to give the space a warm aurora.

"I'm doing good as well, Hyung. Thank you for your kind worries." Namjoon replies. The glare thickened, Yoongi knows what lays behind.

Namjoon frowns and looks down onto the floor, "You caught me crying didn't you?" Yoongi huffs and breaks off the cold stare,

"I indeed did, and what were you crying about?"

Namjoon looks around, "I think it's best to talk about it privately." He responds. They both get into the room and discuss it privately.

Jin reaches the last few stair steps to be left disappointed. "Crying?" Jin talks to himself as he looks at the locked room. Not sure if it was the best or worst choice to spy into the conversation.


"Hobi-Hyung..." Jimin speaks.

"Jimin, I'm telling you, if Namjoon keeps doing these tasks on his own, there might be a chance that his relationship with Taehyung might come to an end. You should know that Taehyung likes the group being together or at least him letting him know that he is going on his own." Hobi explains while he packs things for the next mission,

"We need them to talk to each other..."

"They will eventually have a chat. We should go with the flow, and give them some space to discuss." Jimin answers.

"..." Hobi stops and freezes for a moment. He continued packing and replied,

"Jimin, you're smart." Jimin smiles and gets up,

"Jimin is always smart." He starts moving his hands like a little pizzazz.

They both laugh at the small cringe moment and chat about different topics.