
What I become A God?

After Joe Cameron dies, he wakes up in a place he can't understand. He's given a Divine System and sent on a big adventure to make a new world. With these powers, Joe crafts humanity, molds the earth, and forges the heavens above. But while he's making everything, there are problems that threaten his god-like status. Follow Joe on a huge journey of making life, facing death, and trying to figure out why he's here in "What I become A God?."

THE_V1S1ON · Ficção Científica
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94 Chs

Chapter 6: Adam and Eve (4)

 As the sky turned dark and thunder boomed loudly above them, Adam and Eve felt a shiver of fear. The sudden change in weather made them realize that something bad was happening in their world, Eldan.


Then, a voice echoed through the garden, its tone both stern and sorrowful. "You have disobeyed my warning, my children," it boomed, reverberating through the air.


Adam and Eve exchanged uneasy glances, their hearts heavy with guilt and fear. They knew that the voice belonged to their creator, The Heavenly Father, and they trembled at the thought of facing his wrath.


"S-Sorry Fa--... .... Eve told me to eat this apple," Adam explained stuttering, his voice tinged with guilt. He felt the weight of his choice bearing down on him, knowing that he had betrayed their creator's trust.


Eve bowed her head, unable to stand for what she done. "I... I was tempted by the serpent," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I wanted to know, Father. I wanted to understand."


"I understand, my dear children, that your curiosity led you astray," Joe said gently and warmly. "But there are consequences for your actions."


Then, with a swift command to the Creation System, Joe opened a portal for Adam and Eve to leave the garden forever.


"Leave now and never return," Joe instructed, his voice firm but compassionate. "Head to the portal, and don't bring the animals. They've turned hostile because of your actions. Eating the forbidden fruit has made them feel emotion of evilness."


As Joe, their Heavenly Father, spoke to them with warmth and understanding, Adam and Eve felt a glimmer of hope amidst their fear and guilt. They knew that they had made a grave mistake, but Joe's compassion offered them a chance at redemption.


"We understand, Father," Adam said, his voice filled with remorse. "We're truly sorry for what we've done."


Eve nodded in agreement, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Yes, Father," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "We'll accept whatever punishment you deem fit."


With one last glance at the garden they had called home, Adam and Eve stepped through the portal, leaving behind the only world they had ever known. As they emerged on the other side, they knew that their journey was far from over. They would face many trials and challenges in the days to come, but they were determined to make amends for their mistakes and seek redemption.


As Adam and Eve disappeared into the unknown, Joe watched them go with a mixture of sadness and hope in his heart. He knew that their journey would be difficult, but he also believed in their ability to overcome adversity and forge a new path forward.


With a heavy heart and a renewed sense of purpose, Joe vowed to guide Adam and Eve from afar, offering them support and guidance as they embarked on their journey of redemption. Though they had strayed from the path he had set for them, Joe remained hopeful that they would find their way back to the light and fulfill their destiny as the first humans of Eldan.



[Meanwhile Joe Pov]


As I watched Adam and Eve step through the portal, leaving behind What I called Garden of Wonders, I couldn't shake the feeling of sadness that enveloped me. They were my beloved creations, and despite their mistakes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for their well-being.


As I pondered their future, a sense of hope filled me. I believed in Adam and Eve, and I knew that they would go on to accomplish great things. They were the first of their kind, the pioneers of a new era, and I had no doubt that they would leave behind a legacy that would endure for generations to come.


And yes, their Childrens method of reproduction might seem strange by today's standards you know incest, but in the context of their time and circumstances, it was a necessary step in the evolution of humanity. As the first humans, they were tasked with laying the foundation for future generations, and their journey would be filled with both triumphs and trials.

Then I commanded the Creation System to fast forward to a specific time, the world of Eldan shifted and morphed around me. Time itself seemed to accelerate, as days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years.


Turning to my Creation System, I ask a question, my voice filled with curiosity and anticipation. "System," I inquired, "how many years have passed since Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden?"


The System responded promptly, its digital voice echoing in my mind. "Host, it's been 930 years," it relayed, confirming the passage of time with unwavering precision.


As I absorbed the Information, I felt a sense of awe and wonder wash over me. It had been 930 years since Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Wonders, and in that time, the world had undergone immense changes.


I was eager to see how the world had evolved in the 930 years since Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Wonders. I knew that much had changed during that time, and I was eager to witness the fruits of their labor and the legacy they had left behind.


As I stood outside the universe, observing the world of Eldan, a sudden curiosity sparked within me. I longed to experience firsthand the changes that had unfolded over the centuries since Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Wonders. With a sense of anticipation, I turned to the Creation System and issued a command:


"System, can you create me a body within the Eldan world? I want to know what changes have occurred." I requested, a blend of anticipation and eagerness coloring my voice.


The System, always obedient to my requests, responded promptly with a reassuring "Affirmative, host.. initiating....ding."


As the Creation System initiated the process of creating a body for me within the world of Eldan, I felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. Finally, I would be able to experience firsthand the changes that had taken place over the past 930 years since Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden of Wonders.


[Other side]


Meanwhile, in the distant future of Eldan, Adam's son Cain had lived for 800 years, witnessing the passage of time and the evolution of their world. Despite his age, he still kept an eye out for any dangers that might come their way.


Cain's youngest grandson, Momoa, was 400 years old—a mere fraction of his grandfather's age but wise beyond his years. Despite his youth, Momoa possessed a keen intellect and a brave heart, traits that had been passed down through generations of his family.


As Cain talked with Momoa, they both felt the importance of their family history. Cain, feeling the weight of his own past mistakes, wanted to pass on important lessons to his grandson. He knew that the future of their lineage depended on it.


"Grandpa, where is Great Grandpa Adam?" Momoa inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.


Cain looked at his grandson with a softened expression, his eyes reflecting the weight of his regrets. "Well, I don't know," he began with a sigh, "because I had to leave that place because of the things I did," he answered, his voice heavy with remorse.


Momoa's brow furrowed in confusion. "What did you do, Grandpa?" he pressed, eager to understand the secrets of their family history.


Cain paused, his thoughts drifting back to memories he wished he could forget. "You don't need to know the details," he began, his tone somber. "But there's something important you should keep in mind. There are dangerous creatures out there, lurking in the shadows. These squid-like monsters have a sinister ability—they can manipulate people, forcing them to commit wicked acts. So, my dear grandson, always be wary of those monsters, alright?"


Momoa nodded solemnly, a sense of determination shining in his eyes. "Okay, Grandpa," he affirmed, his voice steady with resolve.


"Good," Cain said with a nod, a sense of pride swelling within him as he looked upon his grandson.


Meanwhile Mc pov



As I controlled my character in the Eldan world, I suddenly heard someone praying for me to meet them. Following the direction of the prayer, I searched in the Eldan world, and there I found him—Adam.


He appeared much older now, lying in bed with Eve holding his hand by his side. Despite his weakened state, there was a sense of urgency in his gaze, as if he needed to speak with me before his time ran out.


Realizing the gravity of the situation, I had no choice but to stop what I was doing and create another avatar to appear in front of Adam and Eve.

[This avatar was the same as back then.]

As I stood before Adam and Eve, their expressions of shock slowly melted into a mixture of relief and gratitude. They seemed reassured by my presence, as if they had been waiting for this moment to come.


"Adam, Eve," I began, my voice resonating with warmth and compassion. "I have been watching over you, guiding you from afar. Tell me what's in your heart?"


As Adam spoke, his voice carried a sense of resolve despite his frail appearance. "Father," he began, "we've tried our best to live by your teachings and fix the things we did wrong. But before I go, there's something I need to tell you."


[Suddenly Eve caught me off guard]


"Father," Eve asked softly, her voice trembling with uncertainty, "do you hate me?"


"Eve," I responded, my tone gentle yet firm, "I could never hate you."


I then paused, allowing the weight of my words to sink in before continuing. "You and Adam are my creations, my children. And like any parent, my love for you knows no bounds. Despite the mistakes you've made, I still cherish you deeply."


Tears welled up in Eve's eyes as she absorbed my words. "But Father," she murmured, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "we disobeyed you. We betrayed your trust and brought suffering into this world."


I reached out to gently wipe away her tears, offering her a comforting smile. "Yes, you made choices that led to consequences," I acknowledged, "but that doesn't change how I feel about you. You're both capable of growth and redemption, and I'll always be here to guide you on your journey."


Then I Turn to Adam, I could see the weight of his emotions written on his face, his tears mirroring Eve's. "Tell me now child?" I asked, my voice filled with empathy.


Adam struggled to find the words, his voice choked with emotion. "You already said what I want to hear, Father," he whispered, his gratitude evident in his tear-filled eyes. "Thank you for loving us unconditionally."


But then, Adam's expression turned somber as he voiced a question that had been weighing heavily on his mind. "Father, if I were to die, where would I go?"


With unwavering compassion, I met his gaze. "You will be in heaven," I assured him, my voice steady with conviction.

"Let me tell you about the afterlife," I continued, ensuring clarity in my words. "There is heaven and hell. Hell is for the wicked people, but heaven is for the good people. And I know you two deserve to be in heaven despite what you've done."


Eve's curiosity prompted her to inquire further. "pardon me father?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.


"It's because you've atoned for your sins," I explained, my tone gentle yet firm. "Heaven isn't just for those who have never sinned, but also for those who have repented and become better person."


However, deep within my mind, "Sorry, Adam and Eve, but for now, I can't bring myself to create heaven and hell," I admitted silently to myself. It was tough knowing they yearned for comfort that I couldn't provide.


I felt vulnerable. I didn't want them know me as a pathetic God. And I just wanted to protect Adam and Eve from the harsh truths of reality, even if it meant keeping up a comforting illusion.

With a sense of resolution, I directed my thoughts to the System, seeking answers about the fate of those who had succumbed to evil in the world of Eldan.


"System," I silently commanded, "what became of those wicked souls who met their demise?"


The System quickly answered me, saying, ""Host, I already expected this so dont worry Host, for they automatically send to a void, where they shall endure the consequences of their actions.


Grateful for the System's quick response, I conveyed my appreciation with a simple acknowledgment. "Nice, thanks System," I acknowledged silently, knowing that justice had been served for those who had strayed from the path of righteousness.


Suddenly, Adam broke my thoughts. "Thank you, father," he said. "Although I'm having a hard time comprehending this Heaven and Hell concept, But I trust your judgment.'"

"Once again, Father, thank you," Adam's voice carried a deep sense of gratitude and affection. "And know this, I always love you with all my heart." With those words, he closed his eyes, his trust and love for his creator is unwavering.

As Adam closed his eyes, Eve's heart shattered into a million pieces. She cried out his name, her voice filled with anguish and despair. Tears streamed down her face as she held onto his hand, refusing to let go.


"Adam!" she sobbed, her cries echoing through the room. "Please, don't leave me!"


But Adam remained still, his breaths becoming slower and shallower with each passing moment. He had accepted his fate, knowing that his time in this world had come to an end.


Seeing Eve cry next to Adam's dead body made me really sad. They'd gone through a lot of tough times, but they always kept going, sticking together and believing in me.


"Farewell, my children," I whispered softly, my voice filled with sorrow. "Though your journey in this world has come to an end, your legacy will live on forever."


With those words, I banished myself from their presence, leaving Eve to mourn the loss of her beloved husband alone.


As I reflected on their lives and the impact they had made on the world of Eldan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for having been a part of their journey. They had taught me valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and the power of redemption, lessons that I would carry with me for eternity.


And as I looked upon the world of Eldan one last time, I knew that Adam and Eve's story was far from over. Though they had faced countless challenges and tribulations, their legacy would endure, inspiring future generations to strive for a better tomorrow.



Eldan Genesis Book 1


In the beginning, when Eldan was born out of darkness, there were two beings—Adam and Eve. They were the very first of their kind, created by the Heavenly Father, Joe. With love and wisdom, Joe watched over them, guiding them through the wonders of their new world.


Adam and Eve lived in a place called the Garden of Wonders. It was a beautiful place, filled with lush greenery and amazing creatures. They explored the garden with joy, living peacefully alongside all living things under the watchful eye of their creator.


But one day, a serpent appeared in the garden. It was clever and cunning, and it tempted Adam and Eve with promises of knowledge and secrets. Sadly, they gave in to temptation and ate the forbidden fruit. This angered Joe, and he banished them from the Garden of Wonders.


Even though they were cast out, Joe still cared for Adam and Eve. He watched over them as they journeyed through Eldan, facing many challenges and hardships. But they never lost hope because they knew that Joe was always there to guide them.


And so, the story of Eldan's beginning came to be. Adam and Eve's journey may have ended, but their story would live on forever as a reminder of the power of love, faith, and forgiveness.



To be continued