
a good day with women

I took a tour around the 7 castle alone and it was magnificent. 

From the highest one the Mage and mana to the very weird looking the mechanic and science to the wide one the colosseum for the warriors and the bird house for archer the main castle where all are connected like a hive the other 2 were for guard and transport as they had portals to nearly most of the kingdoms. 

I didn't go that deep in all of them because one day or another a would discover them all, but I focused on the places that I would go for classes. 

The mana engineering and the origin of magic the way of combat beside the mandatory subjects all those was the subject that I chose as the main and I chose the science of mechanics and magic breathing as my sub-subjects. 

The classes were enormous, and they had the form of a theater.

"I didn't expect to see any newbies here in the first day" the short elf with her white dress and the blond hair and the magical white eyes. 

"it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Morningstar" I smiled to the beautiful short woman in front of me. 

"don't be so gentle you can call me Star as your elders I'm not that aged after all" she had her own cute smile like a small kid even if she now had completed her 4th decay. 

"As you want Ms. Star" she sighed "without ceremony, Star is enough."

"Sorry, it's a habit but calling someone who are older than me with many years with their name is rude so I think you will need to get used to that."

"Like Alfred, ok call me whatever you want what bring you in the first day?"

"I look for some books about ruins the wide range like the basic ones to the most complicated."

"Ok go for 3F200."

"Thank you, Ms. Star," I turned and go for the place. 

"So, he is your son, Master" I heard her mumbled and made note in my mind 'keep distance.'

She might seem very lovely from the outside, but she now and just now had tried water illusion on me and not just that but with some poison included, it was something that played with my hormones, so I felt hot and excited. 

'Fuck her illusion' what I saw was her naked body and with all what was happening in my body I would have jumped on her but because I'm a hybrid I have some poison resistance and because it's not my mating season I could control myself. 

I got what I wanted after seeing more than 200 books about ruins and returned to her and I just saw their names. 

"So, you got what you need."

"Yes, and I think I took even more than what I need."

"don't worry about such a thing you can keep them for a month."

"That will be great and thank you for the direction" I tried to make it short as I could, and I did it. 

in front of the door before leaving "sorry for the illusion you can consider what you saw as a first meet gift"

I didn't reply and increased my steps speed 'what a first meet gift.'

After a while a was in a very big room despite the small door but the room was enormous 

The very loud laugh and the group that the laugh came from was coming closer with someone trapped in the middle 'problems but in the first day, good luck for me.' 

"Copa never ever take any action unless I said" I said as I heard the hiss of Copa from my bag. 

"So, this little one is the first in your age" a very long woman in her tight semi open T-shirt and her black short jeans 'what is my problem with women today.'

"ye..yes he's the one that killed the ghostfreck" unknown person that I hoped that I hadn't met today.

I was trying in silence to continue my way and reach for the forge equipment as I was in the craft workshop but crash into big boobs psych. 

"I'm the assistant of the student council president and I'm here to invite you to meet of the new year student" her tone changed 180 degrees. 

I put a sad smile "sorry but I'm not interested in things like that but thank you for the invite, ma'am."

"No worries it's not that important sorry for wasting your time have a good day" she gave me a small bow and then took their group and left with the poor one. 

'at least she knows the principles.

I took a tour in the full workshop and find that it had things that I never saw like a great held hammer and the in and out furnace and a lot that I wanted to explore. 

I took myself and went to see the last place in my priorities list. 

In the long and open roof gym with all the equipment which could exist I took a breath in and out "that's the best place that I could ever dream of"

"Yes, man nothing's better than some bars and metal weights" I turned to see the one that talked behind me. 

"Come on are you going to stand here, or you are going to break some muscles" the brown-haired prince that took his steps to the bar.

"Yes, highness I'm going to break some muscles" I followed him but to the bench after getting my dumbbells.

I put my bag near me, and Copa got out she seem to be bored "don't go away you might get killed by an afraid one."

I held the dumbbells and started moving them up and down in slow moves "good you seem to know exactly what you do."

"Yes, highness and you are good in your weights" the prince was holding 250 kg and for me I trained with 150 kg for each. 

"Man let ceremony aside we are in the same age I'm Ptolemy you can call me Pto" he put the bar and looked at me with a smile. 

"Sorry it's a habit, I'm not very used to call people by their names if they aren't that close" I continued moving them slowly up and down while I was drawing a line between me and the prince. 

"Oh, I heard that Alfred also have the same behaviors" he looked at me with a happier smile. 

"Yes, highness living with him changed me a lot" 'so you understand and still trying so let's see what you want.' 

"I saw what you did in the exam, and it was awesome" he looked with stars in his eyes.

"You too highness I think I wouldn't do such a thing" I responded and felt like I was surrounded in a cage with lions. 

"The same as me I don't think I could be the same as the catastrophe son" he stopped and put his hand on his mouth, and I was sure that he was hiding his smile "I'm sorry I didn't mean it Ace."

"No worries highness I'm not ashamed of someone I didn't even see or hear about most of my life, and his nickname is cool so why not" I responded in a smile and changed my hand position and the hold of the dumbbells to train another muscle.

He laughed a lot and "yes you're right his nickname is cool I think we would be great friends; don't you think" he extended his hand for a shack.

I put my dumbbells and took his hand "in your serves in time highness friend" that was really awkward even for me the one who said it. 

He laughed and let my hand go and left the gym "enjoy your time." 

I didn't get the dumbbells again and then Copa wrapped herself around me and started hissing "I know he was there I saw him I wish that he doesn't chase me again."

When I heard Copa hissing in front of the assistant group, she was warning me about a stocker that was behind me from the library. 

I left the gym too and finally went to my room in the main castle to get some rest traveling through the northwest took much time. 

Walking in the long lobby to the end and then took another one to the end to finally turn around and went the whole way to get another one 'I must find a way to remember my ways in this maze.'

I saw while was walking the old man he was walking too, and he seemed to walk in the same direction as me. 

"What a coincidence Ace Spade" he had that calm and happy tone. 

"Happy to meet you Mr. Cleisthenes" I replied with a smile. 

"Sorry for earlier I think I made it hard for you the whole day."

"Not at all, rather, it is better to thank you because you made it easier to avoid many problems and even if you didn't one day they would and even that they didn't see my father do anything they can't possess that great well to revenge" I had the same smile no change in face action.

"I think you are right son you have lifted a great weight from my shoulders" the old man sighed in relief. 

We walk in silence for some time until I managed to ask "if my father did bad things to be remembered even after 16 years why you accepted me as a student here."

His face showed sadness and regret and it looked like that squeezed a lemon on his scars "because we were all wrong all admit it even, I was a partner in the crime so I wish that letting his son live the normal life that he and his wife couldn't live." 

"Sorry for the bad memories" I put my hand on my back head. 

"it's ok and I'm not the one to be sad."

"No, I'm not sad I can't be sad for people I never met in my life."

He laughed small laugh and let a sigh "your father said once something similar."

"Oh, great now I'm sure that I'm his son" ridiculing on his words.

He continued laughing "and your mother, son I hope you will grow to better than them and fulfil your dreams."

"don't worry I will" I didn't need such a motivation because I already knew my goals.

"And that's the spirt" he put his hand softly on my back and then he disappeared in the thin air. 

And after a minute I found myself in front of the male's part of the residence "so he kept me in a loop until he gathered the courage to say his words" 

"Who are you talking about" Eleanor found me and whispered in my ear.

I turned my face and saw something that I shouldn't have saw. 

all in my sight the room were women and girls semi naked "Eleanor I think I'm done, yes?"

She smiled and hissed "you are fucked up, good luck explaining naughty man."

'I think that my luck is very good with females today, god what did I do to deserve that.'

i will stick with the fanfic after some researches it seemed to be that the fanfic are free and i'm writing for fun so i will stick to it until i write some thing worth reading or stay shut for the rest of my life

THE_AHcreators' thoughts