
Love life

Tina is a teenager belonging to a middle class family. She live in a family of 4 members. Though her family wasn't filthy rich and had to make adjustments, but she had a happy family. She and her siblings were abandoned to date. She secretly dated a guy at 15 whom she met when she had visited her friend but she realized it was her mistake and she understood why her parents didn't allow her to date. But she wanted to give it a second chance and again got heart broken. She could hardly trust anyone from that day until a guy came to my life.

Kyle was the most charming and the sweetest thing tina had ever seen. Tina was quite popular at school. But not as a bully or she was prettiest, but she was famous for being friendly to everyone. Everyone seemed to get along with her very soon. She was smart at studies too so she would also help for notes and stuff. Due to COVID-19, we had to attend our classes online so we started talking online. She met Kyle too online. He seemed friendly when they talked in the group chat. he was really cute. Tina wondered if he would privately message her one day and it did happen. He wished her merry Christmas and after that day they got so close. The following day he asked her out. She was a little hesitant at first but she agreed to meet him. They went for a night walk and got to a cafe. After they left the cafe they both couldn't talk comfortably. But Tina could feel something special between them. After she returned she could not stop thinking about him and he texted her. They talked the whole night. Tina could not stop herself from staring at his picture which she secretly took when he was not paying attention. She could barely take off her eyes from his picture. They started texting the whole night and talking for hours in call. He insisted to meet again everyday but she would make an excuse Everytime. But once she accepted to meet him when he asked her out. She was honestly so scared of falling for him cause she was heart broken several times. And finally Tina gained up courage to talk to him in person. After that they used to meet on a regular basis. Tina could clearly notice Kyle's impatience for meeting her and jealousy when she talked about other boys. She knew he was so into her but she pretended she didn't know and didn't even care when he brought up the topic. As she too liked him , she blushed when he complemented her. After that for a short time their schools opened for physical classes. He had said his best friends about Tina And they wanted to meet her. He and his female best friend had classes in the morning shift whereas Tina had her classes in the day shift. And his best friend lived far so they had problems to meet. Tina knew his best friend was desperately wanting to meet her as Tina was the first girl whom her best friend ever liked. They had no choice rather than meeting at their school. They met there but as they had met for the first time they could not talk very comfortably. After that day he also asked if they could meet up at the school every day and she agreed at instance. After few meets, kyle wanted to hold tina's hand. He asked her if he could hold her hand because he thought ahe would feel uncomfortable If he held without permission. He really was a gentleman.

They used to play games together and once had a challenge. Tina challenged him to hold her hand in the public. If kyle won Tina would fulfil what he asked for and if Tina won he needed to fulfil her wish. The next day to her surprise he did the challenge. She had never really thought he could do this because he was very shy and could not face a crowd of girls. But he did and asked to kiss him for winning the challenge. So they kissed and as it was his first kiss he looked a bit nervous. His heart really skipped a beat as they kissed. On the way home, he asked if he could get a bonus kiss. She really found it a bit cute and funny the way he asked.

On Tina's birthday they planned to go to the temple together at the morning. On her birthday she was so excited to meet up. She got dressed up so well and ready to meet. At her first sight Kyle admired Tina and complemented on her dress, hairstyle, looks and basically everything. She noticed how cute he looked. He had plans to propose her and she knew it but acted if she didn't have a clue. After they returned from the temple on their way home he asked her If they could kiss again and she agreed to him. They kissed and he gently leaned to propose her with a flower in his hand. Tina remained speechless. Because of fear and nervousness he had forgotten to gift her present. When she was on her way back home he called her from her back and she noticed him running towards her. He had a pair of couple bracelet. But he didn't want to embarrass her. So, he kept that a secret and just gave her one of the bracelet. She was clueless that it was a couple bracelet. She also had few works at home so she didn't text him for the rest of the day. In the evening, he texted her and asked me if she could be his girlfriend as she didn't answer his proposal in the morning. She accepted his proposal and she could clearly see through his happiness. That was when he told Tina about the couple bracelet. They started dating and thing were really awesome. They met everyday had a night walk, enjoyed the street foods and Tina loved those dates. He really was a romantic partner. He never let Tina get bored. He used to amuse her everyday. Unlike other boyfriends, he made her feel special everyday. He admired her everyday and exclaimed how lucky he was to have her in his life. She could never imagine he would cheat her. And he never let her down and never broke her trust. They were happy together. They met up in the morning at school. After Tina's classes were over kyle came to pick her in the school , they had lunch together and he dropped her to her home. As she kept it secret from her parents, he dropped her at a distance from her home. But their happiness did not last any longer after her parents found out about their relationship. After few months of physical classes they again continued with online classes. The city was locked down. As their homes were very near they could easily meet everyday. But they had to keep it secret and Tina made many excuses and introduced Kyle as a friend to her parents. But they were smart enough to connect the dots and it didn't take long for them to find out that he was her boy friend. They always talked to her about this but sometimes their bitter words would really hurt her. But it didn't affect Tina for long as Kyle always comforted her and made sure she was happy. She felt it so sweet that he really cared about her a lot. He could never afford to lose her and so couldn't she. They were so into each other that they left talking to any of the person that the other didn't like. They had already dreamt of their marriage. They ended up with a healthy relationship. They used to fight over small thing but it didn't last long as they would get along very soon. It was really adorable how kyle apologized for everything even if it was Tina's fault. She had a really big problem when her family come to know about it and wanted to suicide but he always supported her and encouraged not to. And now they are happy together in their long distance relationship. They don't catch up more often but text for the whole day and talk for hours in call. They also make sure they pay attention to their studies and things are really going well.