
The Party!

In a big spacious room, decorated with all sorts of paintings a young man was lying on a white sofa.

The seven sins.. Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride... I have dipped in them all. 90% of world's wealth is hold by 1% of people and I am among that 1%. My family is filthy rich. My Dad's company comes in top 500 list of Dorbes. Lust... I always had lust for women, Gluttony... my hunger is never satisfied,  Greed.... money is life, Sloth... Ahh.. lazy as heck, I mean why even do work when I can get everything lying comfortably in my bed, ,Wrath...Well, obviously I would get angry if my servant didn't did his work properly or made any mistake, after all I am not paying you for mistakes. Envy... Hahaha why would I even envy, I am filthy rich, I could just throw a million on road and not even care, although obviously I despised those who are richer than me but they too one day will lay on my feet and lick my boot and I will stand at the utmost top so high that no one will even dare to surpass me, Pride... Obviously I had Pride, Pride is like a jewellery to rich. I was thousand times better than those peasants who worked like slaves till the end of their lives and didn't even once get to experience the luxury I lived since I was born."

"Master...the car is ready" A voice comes from behind.

"Ok, I am coming shortly... Make sure to put the imported vine in my car, it's very dear to me."

"Yes Master" After saying those words, an old man with white well combed hair and elegant vibe disappeared from the room.

Today I was going to a party for which I awaited dearly. A party hosted by me.

A lot of influential people and board of directors of our company are going to come in the party.

You ask why am I hosting this party?

The reason is simple. To show my Dominance.

Currently, there is an inheritance going on in my family about who will takeover the company.

I have one older brother and one younger sister. And currently we are fighting to become the heir of my dad's company. And that's why it is important to show my influence.

I hosted this party exactly for this reason. Undoubtedly, I have the most influence amongst them. Even though I am lazy and somewhat not have very good personality, I always made sure to act pleasant and leave a good impression on my dad's friends and the other people I met through him and keeping dirt on some people did the trick too. As I knew that they were all stepping stone to my success. After all these years of hard work, I finally managed to convince most of the people to come to my side.

And finally after this party I will be able to concrete my position as the heir of this company.

Just by thinking about this, a big smile is coming on my face.

"Ohh, I can't wait to be the boss of this company"

After getting up from my cozy sofa and quickly looking at my handsome face in the mirror, I got out of my room and headed towards my car.

As I came out of my grand and luxurious mansion, a black shining lemo was waiting for me with my servants standing in a row in front of my car gate.

As I approached the car, henry appeared in front of the car and opened it's gate. Nodding my head to henry, I elegantly sat in my car and left my mansion.

Henry is that old man by the way.

After a while, we reached our destination. It was a big, grand and majestic luxurious hall inspired from rome architecture with its walls painted in white and various sculptures glorifying its beauty.

I left my car and walked towards the entrance and henry followed behind me. As I entered the hall like a a gentleman I am, all people in the hall started looking towards me and began clapping. As I heard them praising me and talking about me I couldn't help but smirk.

"Yeah, peasants clap more, you should be grateful that you got to witness my presence and got a chance to become my peasant"

In some distance, I saw my 'dear' two siblings standing behind a table and talking about something . I did the obvious thing that is ignoring them and went on with my business.

  I went towards the biggest table in the center of the hall with an innocent smile and started speaking.

" Welcome everyone, I am very thankful to you all for attending my party. I hope you will all like this party and keep supporting our company in the future. Let's drink to our hearts and enjoy the night"

After saying this I took a bottle of  champagne from the table and poured it open in my glass.


Then I took the first sip from the glass and everyone followed behind me.

"h-huh, what's happening!'

As soon as i took the first sip from the glass, I started coughing and blood came out from my mouth.

"Cough! Cough!" As I was coughing more blood spilled from my mouth.

Coughing I felt my body getting weak and my vision getting blurry. I knelt on my both legs and put my  hands on the ground.

Henry and other people rushed towards me to help me .

I was in confusion. I am sure someone tried to poison me but who?

As I was thinking my eyes went towards my siblings. And oh yes I found my culprits.

" My brother was sitting on his seat expressionlessly looking towards me and I just saw a smirk on my sister's face."

Damn it, at least try to pretend you care for me.

In that moment only one thought came in mind.

"Hey, this is cheating!" Fuck!!

And soon after I lost my consciousness.
