
What? A Group Chat?

Blake a guy who has been betrayed by the person who he thought, his future yet she was nothing more than a selfish bitch. After being betrayed he caught a second stage cancer, and when he thought all hope was gone all of sudden he was invited to be the administrator of a multiversal Group Chat! Where he could interact with fictional characters! Group Chat Members (Currently) : Counter Guardian EMIYA (FGO) Jaune Arc (RWBY) Satan/Lucifer (Helltaker) Echidna (Re:Zero) Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from my OC's

Charlottes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
82 Chs

Origin 1

Centuries ago, 

Oda Akane was nothing more than a simple farm girl, she was nothing sort of special, like any other children of her age, she was ordinary.

Her family didn't have any problem raising and feeding her every day, and she didn't desire anything aside from the fact that she wanted her life to stay the same till the day she met her end.

But that was too much, as she was born in the era where raiding was considered common, and one day her perfectly ordinary life ended when a group of bandits raided their village, stealing their food and valuables.

But, it was nothing compared to the fact that the bandits raped her mother and killed her after, she was traumatized by what she saw.

The bandit was about to rape her too, but unlike her mother, her father didn't allow it and he fought with his life just to let her get away.

She hesitated but complied, with tears in her eyes, she ran away from the village that was raided by the bandits.

On that day, her hatred for the bandits that raided her village couldn't be measured by words alone; she swore that one day she would take her revenge on these bandits.

With several wounds and bruises, she continued to run away from the village, because if she got caught she could say goodbye to her revenge.

However, reality could be often disappointing as a bandit managed to catch up to her, he was faster and bigger than her and it didn't take the bandit a long time as he eventually caught Akane.

All kinds of emotions were scrambled inside her as she got caught by a bandit, however, it was mostly despair and regret that before she could do anything she was captured.

But, a part of her was unwilling, she didn't want this fate, so she strangled with everything she got and at that moment a sentient being unknowingly entered her brain.

And that's how she got her system, however, she didn't notice as she was focused on strangling she didn't have the time to pay any attention to her surroundings.

"Fuckin kid! Stop moving! Fine! I'll cut off your limbs so that you'd stop moving!"

Fear and despair overpowered anything in her heart and it made her stop, she was frozen in fear.

Seeing that the bandit threat worked, he smirked with his ugly face. Now that Akane was stable, he noticed that she was beautiful despite her messy appearance. He imagined how beautiful she'll become if she grows up in her teenage days.

Just thinking of it made the bandit excited, he started thinking of grooming her, but before that he couldn't help but lick his lips as a disgusting thought appeared in his mind.

"I could also go back later anyways, before that maybe I'll have some 'fun' with you first!"

'No!' Akane despaired after hearing those words, the bandit's disgusting hands went to her ass, and fear gripped her heart as he started touching her.

Then a memory appeared in her mind, it was a memory of her mother being raped in front of her.

'No, nononono! Please, somebody, help me..!' Despite knowing it was futile, she hoped with all her heart and wished someone would save her.

And the world granted her wish, as someone did appear, however not the one she expected.

It was a child of her age, however, something was different from this child, as he had a strange birthmark on the right side of his forehead.

(A/N: In this reality, Yoriichi never met Uta, his original wife from canon, instead it was Akane.)

"A kid? Tsk, what bad luck interrupted me when I was about to have 'fun'? I should take care of you first!"

When she first met him, her impression of him wasn't the best, to her he was like her, a kid that was about to get slaughtered.

In a darker part of her mind, she hoped that the bandit would take time with him because maybe she could escape while the bandit was busy with him.

Her desire to survive far outgrown the goodness of her heart, she simply didn't have the heart to be nice to her situation.

However, something she never thought would happen, she saw a kid like her, beating the bandit with just a stick in his hand.

Her eyes widened, and her mouth was open wide, she just witnessed something that came out of a story.

The bandit was simply outclassed by him, not in strength, stamina, or agility but in skills alone.

"D-demon! You're not human!" The bandit got scared of him, believing him as some sort of demon, but honestly, she didn't care at this point.

The bandit ran away from him, knowing that he was outmatched, the boy just stared at the bandit who was running away.

At the moment, she didn't know what she was doing, she was following her instinct. "You beat the bandit, how…? No! Teach me! Teach me how to be like you!"

He just blinked at her and replied. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to be strong! I want to avenge my family!" If she teaches her, surely she would be able to take revenge!

The boy was silent for a moment before answering. "No, it's wrong."


And that's how their first went.

Akane refused to back tone, now that she could see a chance of avenging her family.

So she followed him, even though he was asking her that she shouldn't, but she already made her decision to follow him and ask him to her again.

Without realizing it a few days passed, and she got to know his name Yoriichi.

Unlike her first impression of him, she realized that her assumptions were wrong, he was nothing like he thought of him, he was nice, gentle, and forgiving.

A month after she followed him, she managed to finally convince him to train her!

She was excited!

A weird floating blue paper suddenly appeared in front of her, at first she thought she was hallucinating but she was not.

She thought that she finally lost it, but she didn't.

A year after following Yoriichi, she figured out what that floating blue paper was. It was called a 'system' and it made her improve faster and stronger!

She didn't care where this came from or what kind of sorcery this is, but she was grateful because it was making her strong!

Without realizing it, she was already in her late teenage days; it's been several years since she followed him.

She's now a beautiful young maiden, with a blessed body, thanks to her mother's genetics.

Anyway, she became so strong to the point, she couldn't believe that it was possible for someone like her.

Still, thanks to the assistance of the system without it she wouldn't be able to improve this fast, unlike Yoriichi…


Without a warning a massive blush started to spread on her face, she thought. 'That fool…he became quite handsome over the years…gosh no! What am I thinking?!'

After calming down from her previous thoughts, she let out a sigh.

Yoriichi was a once-in-millennial prodigy, there was no doubt about it, even with the assistance of the system, she could barely catch up with him!

If it wasn't for the system, he would have already left her in dust, also it would be a lie if she wasn't jealous of his talents.

However, it quickly died as soon as it appeared, how could she? Despite his talents, Yoriichi remained humble, he didn't brag or get cocky about his talents.

Honestly, that's what she admired about him. How could someone so talented, humble, and kind person like him exist?

If she was like him, filled with talents she would no doubt be corrupted by it, she knew herself she wasn't immune to greed.

But that guy is a saint, if it wasn't for him…who knows what would become of her.

She would probably become a revenge-seeking woman, with no purpose but to seek revenge.

While she didn't forget about it, there was a little part of her that wanted to take revenge, but if she does….what happens next?

Nothing, literally after a short amount of satisfaction that she'd get from killing those guys from years ago, nothing.

She'd be without purpose.

But not taking revenge doesn't mean she wouldn't take action if she and those bandits meet again.

For now, she's going to enjoy her life at the present and if someone tries to take it away from her again, then she'll see them try.

Today was the happiest day of her life! 

She can't describe how it was even possible for her to be this happy, Yoriichi asked her hand for marriage!

Without hesitation she accepted!

Akane had loved him for years now and she'd be a fool to reject it!

She was pregnant, she couldn't believe it, she was going to be a mother? Unbelievable.

Demons, at first she thought they were nothing but myths, but no they were real they were man-eating monsters that show up in the night.

But they weren't invincible.

We got invited by an organization called Demon Slayers, they were a bunch of skilled swordsmen that hunt demons, for glory, for vengeance, or whatever reason there is.

Akane wasn't sure about joining this kind of organization, however, her husband joined without hesitation after knowing that he could make a difference.

She smiled knowingly, if that was his decision it was hers, to follow.

Oh, her fool of a husband.

He's too beautiful for this world.

Okay, it's longer than I thought it would be, first I thought it would just take me 1 chapter to write the origin of Akane, but I've miscalculated.

So I'm going to break it into 2 parts.

Demon Slayer Arc will end at chapter 50 or 52.

Anyway, stay tuned.

Also, support me on Pa.treon for faster updates! 
