
WHAT !!! I am a Third Rated Villian

Inferno_Master · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: A Struggle Within

POV :Roderick

Here I stand, or at least I think it's me – Roderick Sagacious, the disgraced noble with a past that feels more like a never-ending nightmare. The Astral Citadel Academy, a place where magic and swords dance together, is now the stage for my bewildering life.

You see, I wasn't always a noble with a chip on his shoulder. In my old life, I was just an average guy dealing with everyday struggles. But Eldoria had other plans for me. Suddenly, I'm thrust into this world, wearing the skin of Roderick – a guy with a past as twisted as a dragon's tail.

Roderick, the original one, had a rough deal. Lost his mom early on, and his family might as well have been strangers. All that grief morphed into anger issues, turning him into a ticking time bomb. And guess who's left to deal with the fallout? Yours truly, the unsuspecting guy who woke up in his shoes.

Now, in Eldoria, magic isn't just in fairy tales; it's as common as a morning coffee back home. Mana is the life force here – the power behind spells and sword techniques. Magicians and swordsmen mold it like artists, creating firestorms or razor-sharp gusts.

So, here I am, a transmigrant trying to make sense of this magical mayhem. Roderick's past? It's like sifting through a messy closet of skeletons. First-year at the Astral Citadel Academy, he's already got a scandal to his name. Got caught in a compromising situation with a commoner girl, and boom – expelled from the academy and disowned by the House of Sagacious.

Enter the hero. Not me, though. It's a childhood friend, the golden boy of the past. Legendary teacher, Limit Breaker skill – it's like having cheat codes in a game. While I'm tangled in Roderick's mess, he's probably off somewhere with a front-row seat to my tragic comedy.

Back to Roderick – expelled, disowned, and now hated by pretty much everyone. Friends turned foes, and the childhood buddy? He looks at me like I'm the villain in a medieval drama. Great, just what I needed.

Now, picture a courtroom drama, Eldoria style. Accused of violence against the commoner girl, I'm standing there like a deer caught in magical headlights. It's like being framed for a crime you didn't commit, but with the added bonus of being in a world where everything is a tad more complicated.

As the trial unfolds, I – or Roderick, rather – spill the beans on his messed-up life. The anger, the loneliness – it's all out in the open. The goal? Convince them I'm more than the headlines. Easier said than done when everyone's convinced you're the villain in their story.

In the midst of this magical courtroom drama, I wonder how I'm going to survive in this topsy-turvy world. The academy, once a place of dreams, now feels like a pressure cooker. The hero within, despite the odds, is determined to rise above the chaos, to defy the expectations woven into Roderick's tainted legacy.

And so, as the trial unfolds, and Eldoria watches, I – Roderick Sagacious, or whoever I am now – take my first steps on a journey that feels more like stumbling in the dark. The path ahead is uncertain, and the legacy I carry is heavier than a dragon's hoard. But, come what may, I'll navigate this fantastical labyrinth and carve a destiny that's mine – not Roderick's, not anyone else's.

Hi guys here is my First Novel hope you enjoy. !!!!!

Peace >>>

PS: I will try to add more words ...

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