
What's wrong with being a mosochist?

A boy's whole existence revolves around being a mosochist. Come join and find what the heck is wrong with this kid. Read the journey of a masochist who actually has a goal? A masochist that wants to experience pain in everyway shape or form.

h_Hirto · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

I hate not being able to walk

"Well isn't that disappointing?" A man said with a smirk on his face.

A boy that was holding a sword tried his best to stand up but to no avail. He was bleeding heavely, his left hand was sliced off. He was living within a dead-man's body.

Anyone else would have died right there and then, but he continued to live for what? A goal? Then what goal would make one want to continue on? For a love one? For a dear friend? For a life of another? For the whole world? No! It was all wrong! It was for the stupidest reason one could imagine. It was because the boy was a masochist.

Well isn't that stupid? I mean why would you let some random dude that is threatening to kill all of humanity take your arm? Even if you're a masochist isn't that a bit too much? Yes is the answer of most people because there are always people with a different opinion. For this certain boy it's a no, after all if pain is a feeling then it must be accepted and enjoyed. This is the answer that the boy would give.

You're probably wondering what the heck is wrong with this boy, but you'll have to wait and see, after all he hasn't been satisfied.

The boy looked at the man in the eyes and said with a smirk, "I never wanted to fight."

The man with the look of disappointment said back to the boy, "Then why were you pointing a sword at me?"

The boy answered as though he was waiting to do so, "It was so that I could feel the pain that you would give me."

The man's facial expression turned to that of disgust as he said back to the boy, "You're pathetic."

A grin formed in the boy's face. He didn't hide the grin at all, it was as though he proud of it. The man turned his back to the boy as he started walking.

It didn't take long before his figure turned to that of a siluet that one would see in the distance.

The boy then tooked a quick glance at his body as he says with joy, "That was so fun!"

The boy then puffed up his cheek as though he was a girl and said with the tone of a realization, "No! I can't walk because all my strength was drained already! Dammit why did he have to poison me? I mean it's not like I can even get away from him."

The boy then looked up at the darkish night sky. It was filled with beautiful glimmering stars that formed several constellations. It was dark night yet the stars made it a beautiful sight to behold.

The boy then muttered to himself, "I hate not being able to walk."

As regrets started flooding his mid and heart a figure appeared. The figure was riding on a carriage that seemed to be carrying wheat.

As the carriage got closer the boy felt down. Even though he was painfully injured he didn't feel happy. After all he can't walk, and can only rely on the help that others would give him.

Not too long after the carriage driver saw the boy who had his left hand sliced off while the right hand was holding a sword.

The carriage driver felt a sense of dread when he saw this scene. He felt uneasy and unreluctant to help the boy.

The boy then glanced at the carriage driver. The carriage driver felt a sense of chill run down his spine as he saw the bloody eyes of the boy. He thought that he was seing a ghost of an adventurer that was still feeling regret over his decisions. To put it simply, he thought it was an evil spirit!

The carriage driver made the horses ran as fast as it can from the evil spirit. The carriage drove away from the boy's location at an incredible speed. The sweats of the carriage driver dripped down and it fell to the ground. The boy noticed this and muttered to himself, "I probably shouldn't scare people."

The boy then ran out of strength. His body fell to the ground. He has been bleeding for a long time so such a scene wasn't unexpected. After his body fell to the ground so did his consciousness. He was now bleeding to death while asleep.

No help would come to him, after all he was in the middle of nowhere. It was a place that people didn't stay in. People only passed by the place because they were going somewhere. It even had rumors of an evil spirit roaming around at night. To put it simply the boy is already f*cked.

One may wonder if he deserved such an outcome, but to some they'll won't. The boy was born in an environment where the poor held back anyone from achieving a single thing in their life. It was a horrable place to live, and so the boy left. By this time the boy had already accepted pain as a part of himself, basically he was already a masochist.

Though if there was something special about this boy I would have already said it. You want to know? Well a no is fine by me. You want to? Okay. This boy is actually a person who has been through reincarnation. It is the most fortunate and unfortunate thing that ever happened to him.

It's fortunate because he can forever experience pain. It's unfortunate because he can never feel the satisfaction of death. What does the satisfaction of death mean? He basically wants a time where he can die and never suffer through life ever again.

The boy's life was then taken away because of the excessive bleeding. He woked up above an infinitely extending white slate. A woman whose form ressembled the description of a goddess was in front of him.

She was covered in a white cloak that hid her face. She has a perfectly feminine skin that any female would wish to have. Her face was glowing white, because of this her face can't be seen. Even though her face was unclear due to the glowing light the boy could still understand that she was a beauty.

The boy was standing right in front of her, and the boy started observing his surroundings. All that can be seen was a white sky with the ground being that of an endlessly extending white slate.

The boy then heard the gentle and concerned voice of the goddess, "You're here again? How many deaths does that make?"

Words then started appearing in the infinitely extending white slate. The words tooked a contradictory form. The words were corporeal yet incorporeal. It was a contradiction that is beyond comprehension.

Death Count: 893

The goddess's expression didn't change as she said calmly, "893... Not the most that I've ever seen, but it's certainly the fastest."

The boy looked at her as though he was looking at a talking toy. The boy muttered to himself, "893 isn't that much huh."

The goddess said as a reminder, "I'm a goddess and that means that my physical abilities is beyond you. That also means that I just heard that small comment of yours.

The boy didn't bother to care about what the goddess had just said. The goddess then said to the boy, "Then I guess you'll get reincarnated once more."

The boy's body then emenated countless different colored lights. All of the lights swallowed him into nothingness. The infinitely extending white slate was once again "empty".

The boy woke up in a dark forest that was filled with over 50 meter tall trees. The trees extended as though it feared what lies on the ground.

The boy was the size of a child, he had a normal black hair, and normal facial features. He was an ordinary kid within the eyes of anyone else. Other than you of course.

The boy started to observe his surroundings, as he continued to observe he found strange activities within the forest. The 50 meter tall trees had strange symbols carved within it.

Each symbol gave an ominous feeling that never disappeared. The boy felt a sense of fear and excitement from it. He felt as though he would once again feel an immense amount of pain. This thought excited him enough for saliva to drip down his mouth. It was as though he was craving for a delicious meal.

I hope you like it. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

h_Hirtocreators' thoughts