
What's wrong with being a Gold Digger?

Siren is a gold digger. And she doesn't mind being called out for it because there's nothing wrong with it. She had grown up in wealth, surrounded by every luxury money could buy until she found herself in a situation. She knew she had to escape, leaving her life behind, but not without her siblings. Noah Winston is a man with lots of secrets but there's one secret he has to hide at all costs in order to keep Siren by his side. Intrigued by a chance meeting with Siren who also happens to be an exotic dancer, he keeps getting surprises as Siren saunters into his life, tempting him. Siren's going to shock him a lot with her secrets but will she be able to handle the one secret Noah is hell-bent on keeping from her? (A standalone)

Vidhi_Sharma_6836 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 1: Not Like Other Girls

Chapter 1

Siren's POV:

"I don't like doing this job. I don't like being an escort. You're the first one, I swear. I'm a virgin, for god's sake. I'm forced to do this. I don't wear too much makeup, no, just mascara and lip gloss. I like to read in my free time and I absolutely love playing sports of any kind. I guess I'm just not like other girls."

I hunched over half laughing, half cringing as I overheard Selena telling her new client about herself.

"Or you're just a pick me girl," I mouthed. She threw the fries she was eating at me in an attempt to shut me up.

She coughed in an attempt to hide her laughter before continuing, "I'm sure you don't want to hear my sappy story. I lost my dad at a very young age in a car accident. My stepfather was abusive and beat me. I told my mom about it but she didn't care. My father threatened to sell me but I ran away and got caught up in this."

That right there is the wattpad female lead starter pack.

I can pretty much bet this storyline involves a half-vampire, half-werewolf bad boy with anger issues who manhandles her.

Well, last time it was her abusive boyfriend hitting her and scamming her, leaving her helpless and with no money.

To be honest, that one was more creative. I wiped the glass window for the hundredth time before moving onto the coffee table.

"7 P.M. Mhmm. Yeah, I'm good with that." She said before hanging up the vintage-looking phone.

"And that is how you do it," She gave me a cheeky smile as I applauded her.

"I'm pretty sure there was the 'I don't like shopping' part missing."

"Bitch, I won't lie about that if someone paid me. Oh wait, they do and I still don't lie."

I gave one last look to the massive living room, making sure everything was clean.  Selena's house had character and class, I had to give her that. With it's classy interior and period furniture, it made me feel as if I was about have afternoon tea with pastries, sandwiches and scones. In one word, it was luxurious.

"Men do like a damsel in distress, don't they?" I chuckled as I completed cleaning before popping down beside Selena.

"They just love playing the role of the hot prince. You know how kids love acting like superheros, men love the idea of being a knight in shining armor, protecting someone, even if it's just an illusion," She told me, "Anyway, you ready to go out, lil mama?''

"Yup," I told her as I grabbed my purse.

We got in the car, making our way down to Club Angelus Lapsus (Fallen Angel). Quite fitting if you ask me since almost everyone who works there has taken a huge fall at least once in their lifetime.

Angelus Lapsus is a high end club for the world's elite, located on one of the highest buildings of Las Vegas. And I somehow got a job at that place.

As if on cue, Selena asked me,"So, how does it feel to be a stripp... exotic dancer for the world's richest.''

"Uhm and singer. Pretty cool, to be honest," I replied. I have a feeling I wouldn't have found this job as enjoyable if it hadn't been at this specific club.

"I know, right. I told you it's not half as bad as you think."

Selena was the one who got me a job. She's an illegal greek immigrant turned a high class escort, turned millionaire who also happens to be the woman whose house I clean on occasion.

"Plus, you shouldn't be busting your smoking hot ass trying to make money when you could just shake it a little," She winked at me. It was nice to have someone compliment my ass when I have been low-key trying to get rid of it all my life. It doesn't really fit with korean beauty standards.

To be honest, it felt a lot like my former dream career path, just a lot more sensual. Of course, it wasn't my childhood dream but it was the closest thing.

So, I took it. It was an added bonus when I got to know that you don't necessarily get sexually harrassed at a strip club.

It hasn't been that long since I started working here, barely two weeks and I've made more than my yearly wage as a house cleaner.

Before I knew it, we arrived at our destination. As the elevator climbed higher up the state of the art building, so did my heartbeat. It wasn't as bad as the first time  but I still got jitters everytime. I quickly went over the routine in my head, it was my first time performing aerial silk in front of an audience. Though I had had classes, it was scary to perform in front of people, especially in barely there lingerie.

I swept a hand through my hair, wondering what the fuck I'm doing. It's one thing to dance on a stage with numerous other dancers, another to dance in the air with every person's attention. I picked on my nails as I contemplated leaving. I should go back, yeah, I should do that. I didn't have much time before the bellboy notified us that we had arrived. The floor to the nightclub, the highest floor wasn't the easiest to get to. The floor wasn't even on the control panel. It was navigated through an ipad with a passcode that changed every hour. So, unless you're a rich tycoon with lots of resources or an incredibly skilled hacker with a motive, you can't get in. Which leads me to believe, this place is just a tad bit shady.

The doors slid open to the vast entryway that led to a 7 star bar and an immaculate dance floor with a few poker tables on the side Rich kids crowded the floor, some wasted, some about to get wasted, blowing their parents money and others flirting. Upstairs was the VIP section filled with businessmen, talking among themselves. The scent of expensive alcohol filled the air.

I walked to the changing room where Selena helped me with my makeup and half an hour later, I was ready.

Donning on a nude shade lingerie that matched my skin to create a sexy silhouete and of course, the signature stripper heels. A white birdcage hair veil covered half of my face while my long black hair, which took a lot of time to straighten, fell down my back. My pale white skin was waxed head to toe and my makeup was on point. Just enough concealer, a whole lot of shimmer and a red lip completed my concept for the day.

"Hey there, lil mama. You look like a japanese anime character," Selena whistled at me.

I'm part American, part Chinese but she didn't need to know that. I've made it this far without really telling anyone, why break the record now?

"Did you lose weight?" She asked as she patted my butt.

"A little bit, the job description said a flat tummy," I sighed as I patted my empty stomach. The last meal I had was at 1 in the afternoon. Its 8 O'clock right now. I was never one to skip food, no matter what happened but I knew I had to bring my 'Try not to die while starving'  game this week.

Selena handed me a headset mic and I quickly put it on.

The chandelier was retracted before I was lowered into the air. The neon lights dimmed to a sultry red with smoke in the background to set the mood. The melody filled the club as I hummed along with the song. I was completely wrapped in red silk- a sharp contrast to my skin- to create the illusion of nudity as I twisted in the air, while singing Doja Cat's 'Need to Know' slowed version.

I try to avoid the yells and hoots, singing over it. Halfway through the song, as I was doing a one ankle hang with my other leng bent and my body bending back, my eyes landed on the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. My breath faltered for a second before I continued. He had the darkest brown cat-like eyes, his full pink lips had me staring. He had chin length black hair and even though I couldn't make out the details, I knew this guy was just about the hottest guy I've seen in person.

I stared at him as I sang the lyrics

You're exciting, boy, come find me

Your eyes told me, "Girl, come ride me"

Fuck that feeling both us fighting

Could he try me? (Yeah) mmm, most likely....

Oh, wait, you a fan of the magic?

Poof, pussy like an Alakazam (yeah)

Wrapping the silk around my ankle before bringing it up while I straightened the other one down, I did a split mid air before crossing my legs.

I can't stand it, just one night me.

I licked my lips before throwing my head back while bending backwards with one leg slightly bent and the other raised up in the sky. I sang the next lyrics, staring straight into his eyes.

Tell me what's your kink, gimme the dick

Spank me, slap me, choke me, bite me

Uh, wait, I can take it ah

Give a fuck 'bout what your wifey's sayin'

I think his breath hitched but it might be my imagination.

Ending the routine with another split while upside down, I winked at him before sitting up straight. As I was pulled back up, I wondered just what the fuck I was doing.

Was I really trying to seduce a man, half-naked?

Yes, yes you are. That's literally your job. My subconscious rolled her eyes at me.

I removed the silks and wiped the sweat while trying to catch my breath. I'm not sure if it was the extensive exercise or the man that made me loose my breath.

I could still hear the loud claps and the hooting downstairs as I walked down to the changing room. I slipped into a satin black lingerie that felt soft against my skin with lacy thigh highs and a garter belt. I wore a white, almost see through satin shirt that was a bit oversized with its middle buttons closed. It reached just over my ass and left just a little to the imagination. A pair of clear heels completed my attire for my next performance.

Cold wind slapped across my body as I walked onto the raised platform for the next song. Streets silhouete remix started playing.

I slowly walked to the pole to the beat, I gripped the pole as I rounded it.

Put your head one my should-

I spun around before splitting my legs to the beat change. I turned upside down for another spit before straightening, climbing higher with each move before dropping with a berceau.

Like you, like you...

For some reason, I looked up to the VIP lounge once again to see him but his seat was empty.

When other bitches tryna get with my dude and

When other chickens tryna get in my coop

I continued but shivered as I looked straight ahead. I thought it was the cold night before I saw him sitting on a couch placed at the back, his legs crossed and arms spread on the back of it. His eyes staring sent shivers down my back and made me giddy warm on the inside.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I stared right back at him.

'Cause you're a one in a million

There ain't no man like you.

Freak by Doja Cat replaced the song as I moved away from the pole.

Tied him down to my queen bed

Tease him just enough to hate me

Tied it tight enough, he can't break free

I dropped to my knees, spreading them before retracting.

We could flip the coin, I'll be your slave

I bent down my arms, still staring at him.

Call you daddy, give me a nickname

I ain't afraid of a little pain

Flipping my hair, it felt like I was sharing my fantasies in front of him. What the fuck? I never knew I even had these fantasies to begin with. The other people felt insignificant as my eyes refused to let him out of my sight.

When I made a little mess on it, he told me to clean my act up

I swiped my finger over my lips, giving him another wink before splitting on the floor. I folded one leg and raised the other one, before laying down on my side on the ground, still singing.

This pussy off the chain

This kitty insane

I swept my hands up my inner thighs, raising the shirt a little.

Skirt off, fuck in the backseat

Take that shirt off, baby, put it on me

I turned around, my back facing him, sitting on the floor and rolled my ass before bending forward and unbuttoning my shirt and letting it slide down.

Got me like, "Yee-haw", ride it like a horsey

Kinda like see-saw,

Spinning my shirt, I threw it on the floor before bending back, one leg pointing up and sang.

up and down on the D

Give it to him

I stood up, turned around with a hair flip, still singing as I looked back into his eyes.

He bit his lip, a smirk almost covering his face as he swept his hair back.

As the song winded down, I turned back around, rolled my hips and unclipped the bra and slipped it down my shoulders while looking back, so I could cast him another look. With my bra between my fingers, I slowly walked back the way I came from.

Put your head on my shoulders.

One last sizzling look to the stranger over my shoulder completed my performance.

As I reached backstage, I quickly pulled my bra back on before anyone could look.

My heart thundered again, but this time, in fear, not excitement as I remembered his looks, he definitely looked east-asian.

The thought that plagued me everytime I saw an east-asian man.

What if they hired him?

Just the thought of that old, tall bastard of a man left a bitter taste in my mouth. His eyes always looked insane but the last time I saw him, I saw murder in those eyes and that still haunts me, to this day. Never in my life did I think, I would have to hide like a criminal but now I do.

I walked back to the stage, relieved to not see him. Just my overactive imagination, I thought, a tad bit sad that I probably won't see that face ever again.

What a shame.

I was done after two hours and was on my way home when I stopped by the office.

"Someone's popular nowadays," the assistant manager smiled at me. I'd expected people working in strip clubs to be unreasonably rude and loud mouthed but every person I met here was elegant and classy in every way.

"You got thirty thousand dollars in tips, can you believe that?"

What. The. Actual. Fuck. My jaw dropped to the floor.

"That's an all time high for an exotic dancer." She winked at me.

"W-what? How?" Was all I could ask.

"There were a bunch of important people visiting today," She shrugged at me.

"Was it that business woman?" I asked her as I remembered the woman from last time who asked for a private dance. I was a bit taken aback by the request because that was one of the prettiest women I had ever seen. I had no idea why she'd been staring at me last night but then she revealed she was lesbian. So I said fuck it and did my first and last private dance.

"No, she wasn't here today."

A notification popped up on my screen.

You need to come home. Palli.

"Thanks anyway," I told her as I rushed out bumping into someone on the way out but not bothering to look back to even apologize. I didn't have the time or patience for it.