
What!? I am a pet!?

Escaping the abusive home they have come to know, this adventurer finds a world that has been hidden underneath their nose this whole time. What mysteries will unfold as Rowan discovers the truth behind reality while they twist in the grasp of a rather astonishing man.

Ez_at_eightteen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


We reach a room not far down the hall. The Madame walks in front of us and opens the door. She pulls it shut with the click of a lock behind us as Mr. Hǔ brings me to a couch and tells me to take a seat. He and the Madame sit across from me on two chairs on either side of a small glass table. I twist my fingers in my hand as I try to clear the pocket of air that was building in my throat. I feel their eyes sticking to me, scanning every aspect of my appearance. I was wearing the uniform provided but my hair was a slick oily mess from the sweat and rain. Neither of them makes a move to talk or even look at anything else in the room, boring holes through me with their stares.

A croak escapes my lips as I attempt to speak. ".....at.....u....ant?" I say voice broken and unheard. "W-what....do....you....want?" I say gradually as to catch my breath and calm my nerves. I feel their eyes sit on my face as they watch me enunciate each syllable. I had been staring at the table this whole time so when I look up and catch Mr. Hǔ sitting on the arm of the couch beside me rather than in the chair as he had been before I let out a startled gasp and jump up causing me to fall right onto the floor. I sit upright straight into the edge of the table, I wince as I plop back down to the floor groaning in pain.

"Darling, your bleeding now." The Madame says as she comes over to help me up. Mr. Hǔ had gone and grabbed a damp towel and held it out for me to grab. I take the towel carefully and wipe my face. By the time I have all the blood wiped away my head feels heavy and I can hardly lift my arm.

"....ow.....an....Ro.....wan...." My vision becomes dark and I can hear Mr. Hǔ calling my name.

"I'mmm fiiiiinnnne...." I drawl my voice feeling foreign as it gets laden with sleep. My eyes fall close and I don't remember where I am or what happened.