
What!? I am a pet!?

Escaping the abusive home they have come to know, this adventurer finds a world that has been hidden underneath their nose this whole time. What mysteries will unfold as Rowan discovers the truth behind reality while they twist in the grasp of a rather astonishing man.

Ez_at_eightteen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


"What are we going to do with them?" Alphonsine asked looking down at Rowan's petite figure. I let out a deep sigh,

"You'll have to have them put in a room, for now, I don't know what is going on but I sense there is something going on that even Rowan doesn't know of," I answered swiftly. I check the time on my watch, "I have to get to that meeting, call me if something else goes wrong we might have to contain Rowan if it gets too much worse." I tell her as I rush to grab my bag and neaten my attire.

"Very well sir," Alphonsine replies hastily cleaning up the blood from the table. I leave the room, pulling my phone from its pocket. I dial Coby's cell as I make my way to the office floor.

"Hello?" A short snip filters through the phone.

"This is Hǔ Bǎihé, I'm on my way up there now." I pause a sigh of relief audible through the speaker.

"Thank the Goddess!" Coby huffed as he talked to someone on his side of the phone. "Mmmhmm '...' alright I'll let him know '.....' of course, goodbye." I hear him dismiss someone or something with the click of his fingers as they snap together.

"Let who know?" I question the authority stiff in my tone.

"Ah, sir, we have been informed that there was another incident regarding the Ling Shao case. They seem to have found a lead that connected to yet another shifter smuggling ring. They have also found some rodents snooping around the hotel."

"Alright have Gunther set some traps and complete a full investigation." I sigh, "And Coby, tell Sarina that I need a Chamomile and something to eat on your way to talk to Gunther."

"Of course sir, it'll be in the meeting room by the time you get there, is there anything else you need before I head out?" Coby responded before going into a coughing fit. "Sorry sir, there seems to be a lot of pollen in the air today."

"Alright, go ahead, I'm getting off the elevator now, make sure Gunther starts that investigation as soon as possible. I'm hanging up now." I hang up the phone and walk through the halls to reach the conference room. Sarina pushes open the door just as I go to open the door. She nods to me after a startled expression fades from her face. "Thank you Sarina, I appreciate the help." I thank her and push into the room, it going silent at my appearance.