
What!? I am a pet!?

Escaping the abusive home they have come to know, this adventurer finds a world that has been hidden underneath their nose this whole time. What mysteries will unfold as Rowan discovers the truth behind reality while they twist in the grasp of a rather astonishing man.

Ez_at_eightteen · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Many people stare as I walk over to my seat at the head of the conference table. It was a corporate meeting for the hotels, how they are managed , and how we are going to expand our influence and open newer destinations. It went on for almost two hours once the presentations started. My eyes felt heavy by the time it was all finally over. Everyone seems to scurry out the door once they are dismissed. I stretch my arms over my head a small yawn escaping my lips as Colby and Guther rush into the room.

"Sir! We have some urgent news!" Colby spouted as soon as his gaze met mine. Gunther close behind him reached past setting a stack of papers onto the table.

"What's this?" I asked picking up the documents and skimming over them as realization dawned over my features. "This can't be, I led them here through a maze of backstreets, I made sure they weren't followed. How did that bastard find them already!?" I take a deep breath, my mind frantically searching for answers as to how my plan was seen through so easily. "Sorry that was rather rude of me, please excuse my profanity."

"Shall we make a plan of action?" Gunther asks, a calm stoic air flows through the room, helping my nerves relax a bit. I stand from my seat, my mind made up. I gather the papers and hand them to Colby.

"Find a shaman and commission a protective charm for the one named Rowan. We will deal with the family at a later time. I must go check up on their condition and introduce them to the hotel staff here." I gather the rest of my things and head towards the door, Gunther and Colby following behind. I head down the hallway reaching the elevator for the umpteenth time today. I wave goodbye to the others as I click the lobby button. I needed to check in with Alphonsine before I head over to Rowan.