
Chapter Forty-Eight

They went back to the crowd by the bonfire to find Hannah and Jo-Lillie. The latter was still happily drunk, having a bit of a dance near the fire, with some of the more sober people keeping an eye on her in case she got too close. The former was sat huddled up, trying not to fall asleep. 

"Has she been sick yet?" Jake asked Malcolm, one of the other guys who'd graduated at the same time as them and still ended up moving in the same circles. The guy shook his head with a shrug. "Great, that means she probably will on our way back," he sighed. "Ye okay drivin' a stick?" he asked his girlfriend, who'd been eying her friend with concern. 

"Eh yeah… Kind'a. Once I get goin'… I'm not very good at the shiftin' at lower speeds," Molly admitted with a blush. It was only just as they moved that Jennifer had bought a truck with gear stick. In Phoenix they'd always had an automatic. 

Jake tried to hold back a laugh and ended up clearing his throat in order to hide it properly. "That's fine. Ye drive my truck, I'll take Hannah's," he suggested now. "There shouldn't be much traffic around now, so ye shouldn't need to change gears too often," he added. He was a little concerned for his truck's clutch, but that was minor compared to what could happen if Molly was trying to drive Hannah's and her friend ended up being sick and distracting her. When she nodded, they got their stuff together. 

They convinced Jo-Lillie to come with them, in order to keep an eye out on Hannah and make sure she was okay if she did throw up during the night. They managed to get Hannah into the passenger's seat of her own truck, with Jo-Lillie in the back. She wasn't in as bad a state as Hannah, but she was bad enough. 

"Go easy on my clutch, okay?" Jake said a little teasingly as his girlfriend got into his truck to follow them. "There shouldn't be too much traffic at this tim, so ye should be alright," he added again, ignoring the glare she gave him. 

"Okay," Molly nodded a little nervously. Now that he'd mentioned it, she was worried that she'd do damage to his truck. 

"Ye'll be fine," he smiled encouragingly and gave her a quick kiss before heading over to Hannah's truck. He started up the engine and pulled away, watching his own truck in the mirror. He cringed a little when he heard her over-rev the engine as she pulled up as well but once she'd settled into second gear she seemed to be alright. 


They got Hannah into her flat just on time for her to throw up, just making it to the toilet. Unfortunately, the sound and sight of Hannah throwing up made Jo-Lillie gag and Molly could just about re-direct her to the bath. It wasn't ideal but better than getting it all over the bathroom. 

Once it looked like they were both done, they got Hannah into her own bed with a bucket next to her and a glass of water, and the same for Jo-Lillie on the sofa bed. 

"Ye think maybe we should stay for a little bit?" Molly asked, still a little worried that if either of the girls threw up while on their back they could be in trouble. 

"I think they've got it all out their system. Let's go," Jake said after he considered it for a moment. He held his hand out for hers and pulled her along gently. "I might let ye drive some other time to practice," he said, only half-teasing as they got in. 

His girlfriend huffed a little but nodded. She knew it would be better for her to learn to drive properly but she'd prefer it if he could do it without teasing her. "Fine," was all she said, trying to make that obvious but couldn't help smiling when he reached out to go through her hair. He then took hold of her hand as they made their way across town back home. The closer they got, the more nervous she became. After earlier this evening she wasn't sure if he would still invite her to stay. He wouldn't want to put himself in the position of not being able to control himself, not with his father and sister both at home.


Jake stopped just short of his own drive and took her in for a second. "I know yer almost home but… Do… Would ye like to stay over? … It's okay if ye don't…"

"I'd like to," Molly interrupted before he could finish that sentence, blushing when she realized it made her seem a little too eager. "I mean, I told Jen I'd probably stay at Hannah's, so I don't want to worry her by comin' home unexpectedly," she explained quickly. 

"Yeah, course," he nodded, failing to hide the smile that crept onto his lips. He drove the truck onto his drive now, grabbing her bag from the bed of the truck as he walked around to open the door for her. "Pa 'n Bethy will be in bed already," he said softly, to say they would need to be quiet without actually saying it. 

"Yeah… course," she nodded, taking her bag from him and followed him into the ranch. 

Jake led the way up the stairs, stopping just outside the bathroom. "Ye can get changed in here," he said softly. "I'll be in my room… when yer ready," he added, looking a little uncomfortable. This was not how he imagined her first night over to be like. He headed in to his room as soon as she closed the bathroom door behind her, trying to think of what to wear to bed. He usually only slept in his boxers, but he didn't think that was a good idea tonight. 

She'd brought a pair of plait pajama bottoms and her favorite Mickey Mouse top. Changing took her no time at all so she quickly brushed her teeth and ran her fingers through her hair.

Molly walked into the bedroom just as he was putting a shirt on, and she thought it a shame that he was hiding his physique. She gave him a blushed smile as she walked over to the bed. Jake gave her a similar smile as he closed the door and turned the main lights off, leaving only the one on his bedside table on. She quickly crawled under the cover, so she didn't have to look him in the eye. 

He climbed in as well and lay down, holding his arm out for her to move in and rest her head on his shoulder. "Good night Molls," he said softly as he turned the light off and pressed a kiss to her hair. 

"Night Jake," she said back, looking up to kiss his cheek, lingering a little to see if he would kiss her properly. She wasn't surprised when he didn't, but she was a little disappointed. 

They were both so nervous, trying to relax so they could sleep, but every breath, every touch made them feel on edge. Molly thought it was just her, that he'd managed to relax as his breathing deepened as he fell asleep. But Jake put a lot of effort into seeming like he was, because it distracted him from the girl in his arms.