

Moving to Westbane for a fresh start, ex-army officer, Elfrida Stevenson is thrust into a more crazier world of supernatural creatures. ***** Reporting to duty as the deputy sheriff of Westbane, Elfrida thinks she's finally getting a break from danger and drama, but when an abnormal case pops up in the little town, Elfrida realizes that the little town isn't as little as it seems. She is soon caught between two worlds, where she is hit with the intriguing but scary fact that she's the soul mate to the only Tribrid to have ever existed, and the ruler of the second half of Westbane. Elfrida Stevenson is in for a real treat, entering into a world she had only thought was a silly myth created by people who didn't like the simplicity of the normal world. SEASON ONE

RebeccaJ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Warm Welcome 2


Slipping my phone back into the pocket of my pants, I heaved a sigh of relief, closing my eyes for a bit, and inhaling the sweet smell of lavender and furniture. The sweet smell of, what I suppose, home was meant to smell like.

I've never actually had a home... Well, if the army base could count as one, maybe I did have one... My team.

I smiled at the thought of them, at the thought of the family I once had.

A year ago, thinking of them would have been accompanied with a sharp pain of the past; but now, when I think of them, I smile and just think of the good memories, the ones we all shared together. The memories I had of the people who I considered family.

I peeled my eyes back open, as my gaze shifted from one corner of the house to another.

I had never seen Sasha before, when we started talking a month ago, via a counseling app where groups of people come together to share their troubles, I found her sort of nosey and weird, definitely not the kind of friend I would keep. But when we started talking, I got to really see that she was kind, and probably didn't have so many friends.

She would always talk about this town, Westbane, how it was friendly and sweet, a great place to start afresh... Exactly what I was looking for.

I'd been working as an NYPD officer when I applied for a transfer a few weeks ago. Luckily, there was a spot open for the deputy sheriff in this town, and I was happy the process went well.

Sasha was ecstatic that we'd be staying together, seeing as she couldn't wait to show me off as her 'bestie' from New York city. She'd always commented on how beautiful I was, and how oblivious I was to it.

I never really paid attention to my appearance. Yes I've been told, multiple times. But I never really did care. I'd just say thank you, and we'd all move on.

Each time I look in the mirror, I see a normal girl. Dark, jaw length red hair, heart shaped face, big blue eyes that had seen more damage than most 24 year olds had ever seen. Small full lips curved under a thin pointed and at the same time, button nose. My skin wasn't too pale, just a clear milky shade that I was thankful for, seeing as I never had to use any body moisturizer. I hated that stuff.

I wasn't tall, neither was I short. Last time I checked, I was 1.69m. And I don't think its changed much since then.

I knew so much about Sasha already.

Being a teacher at Westbane high, Sasha had come across many people. But she told me she never really communicated much with them. She had a boyfriend named Owens, she loved talking about him, a lot. So far, I've heard he was a gamer and owns the town's most popular video game store called Speedy Fingers.

I personally found the name weird.

When she first sent me a picture of her, I noticed how much of a beautiful smile she had, her reddish-pinkish hair was shoulder length, her chubby cheeks and body, I was quite sure she would be so homely to hug. She had big brown eyes and clear pale skin. I'd also noticed a few tattoos here and there. One thing I also noticed about her was her love for makeup.

I honestly couldn't wait to see her, but in the meantime, I have to unpack.

I carried my suitcase up the stairs.

"She said the third door on the left." I muttered, looking around the passageway. "There you are."

I turned the door knob, pushing it open.

It was a beautiful room, with a nice view of the Bane woods, at the opposite side of the road leading to the Bane bridge.

One thing I loved about this house was that it was outside the main town, just a few miles away though, but I was grateful for the fact that there was no nosey neighbour around.

It was a beautiful wooden two story house, she said her family used to live there until they moved to the main town. She decided to stay here, but most times she spent weeks at Owen's.

The room had a calm dark blue wallpaper. It was spacious, holding a queen size bed fit for two people.

I placed my suitcase atop it, getting ready to unpack.

Maybe this is it... Maybe it's time to start a new life, go out there, meet people, finally get a boyfriend... Maybe.

I've never dated, maybe a few hook ups, one night stands here and there, but- a relationship? Never.

But now, part of my starting afresh is putting myself out there, maybe I'd find someone who's looking for the same thing I am looking for, a little peace, a family, a home.

I smiled at the thought.

A few hours later, I had settled in, stayed in the hot shower for a while, put new clothes on, and treated myself to coffee.

I was in the kitchen with my laptop, cross checking some of the files the NYPD had set up for me, concerning the police department of Westbane when I heard the front door push open.

"I'm home!" Sasha yelled from the living room. I could hear the excitement in her voice.

I got up from the stool and rushed to the living room. "Finally!" I grinned at her.

She squealed, throwing her bag to the couch before rushing to give me a hug.

"Yeah, I was right... One of the best hugs I've ever received." I said with a chuckle.

"Bestie! I can't believe you're finally here!" She almost made me deaf, as she pulled away, inspecting my face close by. "My God, you're even prettier in person! I have no doubt in my mind, that we're going to find you that boyfriend you're looking for."

I laughed. "Stop it Sash. It's so nice to finally meet you."

"Me too! Oh, I made a stop at the sheriff station to get your uniform." She said, picking up her bag and pulling out the uniform.

"You seriously didn't have to." I told her.

"Oh shut up, I saved you a trip, besides, we're going out to have dinner, we can take that opportunity to tour the area a bit, eh?"

"Alright, thank you." I smiled, taking the uniform from her. It was the normal brown pants and carton coloured long sleeved shirt.

"I'll go and freshen up so we can head out." She said.

An hour later, we were heading out in her white pick up truck.

We talked non-stop about random stuff. With her, the conversations just flowed, and I was thankful for that, seeing as for the past one year, I never really had anyone to call a friend, and I knew it'd be difficult to branch out again.

Coming out of the Bane bridge, there was a small sign board up ahead. With the words, "Warm Welcome".

I chortled. "Warm welcome?"

"Yeah!" Sasha cheered. "Westbane is so friendly with visitors."

"I see."

There was another sign up ahead, this one was much much larger. It said: Welcome To Westbane.

"And, we're in!" Sasha grinned.

It was indeed a beautiful town, although it was a little bit dark, but still the lights from inside the buildings made it visible enough.

The streets were beautiful and homely, different antique stores here and there. People were literally everywhere... It was dark but-- it felt like the night was alive. Fun music echoed in the air, and it felt like I had taken a trip to New Orleans where the nights are better than the days.

The cool breeze from outside, blew into the car, whipping my hair all over my face.

We passed through a beautiful park. I couldn't get my eyes off it even as we drove by... Families were there, enjoying the night with their kids, the beautiful green grasses emphasized by the bright street lamp at the corners of the park.

"We can visit sometime if you like." Sasha said, noticing my attention to the park.

"That would be nice." I smiled.

I looked over at my window side again, seeing a really cool store, people were lined up at the front, paying tickets to get in-- oh wait, isn't that Speedy Fingers?

It was written in a cool font, attached to the front of the store. "That's Owen's game store right?"

"Yup! A new game just launched, people have been waiting for it for months now."

"Cool." I nodded as we drove past it.

Shortly after, we pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant, by the looks of it, was a popular one.

When we both got out of the car, Sasha grinned. "This is the Banecave, it got installed years ago. They serve the most delicious meals... Jesus, you should taste their burgers, they're the most amazing thing in the world. There's also a cool bar, in case we want to get drunk." She wiggled her brows at me.

I laughed, as we both made our way in.

"Oh, and we're definitely going to see Ma Paula." She said, as we picked a booth at a far corner, close to the window.

"Ma Paula?" I asked, looking around.

People were here alright, the chattering around us was comfortable to hear, and I didn't feel nervous at all. Although people seemed to steal glances at our booth for reasons I couldn't quite think of.

"Yeah, she's a seer... Just at the back room over there." She said, pointing across the floor of booths. My eyes followed to see a small doorway covered with a dark red curtain. "She's legit."

"She is?" I asked, not really a believer of things like this.

"Yeah... A month before I met Owens, she told me I was going to meet him, gave me his exact description and told me he'd be the one... Now, we're dating."

I nodded. "Or maybe she knew Owens was into you? It's a small town Sasha... And these things don't really exist."

"It does exist... She's super real I tell you... You'll see for yourself." She said.

My gaze wandered around.

This is it... This is the kind of escape I need. This town has everything I've been looking for... Small, friendly, and homely.

"What can I get you beautiful ladies tonight." The waiter announced his presence, his head buried in his notepad.

He looked to be 17, shaggy blonde hair with tanned skin.

"I'll have a burger and a beer." I said.

"Same with me." Sasha told him.

"Alright! That's, two burgers and two beers... It'd be right u-" he paused when he finally looked down at us. His hazel eyes set on me in particular. "Whoa... I haven't seen you around here."

"Jacobs, just go get our orders." Sasha spoke up, causing his attention to fall on her.

"Miss Whitmore, please tell me she's 17 and is going to be a new student at Westbane high, please please." He literally begged.

"Nope, she's older than you, and is also the new deputy sheriff of this beautiful town." I answered for her.

His face fell. "Oh, burgers!"

"We'll need those Jacobs, hurry up." Sasha said with a satisfied sweet smile as he walked away with sagging shoulders.

After we finished up with the burgers, I admitted to Sasha that it was the best I'd ever tasted, cause they really were.

"You ready to see Ma Paula?" She grinned.

"Do I even have a say in it?"

"No you don't, come on." She grinned, pulling me with her.

Immediately, as we opened the curtains, and walked through, the temperature dropped.

"Doesn't it feel like you're outside even when you're still inside?" Sasha said from beside me.

"Nah, I think the air conditioner here has been increased to a higher level." I informed, looking around the small compartment.

"We wait here." Sasha said.

We walked over to sit on the crimson coloured couch.

Few minutes later, the door pulled open, revealing two teenage girls coming out with wide grins.

"Who's next? Ma Paula will see you now." A girl popped her head out.

"Go on." Sasha grinned. "I'll wait outside."

I sighed, getting to my feet and walking into the room.

Ma Paula, I suppose, was seated in front of a round table, a smile on her face as she shoved her money inside her bra. She looked to be in her early 60s

Yup... Definitely not legit.

I took a seat opposite her.

She looked over at me, "Hello, my child."

"It's Elfrida." I stated.

"Good to know. Haven't seen your face around before."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess that's because I just moved into town."

"Ah." She nodded. "Welcome to Westbane my dear."

"Thank you."

"May I see your palms?"

I stretched it out to her, and she took it in her somewhat shaky hands. "Your last name is?"


"Elfrida Stevenson." She hummed, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath.

I raised my brow at her, before looking around the room.

The girl who ushered me earlier, had her ear pods on, as she typed away on her phone.

"Hm, this is strange."

My eyes fell back to Ma Paula.

"What is strange?" I asked.

She flipped her eyes open, letting go of my palms and sighing. "I saw nothing." She said.

Yeah, that's cause you're a fake?

"That so?" I asked instead.

She nodded. "It was almost like there was a void blocking me from seeing past it. It was so strong. Your mind... It's uniquely protected."

I sighed. "Yeah, it is... How much do I pay for this?"

She grinned. "That would be Fifty dollars."

"Fifty dollars? You said you saw nothing."

"I saw a void, that's something... Pay up."

I shook my head, handing the money over to her, before rushing out of there.

"How was it?" Sasha asked with a wide grin.

"Weird... Really weird, she said she saw a void or something." I answered.

"A void? That's indeed weird, but at least she saw something... Maybe you need to open up a little more, let people in and believe you can be happy." She said with a shrug.

I thought about it for a second.

She was right... Maybe that's what the void is... Maybe I still don't believe it. But that's what I'm here for, to get a new start.

A fresh start...