
Chapter 3

"Why the hell did you give me this case!"

He slams his fist against the desk as the woman on the other side of the desk has her eyes closed as she savors her tea.

"Shhhhhh...did you know you are much more handsome, if you are more quiet?"

"Don't give me that shit!"

"You know how much I hate werewolves!"

Her eyes open revealing her bewitching purple eyes.

"You are the only one who has had experience with dealing with werewolves amongst our agents from the war XXXX years ago~."

She smirks as she seductively smiles at him tucking her white hair behind her ear with her pale hands.

"Hey you fought that war with me pipesquek you know how much I would love to meet a werewolf again~."

His eyebrows twitched in anger.

As he pullled another cigarette lighting it with the snap of his fingers.

"So why don't you do it miss goody toe shoes~."

The smile became more profound as her face darkened as she tapped her finger against her desk.

"Well I'm a dainty fragile woman why should they put me on this case you ruffian."

"Ohhh~ I feel so insulted miss pipesqueak who was known as the white blaze during the battle of SSSS with the rebellion you took down platoons with the clap of your hands little miss alchemist~."

Before he could say anymore she reached over and grabbed the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground like he was as light as a feather.

"What did you say again sweetheart."

He smirked at her as he grabbed her hand around his neck not faced at all about this.

"Oh now miss little mouse is angry~."

She smiled creepily as she slowly put him back down.

"The higher ups decided this not me."

"You were known as the grimm of the battlefield."

"And Im a girl and I am allergic to all canines."

He rolls his eyes at her as he gets up from his seat sighing.

"Awwww... that same excuse again it's not like you are allergic for real."

He said that as he left the office accepting his fate.

Werewolves in his eyes are not lowly dogs.


Well he witnessed himself how brutal those creatures were.

Who wouldve thought humans were the ones to kill them off.

Humans are the true monsters.

The vampire society knew this and thus made the rules that keep the vampire society safe from them.

They turned themselves into demons in order to overpower the werewolves and they trapped them under their witchery.

The only human he is okay with is Minnie his boss.

She was an experimemt the humans made a long time ago to purge vampires.

She was made from alchemy that was  forgotten long ago.

But she was too strong for them and she joined us vampires.

And we met through my best friend Angus who was apparently her lover back then.

I thought nothing of her until he died fighting against the werewolves with me.

Poor Minnie had to watch him get torn to pieces in front of her.

After that she refused to take part in the war and any canine she sees she will have a panic attack remembering how the jaws of the werewolves ate him limb from limb.

After that she had a baby. She is called Angie and Im her uncle. She is a cute little girl.

I sighed as I wanted to squeeze her little cheeks right now.

I then looked down to the note Minnie gave to me before I left.

Apparently the magi wants to give me the potion himself.

Humans these days have forgotten their dark art and have turned to practicing cultivation an ancient magic apparently practiced long ago.

Their are not many left. But apparently humans have a slight fear of werewolves after the war because they even had to resort to dark magic in order to fight them.

I sigh as I look at the piece of paper as I walked out of a gate that leads me to the human world.

Us vampires found a way to keep hidden from human eyes and that was by making our own space. Though we do still go into the human world we still need a license and to follow the rules or you are met with death.

I sigh as my hair color changes from red to black helping me blend in as I pass through the gate.

I merge in with human traffic as I grab another cigarette and before I could snap my fingers I sigh remembering I couldnt use any of my abilities in the open and reach into my pocket to pull out a little pink lighter covered in cats.

Angie said it was cute so how could I not keep it.