
Werewolf Legend: Origins

Didan has his own bakery in NooYo city. On a full moon night, a stranger suddenly broke into his home and changed his life. This is a werewolf, biting Didan crazily. .. Fortunately, the relic left by his father, a strange stone, turned everything around... He was bitten by a werewolf, and after turning into a werewolf, he merged with this strange stone, allowing him to perceive the powerful power in the world. With magical energy, he rose from among the many werewolves and began his own werewolf legend. A magical secret realm, a noble and elegant vampire heroine, and powerful extraordinary beings. While going on a fantasy adventure, romantic love is also essential.

Pengcheng_Yang · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 22 Vampire

Selena's hand was grabbed by Didan, and the huge force made it impossible for her to break free. In an instant, a strong masculine aura hit her face, and a blush appeared on Selena's face, making her dare not look directly into Didan's eyes.

Didan thought the girl was ashamed of being caught stealing, so she looked away and Didan continued;

"Looking at your appearance, you are not a heinous person. I have not lost any property. As long as you are willing to admit your mistake, I will not send you to the police station."

"You are the thief! Have you ever seen a thief as beautiful as me? I'm so angry, you hateful guy, how dare you do this to me!"

Selena was caught by Didan's hand. At first she felt a little shy. After hearing Didan call her a thief, she felt a little angry. She is a noble vampire royal. Even if she was penniless, even if she starved to death on the roadside, she would not be a thief!

After hearing Selena's explanation and noticing her gorgeous clothes, Didan believed that Selena was not a thief.

"Then what did you want to do when you came to my room in the middle of the night?"

Didan didn't feel the intention to kill him from Selena, so he was willing to talk to Selena instead of going to war directly.

"A little ant, what right do you have to question me! Psychedelic blood pupils!"

Selena's eyes suddenly burst into a burst of red light, and she went straight to Didan. The psychedelic blood pupil is a special skill that only noble vampires can master. The red light emanating from her eyes can pull enemies into an illusory world. thereby controlling the enemy.

After being illuminated by the psychedelic blood pupils, Didan felt that the world he was in had completely changed. He worked as a servant on a farm. His owner looks exactly like Selena. This change of identity, under the influence of the illusion, seems that Didan has been Selena's servant since birth and must absolutely obey Selena's orders.

Selena saw Didan's blue pupils dilate and his eyes could not focus. She knew that the psychedelic blood pupil had successfully controlled Didan, and she was very happy.

"Hurry up and give me all your demon blood, and tell me the process of obtaining demon blood."

At Selena's instruction, Didan took out the remaining two powerful recovery fluids from his trouser pocket and slowly handed them to Selena.

"It turns out that your goal is the blood of monsters. I let you down. I can't give it to you."

Didan clenched his fingers and retracted his half-stretched hand. When Selena used the psychedelic blood pupil, he was indeed stunned for a few seconds. However, the werewolf's natural vigilance allowed him to quickly return to normal. He pretended to be confused and wanted to know Selena's purpose.

"Are you also a transcendent? How did you find me?"

Facing Didan's inquiry, Selena also knew that the man in front of her was no ordinary person. She hurriedly retreated a distance, looked at Didan with vigilant eyes, and carefully felt the aura emanating from Didan. When he realized that Didan had only reached the first level of strength, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

As the pinnacle of a first-level transcendent, Selena was confident that she could defeat him and then take away two powerful recovery fluids.

"Only if you defeat me can you ask me. I must get two portions of your powerful recovery fluid."

Selena is already at the pinnacle of level one strength and is not afraid of Didan. She clenched her white fists and waved towards Didan. Although he was very fast, Didan could still see Selena's movements clearly and faced a frontal attack. Didan did not dodge the oncoming punch, but just punched it out.

The two fists collided in front of her, and Selena felt like she was hit on a hard stone. The pain in her hands made her very uncomfortable.

"Why is this guy's fist so hard? I'm much stronger than him, and I can't even get the upper hand in a head-on collision."

As soon as Selena finished speaking, the two fought several more times. Didan felt no pressure at all. His physical strength far exceeds that of his opponents. What worries Didan is Selena's identity. Is there someone extraordinary watching him? This is not good news.

Lin told him that NooYo City is a remote place in the world of extraordinary people. The entrance to the secret realm here can only lead to places in the secret realm where resources are scarce, so many powerful extraordinary people will not come to NooYo City. Unless they have a special purpose.

When you are weak, you should try to avoid contact with other Extraordinaries, because there are no legal restrictions on battles between Extraordinaries, and a powerful Extraordinary can easily kill you.

"I'm really angry. You're like a stone in the toilet. It's smelly and hard. It's disgusting. I came in such a hurry that I forgot to bring my sword. Otherwise, this guy would have been defeated. I didn't expect you to be in such a remote place." I can also meet an extraordinary person in this place. I don't know which camp he belongs to.

The Extraordinaries are divided into different camps and fight independently. Of course, some camps will form alliances. Generally speaking, extraordinary beings in the alliance camp are not allowed to fight, and those who violate the alliance will be severely punished.

Facing Didan's fierce offensive, Selena persisted very hard.

"I can't care so much anymore. If I keep fighting like this, I will be defeated by this guy. It's no big deal if my identity is revealed. How could a noble vampire be defeated by a mountain man!"

After dodging Didan's attack, Selena retreated to the balcony. A pair of bat-like wings sprouted from her back. The teeth in her mouth began to grow longer, and her ten fingers became more slender, but this gave her more strength and faster speed. The bright moonlight shone on her body, which was the night's preference for vampires.

Selena retracted the wings behind her back and turned into a vampire, just to better release the power in her body. Wings can have a detrimental effect when fighting in tight spaces.

Seeing Selena like this, Didan had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Oops, she turned out to be a vampire. Has my trace been discovered by a vampire?"

Vampires and werewolves are mortal enemies. Due to the existence of other extraordinary camps, in order to prevent other enemies from taking advantage of them, powerful beings such as vampires and werewolves will not engage in all-out wars, but will often have small-scale battles. Compared with other superpowers, the last thing Didan wants to see now is a vampire.

"No, she probably didn't discover my identity, otherwise she wouldn't have talked to me like this. Is it the black stone in my mind that hides my aura?"

Lin once told him that vampires and werewolves are very sensitive to each other's scent. They can recognize each other as soon as they meet, and their keen sense of smell can smell each other's special scent.

Even now that Selena has become a vampire, Didan doesn't smell anything special. Could it be that she, like me, used special treasures to cover up her smell?

"There is a treasure that can cover up the aura. Her identity must be very noble. I can't let her find out that I am a werewolf, otherwise I will definitely die here today."

Young vampires of high status must be protected by servants. Maybe in some dark corner, there is a powerful vampire watching Didan. As long as Selena is in danger, he will not hesitate. Kill Didan!