
Werewolf in Highschool DxD

A boy wakes up after a groggy dream about him meeting God. But he soon finds out it wasn't a dream - It was all real! He's been reincarnated as an avatar to that God! Follow Takuya as he shows the supernatural world of Devils, Angels and The Fallen, the might of a Werewolf!

Lazyy · Outros
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 - Waking Up

Feeling my headache like it had been hit by a hammer, I slowly sat up and held my head in my hands. I felt like I'd been drinking all night and doing all the hardcore drugs I could get a hold of.

My head was slowly clearing up and I could slowly see where I was. But this didn't make me feel any better as the location I was in was a mystery to me.

"What the hell...?" my voice came out hoarse and surprisingly high-pitched. I looked down at my body and saw that it was much smaller than I was used to. I stood up and stumbled my way over to a nearby pool of water.

I looked at my surroundings on the way over and saw that I was in a massive forest of some kind. The sky was pretty dark so I couldn't see much. When I was near the water, I had to stop myself as I saw something flash in front of me.

Shocked, I stepped backward and tripped, falling back onto my ass. I looked up at the origin for the flash and saw a screen appear in front of me.

[Hello Takuya and welcome to the world of Highschool DxD! After our conversation, I've been setting up your wishes and I must say they are quite good...But I couldn't implement them before you woke up, so you may have to experience some pain...on the bright side, however, you will be able to pick when the wishes are implemented!]

Disbelief filled my head and I closed and opened my eyes a few times before finally remembering something. I had a dream--Well, it probably wasn't a dream as this message proves, but nonetheless, it showed me speaking to a tall, humanoid Wolf. The wolf told me it needed an Avatar and it had picked me due to some talents I had - I don't know what Talents it spoke of because I didn't have any.

But after it said I would be reincarnated into a world, and that the world was from Highschool DxD, I quickly accepted. We then went over my wishes and before I knew it I woke up, which I thought was from a drug-induced dream.

Thinking about my wishes, I started to wonder what they were. When I thought about them, another screen popped up in front of me.

[Oh, and Takuya, here are your wishes. I can sense that you were thinking about them, so I thought I'd help out as I know how mind-wrecking reincarnation can be...but I assure you that your memories will return fully within a week or two! Anyway, this is the last message I can send you, so I'll keep it short. Takuya, show them the might of my Avatar, the Avatar of the Morrighan!

Powers Gained from The Morrighan: 1st Power - True Werewolf Physiology*. 2nd Power - Werewolf Weakness Resistance. 3rd Power Blessing of the Morrighan.

Wishes Granted: 1st Wish - Gain a Sacred Gear with the same powers as the Tsugomomo, Kiriha. 2nd Wish - Gain a Training Method that allows the user to get stronger. 3rd Wish - Enhanced Potential]

[Do you wish to activate any of your wishes now? Y/N]

(Author Note: He's more like a Noblesse Werewolf if anything~)

My eyes couldn't help but widen at the information in front of me. If what it said was right, then I was in the world of Highschool DxD, right?!

"Yes!" I couldn't help but scream toward the night sky. Thoughts went through my head at a million miles per minute. The number of hot girls in this series, the amazing powers...also the number of hot girls!

In my excitement, I flailed around and accidentally pressed the 'Y' on the screen in front of me and I instantly felt the changes.

"ArghhHHHHHH!" I doubled over as I clutched at the sides of my small body. He remembered what the Morrighan said to him in the message, 'Some pain? Some pain?! This is a lot more than just some pain! This is excruciating!' my thoughts were put on hold when the pain intensified with the cracking of bones following it shortly.


"sHIT!" I couldn't hold my voice in as my back seemed to be breaking itself and the rest of my bones followed suit.


My bones were grinding themselves down along with my muscles and organs. The pain was so horrible that I must have passed out because I found myself lying in a puddle of blood and black muck when I next opened my eyes.

But what I first noticed was the power flowing through my body. My blood felt like it had been supercharged and I felt like I was on cloud nine, above every trouble I could possibly have. I felt like I had such a pool of untapped power and potential that I wanted to get to training right away.

But of course, I couldn't.

[I knew I said my last message would be my final one, but something happened when you when I granted your wishes...it seems I couldn't make you a full-Werewolf because you wouldn't be able to have a Sacred Gear otherwise, so I had to compromise. You have the Internal Workings of a Werewolf, the heart of one of a powerful Werewolf I had as a servant millennium ago and also the mindset of a Werewolf, so you should be fine...Should be, anyway. This means you'll have to work even harder to become stronger but with the training method you were given, I'm sure you can become strong in no time. Anyway, I've got some Gods to kill, so I'll leave you to your stuff Takuya!]

I couldn't help but sweat at the last part of the message. But after a while, I started to think about what the message entailed.

"So my wishes collided with my powers...Tch, I was hoping that wouldn't happen but oh well, she said I had the internal workings, heart, and mind of a Werewolf, right? Isn't that all I need?" I smiled in confidence before I walked over to a nearby tree and pulled back my arm.

"Ha!" I let out a shout as I threw my arm into the rough bark.


I didn't decimate the tree but I did leave a massive crater in the tree. At least compared to my small fist. It was also much more than even the strongest of humans could do and from my body size, I seemed to be around 6!

"Hahahahaha! This is gonna be so much fun!" I started to hysterically laugh at my situation because who back on Earth wouldn't want to be in an anime world, full of beautiful girls while also having some kick-ass powers? Even if 99% of people actually didn't want to, I know that I'm sure as hell am part of the 1% that does want to.

My laughter came to an abrupt stop when I saw a person in front of me looking at me with her curious pink eyes.

She was quite short but she still seemed a bit older than me. She might have been around 8 or 9 but I didn't underestimate her because of her age as she seemed dangerous. But I knew that was just my knowledge of the future messing with me.

"Hm? Who are you?" the girl skipped up to me, her black hair, which was tied in twin-tails, trailing behind her as she rushed over to me, "Are you lost? I haven't seen you before and you don't have any Demonic Power..."

She put her finger on her chin and squinted her eyes at me which looked incredibly cute. After staring at me and looking me up and down as if analyzing me, she smiled and rushed at me, before she hugged me, "I'm Serafall Sitri, the heiress of the Sitri Clan! What's your name?!" I looked down at her, feeling quite awkward with the closeness and energetic of the girl in front of me.

I coughed a little before looking down at her, "My name's Takuya, I don't know who I am," it wasn't exactly a lie. I hadn't had an impact as whoever I was right now, nor did I have any history in this body, so saying I didn't know who I was right now wasn't much of a lie.

My words seemed to put her on edge, however, as she frowned, "So you don't have any family?" I shook my head, "Or any siblings or friends?" I shook my head again and this time her eyes went red and she started crying before hugging me even tighter, "Don't worry Ta-chan, I'll be your sister from now on!" she couldn't see it but my face was aghast at what she said.

'I know how this girl is with siblings she gets attached to...I need to leave! and quickly!' I started to think about how to get out of this when I heard a calm voice behind us.

"Serafall, leave the poor boy alone. He seems terrified...plus I think he may be a Human and your strength may be hurting him," I looked behind Serafall to see a crimson-haired boy walking over to us. He was quite handsome and his blue eyes were focused and determined like he would always know what he was doing.

Serafall didn't let go of me and instead picked me up and turned to face the boy, "But Sirzechs-chan, he's all alone! Can't we keep him?!" she looked tearfully at Sirzechs who only sighed and looked apologetically at me.

'Why's she treating me like some sort of pet? Plus, if they're here that means I'm in the Underworld and because they're kids, the Satan Faction are still around...if I get caught now, I'll be dead for sure!' nervously sweating, I looked over at Sirzechs, "Can you, I don't know, possibly send me back to the Human World?"

Sirzechs looked at me weirdly, "How do you know you're not already in the Human World?" he tilted his head at me, wanting to know how I knew.

I inwardly snorted before smiling at him, "Because you referred to me as a Human, which means you're probably not one. Plus the sky's a dark purple and there a storm clouds for miles on end...I don't think this would be very normal for the Human World, right?" hearing what I said, Sirzechs chuckled before walking up to me.

He pried Serafall's arms off of me before putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out a slip of paper. He closed his eyes for a moment and the slip of paper flashed red before he opened his eyes again and handed me the slip, "Crush the slip and you'll get sent to the Human world...But before you do that, could you tell me what you are?" Sirzechs seemed genuinely curious about what I was, so I decided to humor him, albeit in a round-a-bout way.

"Let's just say that I'm a modified Human, okay? Maybe one day I'll meet you again, that should clue you in on what I am, right?" after saying this, I didn't wait for him to answer before I crushed the slip in my hand.

"Wait--!" "Ta-chan!" Both Sirzechs and Serafall looked at him, or rather they looked at where he was. Serafall pouted before storming off and Sirzechs lightly chuckled before following after her, muttering about how Takuya was interesting.

Meanwhile, I was standing in front of a house. Next to the door was a sign that said Hyoudou and upon seeing it, I started to back away very slowly. I didn't want to interfere with the plot this early.

But as I was backing away, multiple things assaulted my brain and after a bout of intense pain, my body went limp and fell forward into the door. I heard some running behind the door and then my vision went black.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter~!

Lazyycreators' thoughts