
Chapter 5: Owner of the Jacket Found

I was woken up this morning freaking out about a jacket laid atop of me. It was black and leathery, almost like a biker jacket. Whose was this? I've only ever seen a jacket like this on one person, but I seemed to have forgotten who. It couldn't have been my foster father Dixon or my foster siblings.

None of them give a fuck about me anyway so, why should I? They all can go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned. So, who did it belong to? With that thought in mind, I decided to get up and take a shower and get ready for work. I gotta make money to get the hell out of this hell hole somehow.

After getting ready for work, I've decided to go out of my window instead to avoid Dixon. Climbing the tree downward, I've noticed paw prints on the ground. they were remarkably huge, shaped like a wolf paw. I traveled my vision along the tracks that led towards the woods. I decided to make a dash for the front yard in hopes nothing that large was still nearby.

I got on my bike and pedaled my ass to work. unlocking the front double doors of the restaurant known as "Bear Eats," I do my daily routine of preparing the restaurant as my fellow coworkers come in. After 2 hours, Anvi and her skank twins walk through the doors. I always hate the fact that they come here.

I always have to make up excuses just to avoid the dining area. Constantly looking in the kitchen for things to do. I watch them from a distance to take their usual seats. Although, unexpectedly Ashton and his crew enter through the front double doors. They seat themselves at my table. Weird, never thought they'd do something such as that...

They usually come in the afternoon, not this early in the morning. I wonder why they decided to come here early in the morning? Maybe, they've decided to try our new special? Honestly, as far as I'm concerned I couldn't care less... Although, I spotted Anvi rising from her seat and walking over to Ashton's table. They looked about like they going to have a fight.

Can't say I'm surprised. Though, this fight seems different, almost as if it meant to be an end. End of what? or possibly a new beginning of something? Typically I couldn't care less, but I do like a good drama show. Just not so much drama because I practically live it.

Every day of my life I try my utmost best to avoid Dixon. Anvi walked away from their table and took her twin skanks with her out the double doors. Good riddance, I may have a dislike for the girl, but that doesn't mean I wish for the worst like death upon her. When she left I went to walk to the table they were sitting at to do my usual bussing job. before I could get to the table, I felt a tight grip on my arm. I looked back behind me checking if it may be my boss, coworkers, or maybe if it were customers.

Only to find Ashton. I've realized we were right next to their table. looking back at his hand on my arm, I make a few notes about his hand. It wears scars as if he's been in fights. I'm guess he does street fighting? It's a thing that goes around town for others to make money for. Or so that's what I've heard. I look back up at him, "Is there something I can do for you, sir?" being polite as I can, I move my arm up in his view to let him know he can let me go. he does so, but he was hesitant.

"Yeah, when are you off? I'd like to talk to you when you're free." He smiled like a puppy. I ain't going to lie, it was stupid cute. I bet he wins every girl over with that smile of his, but I try my best to be resistant to that. His pearly whites are showing, I take a quick glance at his teeth making note that he has a slightly larger and longer K9's than a regular human would.

Maybe... no, I guess he just visits the dentistry often and asked for implants of larger K9 like teeth? I know his family is dumbfoundedly rich. "Um, okay. I get off in about two and a half hours. So, until then I guess you can wait here for a bit or go into town till' then." That was a lie, I get off in fifteen minutes actually. I didn't want him to know that though because he probably wants to talk to me about his homework or wanting to get into my pants.

No sir, not happening. not losing something to someone who definitely doesn't earn it especially if it's out of love. "Okay, but I prefer to stay here until then. I got enough time." His smile grew wider. It reached his eyes causing his eyes to shine brighter, almost like glitter. it's like his eyes glisten as if the ocean's reflection is bouncing off the waves causing the lighting of the sun to explode.

Now, that made my heart flutter for only a second, I had to regain control. I don't know what magical powers he had over me just by a minor move, but either way, I kind of like it. It feels alien to me, but almost as if I've missed it. Like something I've felt, but not in a while. A long while. I smile with a nod at him and made my way over to the table and cleaned it off. During the time I was cleaning it, I can feel a pair of eyes on me. The weird thing was that it didn't make me feel uncomfortable but safe.

Something that felt unfamiliar, but safe and comfortable and warm. Can someone please explain to me why or how that's possible? Who am I even talking to?

|| Author: You're speaking to your readers Natalia! I'm sure they'll answer their theories for you in the comments lol ||

I couldn't go out the front door without them knowing. I didn't want to hear what he had to say, I had enough problems of my own and I didn't need his to add onto mine by making me do his daily homework or become his toy. I also had to figure whose jacket was laying atop of me this morning.

With this in my mind, I glance at the jacket hanging on the hooks. I still couldn't figure out whose jacket it belonged to. I clocked out on the monitor and I ran for the back exit door avoiding Ashton. I whipped around the building to the front entrance where my bike was. Without thinking I've forgotten that Ashton's table was next to the front window where my bike was. What a coincidence that was, right? I jumped on my bike and pedaled as my life depended on it.

I hear a shout after me, looking behind me confirming it was coming from Ashton. What was surprising is that he got into his truck that happens to be one of my dream and all-time favorite vehicles because of my father. A 73 Highboy F150 was chasing me down the road toward the woods of my favorite quiet place in the meadow.

I whipped my bike around a sharp turn hoping to lose him. headed for my place where it becomes harder for people to catch up. Jumping off my bike, I ran like hell through the woods while listening to the noises behind. I began to feel terrified, was he really chasing me right now? maybe has something more to do with than just homework or becoming his side hoe?

I decided to be brave and stop in my tracks and face him. this time it was just him, "what the hell do you want from me? Why in the world are you chasing me? Do you not realize how that can scare a woman?" I try my best in questioning him keeping a distance. I made a mental note we were 6 feet apart. points for being a fast runner Ashton.

"I came to speak to you because you have something of mine. I'm sure you know what it is..." I studied his eyes checking as if he was messing with me. Turns out they were genuine, what did I have that belonged to him? Wait... Unless...

"Don't tell me your-" I was too shocked to finish that sentence.

"Yes, that jacket you have is mine." He took a step closer. I lifted my hand up hoping to create an imaginable barrier that he isn't allowed to pass. he was in my room last night? because of him, I had that dream and how much of the fact that it freaks me out how he even managed to get into my room. What did he do to me while I was sleeping?

"What in the Irene's heaven world were you doing in my room last night?" I asked. I was too shocked to even move or notice that he was moving closer to me. He didn't answer, all he did was pick me up in one swoop and hauled me over his shoulder. His cologne was intoxicating, Oh come on Natalia now's not the time to be thinking about that!

He carried me over to his truck placing me into the passenger seat, "look, this may seem forward or scary, or anything weird to you. All I can say is you'll understand in time. Until then, you're coming with me." Still, in shock I shut my mouth and watch him haul my bike into the bed of the truck.

Hello, lovely readers. I didn't realize my book would get so many views in such little time. I apologize for the errors in my writing, but that's one of a great many things of Grammarly right? I also took notice of your comments. They've given me motivation to keep this book continuing. At first, I didn't feel the need to continue this book because of all the doubts filling within my thoughts especially by certain people in my life. Although, you all have proven me and certain people wrong. So, thank you! Please enjoy this chapter and give as much love as you can possibly spread!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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