
Welcome to Urdak

New author and first story Disclaimer: This is NOT a DOOM fanfic, the name of the world is merely coincidental A young man gets hit by a truck and dies, an all too common occurrence, and as usual, his soul gets picked up by a God like entity, there, he is offered a chance, a chance to see his loved ones again if he helped the God with a problem in another world, accepting the offer, he is sent to the world of Urdak where he will soon find out, that problem may be worse than expected

Rider_Blazer · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs


Both nodded and I headed to the entrance of the village, according to my knowledge, Jō ain't around right now so they didn't have their strongest fighter, Doku was corrupted so I can assumed Nekro is being a bitch again, regardless…how do I play this?

-Might I make some suggestions master?

[Go ahead]

-For starters…

-…And you drive the blade through his skull, what do you think?

[God damn Monica, I am impressed, aight, let's do just that]

-Proud to be of help…might I get a reward?

I used the mental patting

-…So blissful~…

-Are you ready?

Ryu arrived alongside the girls

-Ready, let's go get that damn sword back

As we were leaving however


I turned around and saw Momiji running towards us

-While I don't think she wishes to join us, just in case make sure to say no, a group this big is already pushing it master

[Got it]

I looked at the rest

-Allow me

-We'll meet at the aerodrome, be quick

-Gotcha, go on ahead

I got to Momiji and she hugged me


-Thank you!! Thank you!

-…Of course, Kureha is my friend you know?

-She was ready to die! Ryu was ready to let her die!!

-You know those 2 are duty first emotion later, I did take a big risk though…

-But you'll get it back! I know you will!

-Heh, thanks



-Your phone…may I have the number?

-I thought they don't work here

-They don't…


-…I was powerless…that thing was playing with me…I couldn't even see his movements…

-Well that guy was bad news, you should be proud you survived

-…If you hadn't arrived, me and sis would be dead…


-I am not strong enough…Unlike you or master Ryu…I can't protect anyone…


-I am leaving the village to train…until I am strong enough to protect my sister


-So…I would like your number…so we can always be in contact

She is blushing as she is saying that, I can imagine what she wants

-Truly sinful master~

-That's meowster for ya~

-You are a threat my liege~

[Oh fuck off you 3!]

I wrote my number in a piece of paper and handed it to her

-I won't stop you, just make sure you are careful, a beautiful girl like you will attract a lot of unwanted attention

-B-Beautiful-?! I-I mean, I'll be careful! I swear!

I sighed mentally and patted her head

-Good, I'll see you later then


I quickly took flight towards the aerodrome in the nearby city, same one I registered for KoF, wonder how that is going?

-Check your messages once you are out

As I flew, I kept talking to Monica

[Did you do something else to the sword?]

-But of course! Thanks to your little outburst, the sword recognized you as it's master, so they will find it difficult to work with it, it should buy us plenty of time, enough for them to accept they won't be able to wield it now and try to awaken it, by my calculations, they will barely be able to awaken it by the time we crash in

[Lovely, we can take it easy on the flight till it's attacked then?]

-Yup, enjoy your break, today has been very exhausting for you master

[First the KoF, then Hel, and now the Vigoor empire…fucking hell what a day]

As I reached out of the EMP zone, I looked at my phone and a message from Chun-Li informed me that the KoF has been temporarily suspended due to the irregular gate incident and it will be resumed next week once security standards are upgraded, quite convenient honestly

I arrived at the aerodrome just in time and together with the rest, we got on the blimp like plane

-We are infiltrating the city, no need to let everyone know we are there

-How long do we have?

-A lot, I messed with the blade, they won't be able to handle it properly so we have at least an extra day as they beat their heads against a wall

-I am glad you are petty, if half the things these 2 said about the sword are true, we are in trouble

-Not to worry Impa, master Eric has it all under control

-Wish I could agree…

-Chill already Ryu, it'll be fine, aight?

-…Fine, I suppose I am too stressed, we each have our room, let's rest for the night and prepare a plan for tomorrow

We all nodded and headed off to our rooms

Once at mine, I wished to sleep but out came Kasha and she sat down next to me, hugging my arm as I was sitting in bed

-Need something Kasha?

-My reward Meowster, for holding that thing in check and protecting you

-Fair enough, what do you want?

She smiled mischievously and straddled me instantly before giving me a deep kiss, like last time, her tongue attacked mercilessly and I was just too tired to fight back, so I just allowed her to do as she wished, at one point, I began caressing her ears and tail, making her moan as we kissed…I was getting carried away…

Once she separated from me, her eyes were teary and unfocused

-Master…I don't want to hold back anymore…

I could feel the problems arising the second she called me normally, however, my mind was not working properly, likely drowned by the sensations, as such when Kasha got up and just let her freaking clothes fall off, my eyes were glued to her body

The temptation nearly made me lose myself, it didn't help that she immediately afterwards began kissing me passionately, her hands now no longer paws but humans, began to explore my entire body, I was still too caught up to try and stop her

However, before things got out of hand, Yuki emerged and placed one hand on Kasha's shoulder, she meowed in surprised and jumped off me, sticking to the ceiling in a very cartoon fashion

-I know how you feel Kasha, but master has a promise to keep

I knew that, but still felt ashamed of myself for not regaining control soon enough


-Sorry Kasha…she is right

-Ah! God dammit!!

She came down and went back in, the frustration likely killing her, I felt awful for not doing anything but…I had a promise to keep…2 years huh? It may have been a mistake…tch…fuck!

-My liege, I will hold on to that reward, until you have fulfilled your promise, ok?

-…Yeah…sorry, and thanks Yuki

-If you truly wish to thank me, fulfill that promise soon

She disappeared and I was left on bed annoyed at my own inability to control myself

-How could I let it go that far? What was I thinking?!

-You weren't thinking master…then again, neither was I

-…God dammit…I am so sorry Kasha…

-…Master, if I may?


-The promise was that your first time would be with Leona


-…Isn't there certain things you can do without crossing that line?



-Explain NOW!!!

-I am just saying, you should also know master, your hands are not merely for decorations

I felt my mind going into short circuit before Kasha appeared yet again and pinned me down, her strength was way beyond normal

-Whatever Monica meant, I deserve it master, give it to me now!


I refuse to narrate what went on that night, just understand, no lines were crossed, and somehow I left her satisfied…just leave it at that


"❤️❤️❤️ (Amazing…)"

I…won't elaborate

-Not even your summons are safe from you huh?

-…You saw all that?

-We all did, and now those 3 left all hot and bothered, we both know what they are going to do

-…I'm not sure how to respond to that

-Like this, once your promise is fulfilled, you will have a lot on your plate mister playboy


-Now then, shall we?

Freyja offered me her hand and I could only sigh, I won't get a break even in my dreams it seems

As we walked towards her new fucking castle, we spoke about the events that have been happening thus far

-…Then we blasted that bitch all the way back to the realm of the dead

-To think I missed so much…brother should be made aware of this, if Hel really wiped out the realm of life, she has to be punished

-So is it finally time to meet my brother in law?

She blushed and hit me lightly

-Come on you damn playboy

-Right behind ya

We walked towards the castle, flirting the whole way through since no way am I wasting this quality time, Freyr is a chill dude so I expect no problems introducing myself, he cares for Freyja so chances are he knows of me, even better if he has a good impression…polygamy aside of course…

Hope that's not too much of an issue…

As we reached Freyr's castle, Freyja hugged my arm intimately and proudly walked in, a bunch of people inside saw us and looked either devastated or shocked, a bunch of horned people, though none I recognized

As we marched through the halls, more people showed up and began to follow us, while some of the guards looked bewildered, likely shocked to see Freyja showing such intimacy with someone

Also, I got so many fucking death glares I can't even, my mind was sending me countless alarms of bloodlust being sent my way


-Yes darling?

I could feel the hatred intensifying

-What's with all the glares?

-Oh…them? Those are the losers I told you changed their tune when they saw my new looks, of course they won't be happy to see my beloved

-Didn't you say you had a boyfriend?

-I did, but no one believed me it seems, all likely thinking that I said it to get people off me

-Some seem like they still don't believe it

-That right? Well, how do you suggest we fix it?

I saw her mischievous smile so I followed her game and kissed her before everyone, I could feel both hatred and despair all around us…it was actually rather funny

After a few minutes of a passionate kiss, I released Freyja and she smiled infatuated while gasping


She hugged me even tighter and kept leading me now with a happy blush on her face, the people who followed us all stopped, a few fell on their knees while others glared at us

-Seems like they got the message

-That, they did, thank you my love

-Any time sweetie

As we finally reached Freyr's throne room, Freyja opened the massive gates while shouting

-Brother! I am here!

As she entered, I followed, Freyr was sitting on a throne with a serene expression that turned into a smile when he saw Freyja

-Freyja! Welcome, what brings you here today?

-I wanted to introduce someone to you dear brother! Eric, this way

I walked to her side while Freyr was giving me a curious look, his advisors (I guess?) all looked at me weirdly

-A mortal?

-What is a human doing here?

-Eric…is that…

-Indeed brother! This is my beloved!

I made a slight bow

-It's an honor your majesty

Freyr seemed surprised before saying in a neutral tone

-Everyone, please leave us

The advisors all left with a spooked expression, if I recall, Freyr cares for Freyja, but he ain't into her like she was originally, just a good big bro, so after everyone left, he got up from his throne and got close, his gaze never leaving mine…despite the fact that his eyes were closed

Once he was right in front of me however, he bowed


-Thank you…thank you for protecting my sister when I couldn't…


-Woah! Raise your head your majesty! I don't like it when people bow to me!

-It's what I have to do…Freyja told me everything…I failed her, I made her feel like a load, an annoyance…I failed my own little sister due to my negligence…that is why…thank you…

Unable to bear that, I lowered my head and grabbed both his shoulders, making him look at me

-You are right, you did fuck up


-But that doesn't mean you don't love her, we all make mistakes Freyr, but you still had time for her despite your heavy responsibilities, one mistake is not unforgivable, and you learned from it ok? I don't hold it against you, and I am sure neither does Freyja, so raise your head, and meet us both properly

His eyes actually opened and looked at me shocked

-Freyja, do you resent him?

-No!! How could I ever resent you?! Idiot!! You are an idiot brother!!

-…Ha…ha, I…I don't think I have ever heard you insult me before sister…

-You deserve it! You never failed me! You were the only good thing in my life before Eric!! How could you ever think that?! Idiot!!


-You better be!

Yeah, Freyja was not happy

-So yeah, no issues here your majesty, now, it is a pleasure, my name is Eric, mortal, warrior, aspiring king of fighters and your astounding sister's boyfriend

He looked at me and smiled softly

-It is a pleasure young mortal, I am Freyr, king of Ljósálfheimr, realm of dreams and brother to Freyja, thank you for being so good to my little sister

We shook hands and the conversation flowed a lot better from there, Freyr summoned a table and some chairs for us to have some tea as he summoned maids to bring said tea, at first the conversation was about me since Freyr wanted to get to know me better, and I complied, I was not sure whether or not to trust him with my true existence but Freyja grabbed my hand and gave me a nod, so I told him

-…And that's about it

-A reincarnator…fascinating, that goddess…Erizabeth, while I have never heard of her, I believe I trust her judgement, despite your incredible power, you have used it for good

-Of course he does! I wouldn't fall in love with an evil man brother! I have good taste!

-And I am glad sister! With how clingy you were before Eric appeared, I was worried you were falling for me! Hahahahahaha!

He laughed in a good mood, likely thinking he made a joke, both me and Freyja smiled awkwardly since we skipped the whole videogame part, I just told him I died in my world and got to this one

Still, thanks to the happy mood, I took the chance and we happily chatted for a while, talking about everything, the realm, their lives, Freyja, much to her embarrassment, and finally we arrived at the topic that I feared might be a problem

-…And then I gave them the dream to unite that land and give aid to all races

-No wonder my home is so accepting, thanks for that Freyr! I would hate to deal with racist pricks aside from the monsters…

-It is no issue, now Eric, I wish to ask you a question

-Go ahead

-My sister said that she was your 3rd girlfriend, who were the previous two?



-She meant she is my third current girlfriend


-I have multiple girlfriends, all aware of each other, as I plan to practice polygamy, I love all of them equally and shall never play favorites, and there is a chance that I may fall in love even more

-…Is that so?

MAN it sounds even worse when I say it out loud…but that is the truth behind how I feel, I ain't sure if I truly will be able to love equally considering the direction I am heading but…I'll be damned a thousand times before I let them be sad, of that at least, I am certain

-I swear on my soul and honor Freyr, that I shall never let Freyja be unhappy, and I shall give her joy for the rest of eternity


-…Hm, you are being honest…how surprising


-…Sister, are you ok with this?

-…I am brother, I love Eric, and a man of such caliber will obviously attract others, so that doesn't bother me…besides, I know he loves me, and will never hurt me

-…Hm, understood, if you both are ok with it then I have nothing else to say


-I give you both my blessing, make my sister happy or I shall hunt you down myself

-I swear

He smiled pleased and the atmosphere once again became cheery, I know this normally wouldn't be the case but my feeling are honest, thus, I saw no need to lie at all

After that, we bade our farewells and left the throne, but when we opened the gate, a bunch of people fell, likely all of the eavesdropping



-…Go ahead, I will deal with them

We ignored the eavesdropper and left, and as soon as we left the castle, Freyja jumped me and began passionately kissing me, not even giving me a second to breathe

As we kissed, eventually she released me, gasping for breath, her eyes were misty



-Thank you…

Her hug was as tight as ever

-…I am so glad I met you…

-…As am I

-…You have done so much for me…yet I have brought you nothing but trouble


-Let me finish!


-…The hatred of most people in this realm…dragging you into my family issues…my own self esteem issues…my selfish desires…and even spying on you…yet I still betrayed you when that bastard Kazuya hurt you…I allowed you to be hurt…I didn't trust you even after everything…


I wanted to say something, but I respected her wishes

-And yet…and yet…you still love me…you show so much care for me…you even promised to make me happy…even when I have yet to do the same…


-…I don't deserve you…you are too wonderful to me…yet I am not…


-That is why…I wish to swear to you here

She released me and looked straight into my eyes, her beautiful crimson eyes filled with both tears and determination

-I shall do everything in my power, to show you the same love you have shown me, from today, until the end, I will make you happy, no matter the cost


"❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 (No matter what it takes)"

Well that got fucking heavy…

-…Hm, fine, I will hold you to it then, and know, that I shall do the same for you

-Hm, I know

She then snapped her fingers and we were again in her own castle, where she simply dragged me to her room and we spent the rest of the night making out…nearly crossing the line but I awoke before the chance could be taken

I woke up back in the airship in my room, Kasha was sleeping by my side, naked and hugging me while I had no shirt but still had my pants, goes to show how close we came to crossing the line


-Yes Monica?

-I am amazed you didn't cross the line again

-…So am I

-Making that promise was not a good idea it seems


-Will you keep it when you come back?

-Likely I will fulfill it…these hormones are getting out of hand

-That they are…Master



-God dammit

I covered Kasha as the black spider again attacked, they came through the window causing an ungodly sound as I rushed and iron gripped the first one and without hesitation, crushed his skull, the second tried to stab me but I used his dead comrade as a shield and then fired a small fireball, consuming him completely and turning him to ash


-Attacking Ryu and Impa

-So suicide, cool

At that instant, the door was kicked open

-We have been made! Let's move Eri-…

Ryu looked at the situation, looked at the bed, sighed and asked

-Did I come at a bad time?

-Give me 2 minutes to put on a damn shirt and get Kasha back

-Both Ayane and Momiji won't be happy

-Why bring them into this?! Regardless, leave and, dunno go kill some fiends, I'll be right there

He nodded and walked out as I sighed

-The timing was perfect

-That is the universe playing with you master

-How unpleasant

I put on a shirt and activated a mana barrier, the only armor I have for now, then I put on a duster since I felt it's gonna be a long day

I got close to Kasha still purring in her sleep and gently shook her

-Kasha…time to wake up kitty

She slowly opened her eyes and upon seeing me she smiled and kissed me

-Morning meowster~

-I can't believe you didn't wake up earlier

She seemed confused before noticing the green blood on the room and the corpses


-We are under attack, get dressed

-…So much for pillow talk…


-Fine, but please meowster, let's do this more often

She got up and stretched, casually revealing her naked body to me again, I had to put a lot of willpower to not get distracted, something she noticed

-Hm? Meowster, if you wish for a glimpse or touch, you only need ask

This fucking temptress…

Fuck it



-Get it together, we are under attack, get dressed and come back, I'll be outside fighting

-Master!! What was that?!

-A man can only take so much!

-…That actually felt good…

I swear to God…