
Welcome To The supernatural World; What Power Would You Get?

Doron was unfortunate to meet a wendigo during a camping trip, and this encounter turned his life upside down. Now, he has to survive in a world that he thought only existed in novels and comics. The thing is, that wendigo for some reason changed into a loli?, that could grant him super powers for a day or when his life is in danger?. All this started because he went into the woods to get firewood?! I think, he would be traumatized from this... poor kid won't go into the woods ever again.

papylion · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 30: Opening The Door To The Second Floor

After they had quickly disposed of the bodies, the trio and their new companion headed out, and unbeknown to them, something strange was happening outside the dungeon.

About a few minutes ago, everyone inside the dungeon was suddenly pulled out.

This only happens when a party had already killed the dungeon boss.

This is how the dungeons work. Each dungeon would send those who have come to challenge them to another plane of existence, hence the vomiting.

Aside from that, these planes have the same look and topography with the others. For some reason, those that enter together within a time frame of a minute get sent to the same plane, but after that minute, others would be transported to a different plane, with same style and monsters and ungeon floor bosses.

The only difference is that they would all onverge at the same floor where the dungeon boss resides. The person or group that lands the finishing blow get the rewards and others get thrown out.

This is where the strangeness lies, no one had even crossed the first floor yet, it was still morning, it usually takes about two days to three to cross the first floor, and yet someone had already reached the dungeon boss's floor?.

A bearded man wearing robes that made him look like some kind of wizard appeared and could nothelp but show a hint of surprise on his face.

'The children nowadays are so eager to get stronger' He thought as he looked around, but found their facial expressions to be weird.

"Sorry young man, but what happened, I can see that everyone here looks confused." The old man asked a boy who had the same the expression as everyone.

"T-th- the dungeon was cleared" The man said with shock.

This also shocked the bearded man as he looked at the tall tower infront of him.

"Cleared, when?" He asked again. He too knew how long it would take to clear the first floor, now you saying someone and his group cleared it so fast? Did they hide in the dungeon since yesterday, or did they sneak inside when nobody was around? Even the man knew that these things are impossible to happen, the dungeon was guarded by two viscount ranks and even if the people that entered were barons, they would be instantly kickied out of the dungeon on it's own.

"Not too long ago, like about 30 minutes ago"

The man looked at the man in shock. "Which time did you enter? "

"That was yesterday"

The bearded man then stroked his beard in thought. 'If he entered yesterday, that means that he should have been kicked out about two days from now, but this is too early'

The dungeons also had a very perculier feature. It would be open for 12 hours, allowing adventurers to enter within that 12 hours. Those that enter are somehow marked as, so if someone within that group that entered during that 12 hours completes the dungeon, those that entered with him would also be sent out. That means those before or after him won't be affected, only those that entered together with him.

The man was so engrossed that he did not notice that the man he was talking to was looking at the dungeon weirdly.

"Am sorry, did you perhaps see a boy of about twenty years old, with rose colored hair, about this tall and with two girls who both have light brown hair" The bearded man asked the boy who quickly hid his expression.

"No, maybe he entered today or a day before yesterday?" The boy answered a bit unsure.

"Thank you for your time" The bearded man left as he looked at the dungeon. 'Those are fools if they leave this realm menace alone to groom those failed summons of theirs'

The bearded man left, but unknown to him, his left eye turned gold for a minute before returning back to normal like nothing ever happened.

Back in the dungeon.

Doron and the rest were currently following the slime Marble as she led them to another entrance into the second floor of the dungeon.

They did ask her some questions but all she said was.

"A shoing yo tha wey!"


"Ma, said I shuld sho yu da wey"

So they eventually gave up asking her anymore questions as they silently followed her.

They did meet some slimes on the way, but all the did was look at them with curiosity as some of them even started singing, now the whole forest was covered in the songs of the slimes.

They had been walking for almost an hour as they finally realised that they were back to the cave they were staying in before.

The trio looked at each other and then at the slime that had a look of confusion on her face.

"Tha wey not here?" Patra asked mimicing the way the slime spoke to them.

The slime looked at Patra and shook it's head... Well if the blob turning side to side was what you shaking her head then let's go with that.

"Tha wey here, just not opin" Marble said

"Not open?" Iris asked.

"Yes! need core!" Marble answered as she jumped up and down and made them look at the floating ball in her body.

They did not notice it before, as the ball was just moving around her body, and with her size, it was really hard to spot the ball that was the size of a bottle cap.

"She is talking about the slime core that the boy was talking about" Patra said.

"So how are we going to get it, if we don't were it is, since someone decided to kill the only people who knew about these things"

Doron just turned his head to the side and whistled, he has the right to remanin silent.

"Do you know the way Marble?" Iris ignored Doron and looked at Marble, who nodded her head, and then shook the head.

"No wey"

"No way? What do you mean?" Iris was confused.

"Slime core! opin door" Marble said as she bounced up and down again and made her slime core visible again.

The trio then looked at each other as they realised that the slime wanted them to do.

"Are you sure?" Iris asked worriedly.

They knew that the slime was just and innocent monster, it could have just killed evryone and just capture Doron and be done with it, but the fact that it did none o those things showed that it was not really a heartless thing.

"um!" Marble nodded her head as she showed them her slime core, the determination and fearlessness on her face made Patra tear up as she could not bring herself to watch such a gruesome and morbid act of killing Marble and taking out her slime core.

Doron who was at the side just looked at them like they were fools, luckily Iris was not looking at him, or she would forget her duties and really fight with Doron.

After calming down a bit, Iris slowly stretched her hands and brought it closer and closer to the giggly body of Marble.

The slime just looked at Iris with eyes that said "It is fine, am okay".

Patra on the other hand was already tearing at the side as she watched as how Iris was slowly bringing her hands towards Marble's slime core.

After what felt like an eternity, her hands finaly got to the location of Marble's slime core and her hands were now inches away from piercing her body.

"Are you ready?" Iris asked with concern, to which Marble just nodded.

Iris sucked in a deep breathe and plunged her hand into the slimes body an grabbed her slime core that felt smooth to the touch.

The inside of Marble's body was really warm, as Iris did not have to fear her hands dissolving into a puddle of blood in Marble's body.

Patra who saw this fainted... well if you ignore her half open eye lids, then let's assume that she fainted.

Doron on the other hand just rolled his eyes at this scene as Iris now had tear streaks running down her face as she slowly brought her hands out of Marble's body, with the core in her fingers, with some slime on her fingers.

"Okei, now put it in the slut" Marble said.




They all kept quiet for different reasons.

Doron was about the sentence that Marble said, whiles Patra and Iris were quiet because they did not see Marble turn into mush.

That is when her sentence rang in their heads.


They all thought as they looked at each other, Doron on the other hand was looking at Iris.

"... What are you looking at?" Iris said with a smile that was not a smile. as she looked at Doron who now felt that the cave ceiling was very interesting for some reason.

"Ahem, Marble what um, slut?"

"Yes slut"

Marble then went deeper into the cave, prompting the others to follow her.

That is when they found out that the cave was deeper than they had thought, at the end of the cave, they saw what looked like crevice that had light emitting out of it.

The crevice was about 2 meters wide and about 3 meters tall.

Inside the crevice they saw a pedistle that was about a meter tall and had a hole in the middle of it that was a perfect fit for Marble's core that Iris was holding in her hands.

As they saw this, it suddenly dawned on them, as they all looked at the innocent Marble who looked back at them with a smile.

"The slut!"

Their lips twitched as they heard what Marble said as they looked at the pedistle.

"It seems that she meant slot" Patra said earning a glare from Iris, which made the latter bow her head.

Iris then went into the crevice and placed the core into the slot on the pedistle and instantly they a portal appeared, on the other side of the portal, they saw a woman in her early thirties sitting on a throne crying as her shoulders shook.

"Darling?" She suddenly raised her head and looked at the portal with a shocked expression as she looked at Doron.

"... Why does this feel familiar for some reason" Iris said looking at the slime boss, or who she thought is the slime boss.