
Act 0 - Prologue : The Novel

"grandma grandma!"

"Yes dear arent you supposed to be asleep?, its your 10th birthday tomorrow"

"I cant sleep can you tell me a story?"

"Okay my dear but only if you get my reading glasses and the book called "The starlight fantasy"

"Okay grandma"

I then grabbed my grandma's glasses and her book and gave it to her ,After i gave it to her she starts reading it with a gentle and soft tone.

"There was once a fantasy world where demons and gods exist, the lands were both ruled and protected by the 7 gods,each in their own nation, these nations are known as "

Tiame - "The nation of Time"

Youras -" The nation of Energy"

Rotos - "The nation of Justice "

Mayura -" The nation of Stars"

Dreamos - "The nation of Dreams"

Latos - "The nation of Destiny"

Tasore -" The nation of Fate"

"Everything was peaceful and beautiful but then one day a dark demon was born, this dark demon is known to be the darkest of all demons and has the power comparable to the gods."

"This demon is also very prideful and cruel, he hates seeing how the humans think that demons are weak in this world, so he went to a library to know know on how to become so powerful that everyone will fear and cower seeing him even the gods"

"He then found a book about the absolute power that can only be used by the darkest demons of the bunch, he opens it and saw a picture of a dark crystal named as the "Sin"

he then set his journey to find this crystal"

"Years went by and he finally found the crystal, he touched it, the crystal glowed brightly and gave him absolute power!"

"this demon then grabbed the crystal and gave this to the other demons ,but when he gave it ,only some demons were able to harnessed the power"

"These demons would be later be knowned at the 7 rulers of hell"

"The leader of each section in hell."

"They planned to invade each nation of the gods to show that demons have the power to beat gods"

"The god were alerted by their own power that a dark storm is heading towards their way so they prepared"

"The gods declared this as the "great storm"

The battle of Demons,Humans and gods"

"The humans were confident that they were gonna win, but they didn't know that demons that are coming for them were much stronger than before because of the crystal"

"Months later the war started The nation of Stars with its god has fallen first every people of the nation went to the nearest nation which is dreamos which will soon fall"

"The rest of the gods were worrying for their nation,knowing that they'll be next, the gods created an artifact called the "Beatrice Rel"


"Legends say that whoever touches this artifact will be able to talk to the gods and have their power"

"Each nation slowly falls down untill the nation of time was next"

"Tiame the nation of time is the most powerful and dangerous nation out of the 7, because of it being related to time , this nation was already aware of its downfall so they made a preparation, sealing every history and future in a magic time void capsule"

"The day finally came and every nation was fallen the 7 sin was laughing and celebrating every moment, the the people of every nation was mourning and crying because of their nation and of their love ones fall"

"The people of the destoryed nations suffered great scars and traumas"

"So the remaining god which was the god of time created a realm using all his power, which lead to his death, this realm is now known as Hope where the people of histories will stay and hope for a god to help them."

"And that was the end of the summary of the novel i read"

Grandma smiled as she closes the book

"Grandma what happened to the gods? Why didnt they do anything?"

"That is a good question my dear, you see the gods protected their nations until the very last moment of their life except for the last god which is called the time god"

"My dear... I think you should go to sleep now its almost your bedtime , mommy and daddy is gonna get angry if you dont sleep in time okay?"

"Okay grandma! But its ashame..i was so interested"

"Dont worry my dear....you'll find out very soon...."

I then went to my bed and lie down wanting to sleep, but my mind is still on the story,after a few minutes i felt drowsy so i slowly sleep.

"Sweet dreams my dear...i love you"

Grandma kisses my in the forehead

"Let all your fantasy be your confidence."

Grandma went out of the room and went to her cabinet and brings out a jewel.

"My dear and only grandson...iam afraid the burden will be passed down to you soon...,i hope when that storm comes..you'll remember this story and use it as your guide in the future"

"Iam sorry my dear but i cant change this fate anymore... neither to hide this world from them"

Grandma went to her bed and slept the night

A day passed by and it was finally my birthday

i woked up from my bed and went downstairs to see my parents and my grandma.


Everyone shouted with my relatives on the side, my parents were holding the cake with candles while playing a happy birthday song.


My eyes widen, full of happiness and excitement fills me, i quickly ran to my mom and dad and hugged them

"Thank you mom and dad!"

"Blow the cake!"

I then blow the cake and everyone cheered cheerfully , my grandma was on the side smiling gently holding her gift, while the other relative and friends already put their gifts on the sofa

Everyone started eating the food that was prepared while i go to the presents and open them one by one , my parents were happily recording me while i am opening my presents.

"Wow is this....a....necklace with a cross..?"

I said in a confused tone

"Oh thats mine i figure to gift it to you since youre already 10 you need to have a closer relationship with god" my aunt said

"Wow...thanks?" I frowned a bit because i was dissapointed

I opened another one and found a ditendo swap


I happily yelled

"Thats from me kiddo" my dad said happily

"Thank you dad!"

"My dear i think its time for you to open my gift next." My grandma said in a gentle tone

"Okay grandma!"

I then opened her gift, it was a necklace with a beautiful shining blue stone inside the box

"Wow this is so beautiful i love it thank you grandma!" I said cheerfully

"One day, when iam gone from this world i want you to wear it so i'll always be with you till your story ends."

I then looked at my parents and was confused by their expressions they were saddened and a bit angry of the gift

"Ma...can we talk to a quiet room?" My father said in an angry tone

"Honny stay here me and your grandma are gonna have to talk." My mother said concerned


20 minutes have passed they were still talking on the quiet room so i decided to eavesdrop


"Honny i think we should calm down-"


"Thats enough son, who do you think is gonna protect the world if iam gone because of age? I may have the blood of a time keeper but i dont have their immortality!"


"its because that he is fated to be the next *****of this era!"


"The crystal made me viewed its visions and its clear that your son is no doubt to be the next god..."


"i dont possibly know but his fate isnt decided like the other gods."

"What do you mean?"

While i was eavesdropping carefully my relatives were behind me


I stumbled

"I think your parents are having a private conversation so its the best if you dont listen, its an adult thing you know you know?"

(Time skip)

It was night time after a long birthday party i was so exhausted on singing and joining the games.

I went to bed to relax and rest but the conversation that i heard on that room bugged me

What do they mean? Fated to be the next god? I dont get it.

I then slowly fell asleep on my bed and started dreaming.

[10 Years Later]

Iam at my grandma's funeral...crying and whimpering on her casket while wearing the necklace she gave me last 10th birthday, everyone was in tears, my parents, relatives and her friends

I was crying hard and couldn't calm down and accept it,same reaction for my father.

5 minutes later father's speech began

30 minutes later i was at the car of my parents, and went home, i immediately got to my room and cried hard.

The crystal on my necklace glowed slightly while crying.

[???????'s Pov]

"Sire the barrier of world 908 has finally fallen do we deploy troops immediately?"

"Did that keeper finally died?"


"Ugh this is so boring...i kept invading the world for powers but what does the benefit me?"


"Only power, not everything else..i wanna experience something new... you know.new story?"

"But sire its your destin-"

"Shut the hell up if i heard the word destiny one more time i would kill you understand?"

"Yes sire."

"Now...(sigh) deploy the troops like how we've been doing over the last centuries.."

"Of course sire"
