
Welcome to Hell, Heroes!

(18+, Grotesque Violence, Sexual Content, Abuse, Mass Murder) A psycopathic high schooler, consumed by his inner demons, encounters the devil himself. Instead of claiming his soul, the devil offers a sinister deal. "Hell? Don't be ridiculous," the devil chuckles, a flicker of malevolence in his eyes. "Those self-righteous prigs disgust me even more than you do. Let's strike a bargain. Eradicate those pathetic sheep, and I'll grant you your wildest desires."

Vanhel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Unexpected Confrontation

The lights dimmed, and a spotlight illuminated the stage as the host emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding the attention of the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice echoing throughout the grand ballroom, "once again, I thank all of you for your participation tonight. For this grand auction, we've brought you the finest products guaranteed to suit your taste and needs. Well, without further ado, let's begin the auction!" With those words, the atmosphere crackled with excitement as the bidding was set to commence.

Julian watched from his terrace, sipping his glass of wine, as two men pushed a huge cart covered with a cloth onto the stage. The anticipation in the room was palpable as murmurs of curiosity rippled through the crowd.

Come on, almighty apostle, surely you won't let such mischief go on, right? Where are you now..

Julian scanned through the hundreds of participants, his eyes darting from one face to another in search of any sign of the revered apostle in action.

"Ladies and gentlemen, originating from the far-west, I present to you our first item today..." the host announced, his voice resonating through the ballroom as he dramatically pulled the cloth off the cart. "A male centaur!" he exclaimed, revealing the creature inside a steel cage before the astonished audience.

"Bidding starts from 80,000 frax," the host announced, his voice carrying over the murmurs of the crowd. "Coming up to 90,000... 95,000 by the gentleman over there... 105,000 by the lady in terrace 3," he continued, as the bids escalated rapidly, each one raising the stakes in fierce competition.

"Sold!" the host declared triumphantly, his voice ringing out above the clamor of the crowd. "To the gentleman on terrace 5 for 180,000 frax! Let's give a big round of applause!" The room erupted into cheers and applause as the winning bidder claimed victory.

First round, still no signs huh?

With the first slave sold, the atmosphere in the grand auction house buzzed with a mix of excitement. As the cheers for the winning bidder faded, another figure emerged onto the stage, 

"Next up, we have a popular product renowned for its longevity and scarcity," the host announced. "I present to you a female young elf!" As the cloth was ceremoniously removed, revealing the delicate figure of the elf standing before the mesmerized audience, a hushed awe fell over the crowd, captivated by her ethereal beauty.

"Bidding starts at 150,000," the host called out, setting the stage for the fierce competition that followed. "170,000... 185,000... Do I hear 200,000? 215,000... 300,000 from the lady with the red hat!" 

"450,000... 800,000 frax from our gentleman on seat 120! Going once, going twice, sold!" the auctioneer's voice rang out. The fat man, victorious in his bid, rubbed his hands together with satisfaction, a smug chuckle escaping his lips.

Hell nah, such a shame...that elf won't even stand a week.

As the night wore on, and dozens of slaves had already been sold, there was still no sign of the rumored apostle. 

Seriously?! 15 slaves and no apostle? I must've overestimated these apostle's sense of justice.

As Julian grew increasingly restless, the host announced yet another slave, but this time the atmosphere shifted, becoming more intense and charged. The participants seemed more eager, their eyes alight with a hunger that bordered on desperation as they awaited the unveiling of the next slave.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe most of you have been waiting for this moment," the host announced, his voice carrying a sense of gravity as he addressed the eager crowd. "We have finally reached the climax of tonight's event. Five hundred men perished in pursuit of this particular product, hailing from Amorranta, the domain of dragons. I present to you a young female dragonkin!" 

Julian, who was originally unfazed, almost spurted out the wine in his mouth, the sudden announcement catching him off guard. The wine shot into his nose, causing him to cough and sputter.

*cough* ..*cough* ..*cough* What the fuck? *cough*

Inside the cage, a figure resembling a human girl stood, her pale white porcelain skin gleaming under the spotlight. She had twin tails with ribbons on both sides and two horns protruding from her head. Two small wings adorned her back, and her ruby eyes sparkled with an otherworldly brilliance, captivating the audience with her presence.

It should be a sin to be this beautiful... Eighteen years of my life, yet none had ever come close to this ethereal before me. Lucifer could wait—I wasn't walking away from this empty-handed!

Drool began to drip from the corner of Julian's lips as he struggled to contain his lustful mind. Quickly realizing his lapse, he adjusted his posture and wiped the drool away with the back of his sleeve.

I want her...I desire her...so perfect, so exquisite, I could feel her body in my arms...come here baby!!!!!

Laughing like a maniac, Julian's gaze remained fixed upon the stage, his eyes ablaze with malice.

"We start the bid at 800,000 frax, Coming in at 850,000... 900,000... Did I hear 1 million?! Yes, 1 million from the gentleman on terrace 9! 1.5 million from terrace 6!!! Going up, going up, 2 million!!! 2.2 million... 2.4 million... 2.8 million... Coming in again, 3 million frax from the lady in the black dress! Anyone else? Going once, going twice..."

"Five million!" Julian's voice cut through the air, his bid shocking the room into silence as all eyes turned towards him.

"S-sold! To the young master in terrace 1 for five million frax! Everyone, please ring your loudest applause!" The auctioneer's voice rang out, his proclamation met with a wave of applause and excitement rippling through the room.

Hahahahahaha! HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's one thing to boast such big numbers, but sadly, I don't have the money nor the intention to pay..

Julian's gaze shifted to the briefcase beside him, a devilish grin spreading across his face. "Let's wreak havoc,"

As Julian's euphoria reached its peak, a sudden cacophony shattered the air, causing him to startle. The heavy wooden doors of the hall swung open with a thunderous bang, admitting a flood of people whose sudden intrusion disrupted the ambiance of the auction. Amidst the chaotic influx, one figure emerged, standing tall and defiant against the tide of commotion. His presence commanded attention, his voice ringing out with righteous indignation as he denounced the proceedings unfolding before him. "In the name of Libertas, stop this immoral mischief at once!" he bellowed, his words cutting through the clamor.

Libertas? Are you fucking joking with me?!!!! I looked for this motherfucker for a long fucking time and he didn't show up, now when i try to have a little bit of fun he spoils it...

I'm gonna kill you!!!! I swear i'm going to fucking kill you!!!!! Die!!!! Go to fucking hell!!!

The participants erupted into panic, their faces contorted with fear as the intruders threatened to arrest and seize them. In a frenzied scramble, they scattered in every direction, pushing and shoving in their desperate bid to escape the looming threat. The air crackled with tension as chaos engulfed the once orderly scene, turning it into a whirlwind of confusion and apprehension.

Two men barged into Julian's terrace, shouting as they moved to capture him. With a sadistic expression, Julian's hand darted to his waist, pulling out the Hell Eagle from its holster.

"Meet my baby and send my regards to Lucifer," Julian taunted with a chilling smirk. 

Bang Bang! 

Two bullets erupted from the muzzle of the Hell Eagle, piercing the skulls of the captors with deadly precision.Their bodies stood rigid for a moment before gravity took hold, sending them crashing to the floor headfirst.

With his briefcase slung over his shoulder, Julian moved swiftly out of the terrace, he looked unruffled and composed amidst. His demeanor cool and collected despite the chaos unfolding around him.

Shit! He's so close yet so far... only a pull of a trigger, tsk..i can't kill him in this position.

Determined not to leave empty-handed, Julian navigated through the chaos, his gaze fixed on the stage where the host and captors were arguing with each other. As people around him either ran for safety or sought to avoid capture.

Bang, bang! Two shots rang out from the Hell Eagle once more, cutting through the tumultuous air. In an instant, the captors fell to the stage floor like insects, their bodies crumpling in a heap. 

The host fell to his knees in awe as he witnessed the captors meet their demise, a mixture of fear and disbelief washing over him. His pants grew wet as he involuntarily pissed himself. Ignoring the trembling host, Julian strode purposefully towards the cage where the young dragonkin was held captive.

"W-wait! She's a super rare commodity! You can't touch her!" the host stammered, his protest quivering.

"Eat this shit and shut - the - fuck - up," Julian spat, shoving the gun's muzzle into the host's mouth before mercilessly pulling the trigger.


The host's head burst like a balloon, the contents of his skull scattered across the floor.