
Welcome to Hell, Heroes!

(18+, Grotesque Violence, Sexual Content, Abuse, Mass Murder) A psycopathic high schooler, consumed by his inner demons, encounters the devil himself. Instead of claiming his soul, the devil offers a sinister deal. "Hell? Don't be ridiculous," the devil chuckles, a flicker of malevolence in his eyes. "Those self-righteous prigs disgust me even more than you do. Let's strike a bargain. Eradicate those pathetic sheep, and I'll grant you your wildest desires."

Vanhel · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Inevitable Suffering

It was meant to be a bright summer day, yet the sky hung heavy with sorrow, as if it's mourning. The temple, usually bathed in radiant sunlight, was now shrouded in shadow. The cheerful chirping of birds was replaced by the cawing of crows, a bleak soundtrack to the day's events.

Despite the unpleasant aura, the worship hall was packed to the brim. The Children of Libertas, adorned in their white vestments, sat solemnly as their apostle commenced the day's worship. With a bell in hand and incense burning on the altar, the statue of Libertas, goddess of freedom, stood majestically at the front of the grand hall.

As Apostle Adam Atlee immersed himself in prayer during the ritual, unexpectedly, the chalice on the altar, filled with offerings to the goddess, toppled over and scattered its contents across the ground.

The congregation gasped in awe at the sight, their murmurs growing louder as whispers spread among them. From the outset, the atmosphere hadn't been the friendliest, and now, with the chalice of the goddess toppling from the altar, it seemed as if a bad omen loomed over them.

"What happened? Did the chalice fall by itself? Is the goddess angry about something?"

"Is this a sign? Did the goddess reject our offering? Is it a bad omen?"

The whispers grew louder and more frantic, the tense atmosphere even causing some of the children to cry out in fear.

*Clunk* *Clang*

In the midst of the chaos, Adam rang the bell in his hand, its clear, resonating sound cutting through the panic and bringing a moment of calm to the crowd.

"Children of Libertas, do not fear. This is but a coincidence. Our goddess is the most tolerant and kind. She would never cast omens upon us. This is merely a meaningless distraction. As your apostle, I guarantee that all is we-."


Suddenly, one member of the congregation pointed towards the fallen offering on the ground. The air grew heavy with dread as they stared in horror. The fruits and golds inside were melting, twisting and contorting into a thick, crimson liquid that oozed like blood, staining the pristine marble floor of the temple.

Adam's heart raced as he watched the scene unfold before him. The once serene atmosphere of the temple was now thick with tension, a palpable sense of unease settling over the congregation. A cold breeze swept through the hall, carrying with it a rotten stench that made Adam's stomach churn.

"Goddess....what just happ-"

Before Adam could finish his sentence, a chilling gust of wind whipped through the temple, extinguishing hundreds of candles and incense in an instant. Darkness enveloped the hall, plunging it into a realm of shadows.

The cry of panic reverberated through the hall, intertwining with the screams of terror that pierced the previously solemn atmosphere.

Amidst the chaotic cries, an eerie chant echoed through the temple walls:

"Nomine Lucifer, tenebras ab inferis evocare profundo, lucem tenebrae absorbebunt. Clamor miserorum commoneatur, nemo daemonum suorum captionem effugiat, elt pereat omnis divinitas, hoc gehennae est judicium. (In the name of Lucifer, to summon darkness from the depths of the underworld, they will absorb the light of darkness. Let the cry of the wretched be remembered, let no one escape the capture of his demons, let all divinity perish, this is the judgment of hell.)"

As the chant echoed through the hall, a sudden eruption of flames burst forth from the air, devouring the banners on the sides of the hall. The banner adorned with the symbol of Libertas was quickly consumed by the inferno, its once pristine image now twisted and charred in the flickering fire.

Witnessing the horrifying events unfolding before his eyes, Adam collapsed onto his knees, sinking to the ground in shock and disbelief.

Adam's trembling hands reached for the edge of the altar, his heart pounding erratically in his chest as fear gripped his very soul. With a quivering voice, he whispered a prayer for divine protection, his faith shaken to its core by the unholy spectacle unfolding before him.

The walls began to tremble, the ornaments and symbols of Libertas vibrating violently, some even turning upside down as if defying gravity.

Adam gazed deeply into the eyes of the goddess before him, horror gripping his heart as he witnessed the statue's eyes welling up with tears of blood, crimson rivulets streaming down its stone cheeks.

The congregation surged towards the exit, a wave of panic sweeping over them as their primal instincts drove them to flee from the malevolent force lurking within the temple.

As they reached the exit and the doors swung open, they were greeted by a crowd gathered outside. Guards, police officers, and enraged citizens stood before them, the angry crowd brandished torches, pitchforks, swords, and daggers, their faces twisted with resentment and hatred, seeking vengeance.

"Officer, thank goodness you're here! Inside the-"

"CHURCH OF LIBERTAS!!! You stand accused of desertion and actions that endangered the safety of all Desmont. You must now pay the full price for the blood you have shed."

"H-huh, w-what do you mean-?"

In that moment, the sorrowful sky finally shed its tears, heavy rain pouring down as if the goddess herself were weeping for her people. This day would forever be remembered as the darkest day in their memory.

"Mom, im scared..."

The angry mobs charged towards the people of the church, blindly delivering judgment, slaughtering and slashing through anyone in their path. Women, children, and elders alike fell victim to their frenzy, screams of horror echoing through the streets. Blood mixed with the rainfall, turning the cobblestones into a crimson pool.

Surged like a tidal wave, their eyes glinting with fervor, their weapons raised high. With each strike, the air filled with the sickening sound of flesh being rent apart. Innocent cries mingled with the pounding rain as the streets ran red with blood, a grotesque tableau of horror and despair. The once peaceful town now became a nightmare realm, where the innocent were butchered without mercy, and the streets witnessing the wails of the dying.

Adam stood frozen amidst the chaos, his gaze fixed on the carnage unfolding before him. His limbs felt heavy, as if shackled by invisible chains, and his mind was consumed by a numbing sense of helplessness. The screams of his people pierced the air, but to Adam, they seemed distant, as if coming from another world. In that moment, he felt as though his very soul had been torn from his body, leaving him adrift.


Adam's screamed on top of his lungs, a primal cry of anguish and despair. With trembling legs, he pushed himself to stand, his body feeling like lead as he forced himself to move. Ignoring the horror unfolding around him, he stumbled towards the back door of the temple, his only thought to escape the nightmare that had engulfed his world. As he burst through the door and into the forest beyond, he fled into the darkness, leaving behind the destruction and death that now stained the temple of Libertas.


What just happened? Why... why?! What's going on? I don't understand anymore... What is all of this? Everything was fine just moments ago, and now... chaos, bloodshed, death. The people I swore to protect... slaughtered before my eyes. How could this happen? How could it all fall apart so quickly?

My feet hurt. It hurts a lot from stumbling between rocks and thorny branches. I can't stop... I must run... I must be...

Goddess... You promised. You promised everything would be alright, that my life would not be shrouded in suffering anymore, that I would not hurt anymore... What happened? Save me, goddess... Where are you? Please, save me.

"Don't look back... Keep running—" Huh? My leg... It feels numb... Cold... No... I can't feel my leg, I'm falling... What's happening... I can't...

The apostle, tripped in his escape. Time seemed to slow as he realized his body was falling to the ground, his head crashing into the rocks. Blood flowed from his legs, two holes visible where something had pierced his knees.

My head... it hurts... I can't see clearly... Ah, someone's approaching. Who is it? Is he coming for me?

"You know, it's really difficult to catch you. I had to go through a shit ton of problems, but eventually, you can't escape your fate."

"You—Who are you?!"

"Your angel~! Sent here to t-a-k-e y-o-u-r s-o-u-l~"


In his last attempt of defiance, Adam roared and manifested his Dei Virtus, trying to strike Julian with his spear.

Easily, Julian caught his spear. Adam struggled fiercely as he tried to pull his spear back, yet his hand lacked the strength to move it even an inch from Julian's grip.

"Your resistance is futile. Just accept your fate. Oh yeah, anyway, I'll take this. Thank you." With just a pull, Julian snatched the Spear of Freedom from Adam's hand. It was so easy, as if seizing candy from a baby.

"Now... why don't you call that god of yours... This is getting too easy," Julian taunted with an evil smirk, humiliating the blood-drenched boy in front of him.