
Welcome to Author's World

A game developer, a 21 year old individual, was forced to abandon his dreams to follow what his family wanted for him. Everything turned downhill after his car accident and he thought that it was the end of his story. Until someone brought his half-dead body to the future and changed his life for good. They used his theory to bring him back to life. The future is a new world where all desires and wishes coming true are social norms. Time traveling, world-hopping, becoming 2D anime characters right before their deaths, and planning to bring anime characters into real life as fellow individuals are all possible in the new world. Justihn was brought back to life as a 2D anime character, taken by the female CEO of the Xill Games where he once worked. He was forced to participate in a game where his story and characters were to be simulated. They compete, and fight other fellow authors or should we say gods of their own creations to reach the last man-standing rule and claim victory. If a second chance in life is given to this man, would he pursue his dreams in this timeline?

MisterEnd0821 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Redoing his life as an Author

It was the beginning of his story, a gentle soul of a young man steadily strolling around the snow.

He enjoys the scenery as he was about to go towards his office as his job was just brutally making a toll on his fatigue.

He exhaled calmly as he needed to support his family's needs, got siblings to pay their school fees, and other necessary taxes to be charged with.

Soon he went inside to work for at least 21 hours.

2 days later, for over 34 hours straight, he was able to finish his work earlier than usual, but the shivering cold from the environment and his short sleep matches his listlessness from working too much.

It is unhealthy to do so but it can be managed to rest at his own room afterwards.

Working alongside the Xill Games Company, it has been a tiresome job to work on these kinds of games for the sake of their salaries.

Since it is the job that he is suited, he has no choice but to do it.

Most colleagues he has are full of plans for their own games to be promoted, while this certain guy just support their games by fixing their bugs and beta testing their own games if it is profitable or not.

While pondering about it, there is one forgotten dream he longed for before.

Something that caught his attention, but he can no longer remembers it.

Walking at a very bright day at a cold environment, he wants to go to a café to buy some caffeine.

After that, he drinks it slowly as walking at the road with his vision slowly blurred due to the bright light that prevents him to see some of the scenery.

He was in the middle of the road.

At far away, one of those roads, there is a car that is increasing its speeds for no reason.

Not long while that driver realizes, the brakes won't work anymore, only he can stop the speeding car by through crashing.

As that person can no longer control the car, it didn't took a while before he sees someone in the middle of the road.

The driver who controls the unstoppable car yells to that person in order for him to flee.

But it was too late, that someone was crashed into an accident, screams of a lady was heard at a nearby cafe, seeing the guy that worked all night finally led to his last breathe.

"My name is Justihn Louize D. Galang, and I was in an accident."

The guy from before introduced himself through the readers of this novel as he was drowned by his own blood.

The driver from before noticed that the brake from his car was covered by a stuffy bear, which explains the reason why the brakes won't work.

That driver can't handle to be in trouble just for this accident so the driver fled the scene without calling 911 and the emergency ambulance.

Justihn's POV

The bright light overwhelms the scenery as causing the sight to focus on an open window, birds chirp and fallen leaves feebly blown by the fair wind.

As a teenager named Justihn is reading a picture book from an elementary grader, it brings back memories since when he was young he used to read this often.

A little boy went on an adventure as many unspoken plot emerges through the main character.

Making the little boy overwhelm by the responsibility he has on his life, ceasing all life to exist.

In return, he learnt something through this mistake, that is to never regret any actions you've taken.

And so Justihn was inspired to do the same.


He wanted to write his own story, and so he plans to do so.

With imagination and determination, he manages to write his own chapter.

But as soon as he turned 19, he soon to realize how responsibility weighs heavier over his own happiness.

His family wasn't happy about his own dream.

They believed that he couldn't have a brighter future if he latched on something insignificant.

So he had no choice but to abandon his own dream.

And look how he got there.

He died without achieving the life that he wanted.

He was so focused on worrying someone that he couldn't even bother worrying about his own life.

So, he loathed himself more than before as soon as he realizes how much did he messed up.

Mistakes have gone higher, and it will never be corrected.

But today, something is off.

It's like he has given a new life for him to change his ways.

And that took a dark turn on his behalf.

He had a perfect family, someone he can rely on.

Unlike before, they don't have to bear the responsibility for their future just to entertain someone.

Now he can pick however he pleases.

"Mother, Father. I'll quit school."

Justihn utterly says with a determined look.

His mother cried as his father's disappointed face grew weary of his wicked thoughts.

He kept on writing and writing all day, as he declared that he can't go to school anymore.

He only wanted to keep on focusing on his story.

As the time passes by, and so does his age.

He started to notice about his mental health issue, he began hearing some voices all over the area.

It's not like there is someone constantly talking but it was his own senses that he can hear such horrific thoughts.

His parents soon to figure out his mentality so they put him in an appointment with a psychiatrist.

"What seems to be a problem?"

"My son has troubles on hearing.

He seems to be hearing voices inside his head.

He can't differentiate the voices from his head towards in real life.

What should we do?"

"I see. Can you tell me the other details regarding your son?

Based on your written information towards this paper, he is 19 but not graduated through college."

"That's true. He stopped studying as soon as he started writing."

"What do you mean?"

"He writes novels for a living."

"I see. This is what I recommend.

Please do take this pills known as the olanzapine as a form of medication from hearing voices inside his head.

That way he can ease his mind on writing and sleeping at night.

Also try to learn step by step on recovering his mental trauma.

I can't know what's inside his mind so better contact me if possible."

The psychiatrist gives a contact number from his mother.

"Mental trauma? What do you mean?'

"Based on the information I had, it seems he has a stress going on regarding his school life so something must have happened before."

"I see."

"So please come back for a month if something changes on his behavior."

Afterwards, they both go home and soon Justihn writes another chapter.