
Who is She

"Show yourself."

At the front courtyard in the manor is twelve-year-old Lan encircled by eleven guards with their swords out ready. A small wind breeze through and eight well-built figures in black appear in front of them.

The frontman, seemingly the leader of the group laughs. "What's a little kid doing out here. Didn't your grandfather teach you to be in your room? Trying to be brave? Brat, don't be laughable."

Lan giggles in response, and raises her right hand. The guards started to back up. Lan observes: These men are rookie assassins. No proper formation. No proper skills.

Not a second wasted, Lan grabs her mother's dagger [that never leaves her waist] and swiftly attacks.

The assassins went offensive, but all were for naught as the Lan's movements are far more superior to theirs.

On the floor lays seven bodies whose neck or stomach has been slashed open.

The guards surround the last man. The man who was stupid enough to look down on their Grand Master and first miss. One swiftly pushes his acupuncture to stiffen his body and brings him to Lan who was wiping the blood off the dagger onto her dress.

Lan takes off her weimao hat and hands it to the nearest guard, crouch down to the man's level, and glides it along the man's cheeks. A line becomes visible as blood flows out.

"Say, I should be in a room as grandfather teaches, but you'd be tied up in there as well... where I will personally pour salt to your wounds, let it heal, and you know, reopen it.. oh all the possibilities," Lan threatens.

"Wh..who..who are you?" He manages to get the question out. He never knew there were any kids, let alone a girl. 'We just lost to a girl?'

"Hmm, should I tell you? Ah. I should. That way, your fate is certain." Lan clears her throat. "Wei Lan. I am Wei Lan. Granddaughter of Commander Wei."

Frightened, the man realizes knowing her secret identity could only mean death. He tries to commit suicide before they can know or do anything further. He tries to bite his tongue off.

Pity. Lan predicted such. She rips off the veil from her hat and shoves it in his mouth. "Aya, not so fast sir," Lan says humorously. The man is now crying visible tears.

The guards internally laugh. Their miss is scary indeed. At seven, she surpassed the skills of a regular soldier. At ten, she surpassed the skills of a guard. At twelve, she surpassed the skills of a ranked officer. It would not surprise anyone when one day she surpasses Grand Master. They scoff. Their miss doesn't need to act brave.

Lan lifts the man's face with her dagger. "Now, let's continue to the part where I--"

"Lan." All guards turn to the source of voice and bows, "Grand Master".

"Dispose of the bodies. Bring him to the dungeon and find who he serves for. Report immediately when you do. No words of tonight's events should be heard." "Yes," all obliged to their order.

Whilst it all, Lan made herself comfortable at a table nearby, playing with her dagger. Commander Wei made his way to the table and sighs at the sight of blood on her. 'She did it again.' "Lan'er, go change and meet me in my office."

"Mm," and Lan left.

Commander Wei went to sit and sighs. He could guess who those men worked for. Conflicted, he realizes that living in the Capital is getting more dangerous. He proceeds to head back to his office.

A good hour went by, and a servant announced, "Grand Master, First Miss wishes an audience." "Let her in."

Lan walks in and stops in front of her grandfather's desk. She bends both legs towards the right, and both hands on her left hip, right over left, looking down to curtsy. "Wei Lan greets grandfather."

Xia's curtsy is similar but still different compared to Qiu. As a princess years ago, she grew accustomed to Qiu's formalities. But who knew that a quick-learner like her had the most trouble learning Xia's basic etiquettes. Just remembering her uncle's methods teaching her made Lan quiver; He even put hot cups of tea atop of her head to fix her posture. The pains of sword wounds Lan is used to, but never the hot liquid that spilled on her.

Commander Wei, sternly made his way to Lan, both hands behind his back, crinching his eyebrows. In front of Lan, he moves his hands to her face and flicks her forehead. "Child, are you mocking me?"

Lan looks up and laughs. Though she learned women's etiquette of Xia, she barely applies it inside the manor. No one required her to.

The pair made their way to their seats.

"Liling is safe in her room. There were only eight men here, so I accounted for that before letting her leave."

Commander Wei nods. "You. You're only twelve, yet you speak and act like your uncle," shaking his head.

Lan giggles. She knows her grandfather wanted her to act and enjoy things girls her age would, but she grew to love training and learning war/battle strategies. She started to prefer being at training camps and battle sites too. Though, her uncles and grandfather wouldn't let her too near in concern for her safety.

"Aiya, grandfather, you can't keep nagging me. Blame Uncle Jing. He was the one who insisted on training me in ALL areas. I can't help it." The pair giggles. They both know Lan was joking. Her uncle's training plans for her are hard, but Lan knows it's his best to teach her the most. She preferred it that way.

Nearby Commander's office, General Wei's steps were interrupted by a sneeze. 'That brat's talking crap again.'

From outside the office, laughter between the two can be heard. No doubt that their grandmaster dotes on Lan the most.

Then, a servant announced, "Grand Master, First Master wishes an audience."