
The Party

Lan wakes up before dawn to begin her training. She no longer needed her uncle's training the moment she surpassed him AND her grandfather two years ago. Since then, Lan diligently self trains and learns literature herself.

Lan trains all day, every day. She has another reason to since the assassin. Determined, Lan hasn't strayed from her goals. Her uncle and grandfather could only stand on the side and aid her when she needed it. Lan was capable of such. The way she thinks and acts have developed to a level beyond her age and gender.

In the secret training center, Lan practices with Guang He's sword, the one specially made and heavy. She blindfolds herself and imagines the dummies as her enemies. In one swift move, she successfully slices all five heads off. Right before she was about to take the blindfold off, she turns around to place the sword on against a neck. One against her's as well. "Uncle."

Before she could breathe after identifying the person, he attacks her. He hastily swings his sword, cutting through the air to the girl. Lan, however, successfully defends all moves. The second she felt the vibration of his body stop, it was an opening. She makes a 360 turn behind him and places the sword back against his neck.

Lan calmly takes off her blindfold and chuckles, "Uncle, are you getting older, or are you just rusty", she teases. She puts the sword down and back to its case. Wei Jing turns around to flick her forehead, "Brat." She smiles. "You're good Lan..anyways, get ready, we'll be heading to the palace as you wanted." Lan nods, "Mm."

As she leaves, she turns around midway towards Wei Jing, "Uncle, you're good too, you hesitated on purpose. Ah, you should go get ready as well." He nodded and she left. Wei Jing smiles, 'She has grown so much.'

In her room, Lan preps for the party. "Do my make up today. Make it simple though. Ah, and use these two," Lan smiles and points at the jasmine and orchid ornaments to her maids. The maids nod, "Yes, miss," but are shocked she asked them to do her make up. Lan never does her makeup because she never needed it inside the manor, and she's always covered when outside.

But today's different.

The three made it to the palace late. Doing such is considered disrespectful to the emperor and his family, especially since Guang He is the main man today. However, it's just as planned.

Guang He walks in, in his uniform that's well distinguished with a golden tiger emblem. Wei Jing walks behind him in his smaller, but also distinguished armor that has a silver tiger emblem. Lan follows the two men last, in a white and emerald dress that has sparkling white linings. Her hair in a simple half updo, accessorized with the flowers, and white dangling jewels. She has a white veil to cover her face, but still expose her pure, captivating eyes. Everything about Lan tonight is more than normal, but still simple compared to other girls.

Lan doesn't need more though. She is the beauty accentuated by accessories. It same can't be said to other girls.

The three walk up the stairs until they reach the palace hall gate for an eunuch to announce, "The Wei Clan: Retired Commander Wei Guang He, Commander Wei Jing, and Miss Wei Lan has arrived."

Everyone but the emperor and empress bowed, and the three reciprocated. "We greet Your Majesties. May your majesties live and reign for the thousands of years to come." Guang He nonchalantly made an excuse, "This servant apologizes to Your Majesties, we were held up by a slave's quarrel."

The room froze for a second. Wei Jing tried to keep a straight face, while lucky Lan smiles under the veil.

The emperor knew damn well it was an effort to piss him off, and he is, but he won't let Guang He have what he wants. Emperor Yuan laughs, "It's quite alright, better to teach slaves since they mirror their master's capabilities."

Guang He and Wei Jing kept a fake smile. Lan bows, but glares at the emperor that sent chills down his back. 'Just you wait.'

Emperor Yuan motions so the three could sit down. As they walk forward, people looked at them in awe. Two men with such intimidating presence and a girl who glides passed them ever so elegantly. Her appearance today contradicts every rumor that called her plain. Now, they're even more curious about the face behind that veil.

The party continues with dance and music performances, and food and wine.

Noblemen--besides Guang He and Jing--all kisses up to the emperor. They drink and have their casual talks as it was hard for them to do so on the daily while aiding the emperor to govern the kingdom.

The kids of these noblemen hung around their small groups. Unlike Lan who's mostly inside to train, these kids had connections through their fathers. Guang He wasn't one to befriend those two-faced ministers. He didn't need to.

Most families hated the Wei for their immense power despite without the emperor's backing, while others were scared. Only a few respected them for their loyalty and uncorrupt actions towards Xia.

Lan sits in the back lifting her veil here and there to eat. She hated it, so she made the plan to take big bites, so she doesn't have to lift it often. Other young masters and misses would try to sneak a peek to see her face, but it's all for naught.