
a miserable life

Once a year me ansim and my parents we went every Saturday weekends to have a coffee not far from the market which bordered on the coast where the fishermen of our city took. That evening my mother Antoinette had no intention of going there to have one of her coffees with us because she had just spent a pitiful working week, she said to herself, but my dad insisted that we spend one of these weekend routines but mom won't accept that. Dad then brought me one of my sweaters that I would always like to have on me because we were so cool in Bordeaux where each parent took care of their children like a mother. hen warming her chicks. Me and dad then we take this road stuffed with snow roses where we go to the usual place. He ordered me a hot tea accompanied by my beloved croissants, He then took one of his preferences, we let's enjoy but not only being like in the presence of mom. We are barely finishing this evening when we were returning home when dad wanted to take me as a man already aged 19 or more, he was going to start with this sentence which said " my son you know the time ps evolve and things change I really want to quickly show you what real life is with webnovel..." Because suddenly we hear a loud noise that was heading towards us was a police car who was chasing a fish truck that was going right in our direction... To be continued